Landmine explosion kills 3 people, injure others in Syria’s Manbij
A local source from the village of al-Yanli, west of Manbij, told North Press that a landmine exploded while residents were harvesting olives in the village. Source: Siria–Aleppo–Manbij Zona al-Yanli. L’esplosione di una mina uccide tre civili. 10 i feriti. Le vittime raccoglievano olive. Biography of a Bomb
Kaw Ka Rate resident sustains injury from landmine explosion
45-year-old U Min Min Oo went outside the village to pluck branches from a “Eugenia” plant for their livelihood. He stepped on a landmine that exploded causing injuries in both legs. Source: Birmania (Myanmar)–Stato Karen-Kawkareik In zona Wall Lay, l’esplosione di una mina ferisce un 45-enne. La vittima raccoglieva piante. Biography of a Bomb
Landmine explosion leaves two children from one family injured in northern Daraa countryside
A nine-year-old girl and her brother aged nine sustained various injuries due to the explosion of an old landmine in Al-Saryah area in southern Inkhil city in northern Daraa countryside. Source: Siria–Daraa–As Sanamayn (Sanamayn)-Inkhil In zona Al-Saryah, l’esplosione di una mina o altro residuato bellico ferisce una bambina di nove anni e il fratello…
Azerbaijani sapper injured in landmine blast in Aghdam
On December 5, on the territory of Sarijali village of Aghdam district, liberated from occupation, an employee of the Agency Vagif Sabir Akbarov, born in 1992, exploded on an anti-personnel mine while performing his official duties. Source: Azerbaijan–Aghdam Zona Sarijali. L’esplosione incontrollata di una mina ferisce un addetto allo sminamento. Biography of a Bomb
Garowe Explosion Injures Three Teenagers
A concerning blast, caused by a detonated 37-type howitzer bullet of unexploded ordnance, rocked Mubaarak village in the city of Garowe, the capital of Somalia’s Puntland state Source: Somalia–Puntland Territorio del Nogal, zona Garoe, località Mubaarak. L’esplosione di una residuato bellico ferisce tre ragazzini. Biography of a Bomb
Gessopalena: esplode ordigno bellico mentre ara terreno, ferito 75enne
Esercito Italiano–Marina Militare Pescara–L’Aquila–Teramo Chieti–Gessopalena Barbara Orsini A Gessopalena nel Chietino, nella tarda mattina si è verificata un’esplosione in un terreno agricolo in contrada Castellano, con il ferimento di un 75enne. Sul posto, oltre ai carabinieri, sono arrivati i soccorsi e il 118 con un elicottero decollato da Pescara. Secondo una prima ricostruzione dell’accaduto un…
Explosion at Catholic Mass in Philippines Kills at Least 4 and Injures Dozens
At least four people were killed and dozens of others injured on Sunday in an explosion at a Roman Catholic Mass inside a university gymnasium in the southern Philippine city of Marawi Source: Filippine–Mindanao–Lanao del Sur-Marawi L’esplosione di una mina ied piazzata in un luogo di culto uccide 4 civili e ferisce dozzine di…
Two child shepherds were killed when they stepped on a landmine while herding sheep
Two child shepherds were killed when they stepped on a landmine while herding sheep. Three of their companions were also wounded in the explosion Source: Yemen–Al-Jawf-Khub Washaaf L’esplosione di una mina uccide due bambini e ferisce tre coetanei. Le vittime pascolavano animali. Biography of a Bomb
Landmine explosion
The incidents occurred Thursday afternoon in the Khub Washaaf district, in the northeastern part of the province, with one roadside landmine killing a girl and injuring her mother when their car went over it on a dusty road. Source: Yemen–Al-Jawf Territorio Khub Washaaf. L’esplosione di una mina interrata in strada uccide una ragazza e…
Land Mine Explosion Injures 3 Children in Afghan Province
Three children sustained injuries from a land mine explosion in the Kamdish district of eastern Nuristan province. Source: Afghanistan–Nurestan (Nuristan)-Kamdish L’esplosione di una mina ferisce tre bambini. Le vittime giocavano con il residuato bellico. Biography of a Bomb
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