IED device caused blast at convention centre in Kerala
The blast at a convention centre in Kerala on Sunday that claimed one life and injured 36 others was caused due to an improvised explosive device (IED), state DGP Shaik Darvesh Saheb said. Source: business-standard.com India–Kerala L’esplosione di una mina (Ied) piazzata in una sala congressi uccide un civile e ferisce altri 36 congressisti. Biography…

Landmine blast
Incident in Banteay Meanchey province where a resident, while in a forest, inadvertently detonated a landmine, resulting in the loss of his left leg, as reported by CMAA on October 25. Source: phnompenhpost.com Cambogia (Cambodia)–Banteay Meanchey L’esplosione di una mina ferisce gravemente un civile. Biography of a Bomb

One civilian killed in explosion in Qamishlo
A civilian was killed in the city centre of Qamishlo in an explosion, the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported. Source: kurdistan24.net Siria–Al-Hasaka (Hassaké)–Qamishli-(Al-Qāmishlī-Qāmishlī o Kamichlié) L’esplosione di un residuato bellico o altro ordigno Ied, uccide un civile. Biography of a Bomb

Con gli occhi di Amal e di tutti i bambini del mondo
Ieri, lunedì 30 ottobre presso la sala Polifunzionale dell’Università di Bari è stato presentato il cortometraggio “con gli occhi di Amal”. Il corto, in chiave poetica, racconta la tragedia della bimba yemenita Amal Hussain, morta di stenti e fame a causa di una guerra che le aveva già portato via la famiglia. L’Associazione Nazionale Vittime…

Tractor driver injured in landmine blast in Azerbaijan’s Tartar
On October 26, at about 07:00 (GMT+4), tractor diver Elchin Nuraliyev (born in 1970) hit a landmine in Talish village of Tartar district while doing agricultural work Source: xalqqazeti.az Azerbaijan–Tartar Zona Talish. L’esplosione di una mina ferisce gravemente un lavoratore a bordo di un trattore. Biography of a Bomb

Civil Defense member injured by landmine explosion in Naqoura
Civil Defense member injured by landmine explosion in Naqoura Source: mtv.com.lb Libano–Sud Libano–Tiro–Naqura (al-Nāqūra-Enn Nâqoura-Naqoura-An Nāqūrah) Un volontario della Protezione Civile è ferito da una mina o altro ordigno inesploso. L’uomo era intento a spegnere un incendio provocato da ordigni sparati in zona. Biography of a Bomb

Man killed by landmine in Kharkiv Oblast
A man was killed by a land mine near the village of Yaremivka, Izium district (Kharkiv Oblast) on the evening of 25 October. Source: pravda.com.ua Ucraina (Україна)–Oblast’ di Charkiv (Харківська область)-Charkiv (Харків)–Izjum (Ізюм) Zona Yaremivka (Яремівка). L’esplosione di una mina uccide un 57-enne. Biography of a Bomb

One hurt in twin landmine blasts
According to officials, a tractor-trolley transporting a water tank hit a landmine on the under-construction road near the Jamali Pump area. In the blast, an assistant of the tractor trolley’s driver, Saindad, sustained serious injuries. Source: dawn.com Pakistan–Belucistan (Balochistan)–Nasirabad (Naseerabad) L’esplosione di una mina ferisce un civile. La vittima manovrava un trattore agricolo adibito al…

Civilian, wife, child killed by Houthi militia’s landmines in Hodeida
According to September Net website, two landmines went off on a 33-years old man, his wife,28 and their child, 7, pointing out that the blast occurred when the victims returned to their home from Jarrahi District. Source: sabanew.net Yemen–Al-Ḥudayda (Al Hudaydah/Hodeida/Hodeyda) Distretto Tehita, area al-Jabaliah. L’esplosione di una mina uccide due giovani coniugi e il…

Landmine explosion injures three civilians in Deir Ezzor city
Three young people have sustained serious injuries due to the explosion of an old landmine, while they were near the outdoors market in Por Saied street in Deir Ezzor city Source: syriahr.com Siria–Deir el-Zor L’esplosione di una mina ferisce gravemente tre ragazzi. L’incidente è avvenuto nei pressi di un mercato situato in via Por Saied….
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