Indicibili sofferenze per i civili israeliani e palestinesi: la comunità internazionale si mobiliti per aprire la strada della pace
Esercito Italiano–Marina Militare “Assistiamo con angoscia alle cronache del brutale attacco di Hamas contro Israele: le immagini delle violenze nei confronti dei civili sono atroci e dimostrano ancora una volta come a pagare il prezzo più alto della guerra siano sempre i cittadini innocenti. Giovani israeliani sono stati letteralmente falciati durante un momento di svago,…
Children killed and injured by remnant explosive in Rakhine State
An explosive killed one child and put two others in critical condition when it detonated in a displaced persons’ camp in Rakhine State’s Ponnagyun Township, according to camp residents. Source: Birmania (Myanmar)–Stato Rakhine–Sittwe–Ponnagyun L’esplosione di una mina o altro ordigno esplosivo uccide un bambino e ferisce due coetanei. Biography of a Bomb
Three civilians, including a child, killed by an IED of unidentified source in southern Daraa governorate
Three civilians; identified as 39-year-old Anas Ibrahim al-Kour, 34-year-old Bassil Abdul Karim al-Msalma, and a five-year-old child named Udai Mohammad al-Kour all from Daraa al-Balad area, were killed on October 6, 2023, by the explosion of an improvised explosive device (IED) Source: Siria–Daraa L’esplosione di una mina o altro ordigno esplosivo uccide tre persone….
Landmine Blast Kills 3 Shepherds in Iraq
Three shepherds from one family were killed Saturday in a landmine explosion in Iraq’s central province of Salahudin Source: Iraq–Salahuddin (Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn o Salâh-ad-Dîn) L’esplosione di una mina uccide tre pastori. Biography of a Bomb
Landmine explosion kills child and injuries another in Deir Ezzor countryside
A child was killed and another was severely injured due to the explosion of an old landmine near Euphrates river, while they were playing near Al-Tayanah town in eastern Deir Ezzor countryside within SDF-held area. Source: Siria–Deir el-Zor Zona Al-Tayanah. L’esplosione di una mina uccide e ferisce due bambini. Le vittime giocavano vicino al…
Landmine blast kills one in Tartar
One person was killed on Friday in a landmine explosion in the village of Chayli of the Tartar district Source: Azerbaijan–Tartar Territorio Chayli. L’esplosione di una mina uccide un civile. Biography of a Bomb
A Kolber sustained a severe injury due to a landmine explosion at Piranshahr Borders
Arsalan Safiyari, a resident of Piranshahr, was severely injured as a result of a landmine explosion while working as a porter at the Piranshahr border. Source: Iran–Azarbaijan occidentale–Piranshahr L’esplosione di una mina ferisce gravemente un lavoratore. Biography of a Bomb
2 children killed in mine blast in N.Afghanistan
A group of children were playing on a hill in the Qarachonqal area of Darzab district around noon when they found a toy-like device and began playing with it. But the device exploded suddenly, killing two children on the spot and injuring Source: Afghanistan–Jowzjan (Jawzjan) Distretto Darzab, territorio Qarachonqal. L’esplosione di una mina uccide…
Il reporter Biloslavo agli studenti di Gorizia, «vi racconto la guerra»
Esercito Italiano–Marina Militare Pordenone–Udine–Trieste Gorizia Daniele Tibaldi «Non avrei mai pensato di raccontare un conflitto convenzionale con una superpotenza nel cuore d’Europa. E invece ci siamo trovati di nuovo con l’incubo della guerra». Ha commentato così, ieri mattina, il giornalista triestino Fausto Biloslavo l’invasione russa dell’Ucraina iniziata l’anno scorso. E Biloslavo, quest’incubo, lo conosce fin…
Landmine killed
A 32-year-old man, identified as Tareq Abdul Rahman al-Hjeij, was killed on September 26, 2023, by the explosion of a landmine whose source we have not yet been able to identify, while he was harvesting his agricultural land in the vicinity of Kherbt Ghazala town in eastern rural Daraa governorate. Source: Siria–Daraa Zona Kherbt…
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