One killed, another injured as landmine explodes in East Darfur State

On Sunday, resident Ahmed Al-Tayeb was killed and his brother was seriously injured as landmine exploded in Umm Rakouba area, 55 km east of El Daein, the capital of East Darfur. Source: Sudan, (Sūdān)–Darfur (Dār Fūr)–Darfur orientale (East Darfur)-El Daein (Ad Du’ayn , Ad Da’en o Ed Da’ein ) Zona Rakouba. L’esplosione di una…

7 killed in blast in Balochistan’s Panjgur

At least seven people, including a chairman of a Union Council (UC), were killed in a landmine blast targeting a vehicle in Balochistan’s Panjgur district Source: Pakistan–Belucistan (Balochistan), Panjgur L’esplosione di una mina uccide sette persone tra le vittime anche il presidente del Consiglio dell’Unione (UC). Le vittime si recavano ad una cerimonia nuziale….

Civilian killed by Houthi-laid landmine in western Yemeni governorate Hodeidah

Local sources reported that the landmine went off while the civilian was collecting firewood on 90th Street, northeast of Al-Hali district, which led to the man’s immediate death. Source: Yemen–Al-Ḥudayda (Al Hudaydah/Hodeida/Hodeyda) Zona Al-Hali. L’esplosione di una mina uccide un civile. La vittima (40-enne) raccoglieva legna da ardere. Biography of a Bomb

Blast kills 2, injures 6 in E. Afghanistan

At least two people were killed and six others injured in a blast in east Afghanistan’s Parwan province Source: Afghanistan–Parwan (Parvan) Zona Charikar. L’esplosione di una mina uccide due civili. Sei i feriti.   Biography of a Bomb

Shepherd kil-led on Al-Hasakah-Deir Ezzor road

A civilian was killed as a result of the explosion of an old landmine while herding sheep near “Al-Jazeerah” station on Al-Kherafi road between Deir Ezzor and Al-Hasakah. Source: Siria–Deir el-Zor Territorio Al-Jiaah, zona Al-Jazeerah. Un civile è ucciso dall’esplosione di una mina. La vittima pascolava animali. Biography of a Bomb

Landmine explosion kills two, a government soldier and a civilian in Beledweyne

It has been confirmed that two people, a government soldier and a civilian, were killed in a landmine explosion that took place recently in a restaurant located in Haawo Takako area especially Gufaale branch in Baladweyne town Source: Somalia–Hirshabelle–Hiran (Hiiraan)–Beledweyne, (Belet Uen) L’esplosione di una mina uccide un militare e un civile. Ferita una…

Landmine blast

Meanwhile, Ghazni police spokesman Abu Khalid Sarhadi told Pajhwok Afghan News an old landmine hit a Mazda-type vehicle, critically injuring the driver. Source: Afghanistan–Ghazni (Ghazna-Ghaznīn) L’esplosione di una mina celata in strada travolge una Mazda e ferisce l’autista.  Biography of a Bomb

Landmine killed

A woman was killed and four others injured in the incident were shifted to hospital. Source: Afghanistan–Vardak-(Maidan Wardak) L’esplosione di una mina celata in strada travolge un bus. La detonazione uccide una donna. Quattro i feriti. Biography of a Bomb

Woman Killed in Landmine Explosion in Manbij Countryside

In Aleppo province, a woman was killed by a landmine explosion in Arab Hassan Kabir Village, an area under SDF control in Manbij. Source: Siria–Aleppo–Manbij Zona Arab Hassan Kabir. L’esplosione di una mina uccide una donna. Biography of a Bomb

Two children die in Waziristan landmine blast

Two children died in a landmine explosion in Bangiwala area of Sararogha tehsil of the Upper South Waziristan tribal district on Monday evening. Source: Pakistan–Khyber Pakhtunkhwa–South Waziristan–Sararogha-(Sara Rogha) Zona Bangiwala. L’esplosione di una mina uccide due bambini di 8 e 9 anni. Le vittime giocavano nei pressi di casa. Biography of a Bomb

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