UXO detonation leaves Darfur teen in coma

A 13-year-old Darfur boy is in serious condition at El Fasher Hospital after an item of unexploded ordnance (UXO) detonated while he was paying on Monday. Sudan-Darfur Spiega Radio Dabanga che in località El Khereiga, non distante da Zamzam, un 13-enne, mentre con la sua famiglia si avvia verso campi agricoli, trova una bomba inesplosa….

Two children died because of an UXO

In Aleppo Province: two children died in an explosion caused by an unexploded bomb in KafrBisin town in the northern countryside of Aleppo. A confermare la tragedia è l’osservatorio Siriano per i Diritti Umani. Siria–Aleppo Foto-Fonte: syriahr.com In località كفر بسين Kafr Bisin la detonazione di un ordigno inesploso uccide due bambini

Three Russian Children Injured After Playing With Hand Grenade

One teenage boy has died, and two others were injured after playing with a World War II-era hand grenade, Interfax news agency reported on Monday. Fonte: themoscowtimes.com La notizia è diffusa da Interfax: L’esplosione di una bomba a mano, risalente alla seconda guerra mondiale uccide un ragazzino e ferisce gravemente due coetanei della vittima. Il…

Four civilians were wounded by the remnants of a cluster bomb

Four civilians were wounded by the remnants of a cluster bomb, from the previous air raids on Maarat al-Numaan. One civilian was killed and a member of Ahrar al-Sham wounded, when a landmine exploded near the village of Al-Halba. Fonte: syrianwardaily Siria- Idlib Nel territorio di Ma’arrat al-Nu’man, quattro civili subiscono l’esplosione di un residuato…

Landmine kills four members of a family

Haji Moalem, governor for Khakrez district, told Salam Watandar the incident took place in the Shah Agha area early in the morning. He said such landmines are usually planted by the Taliban that often target civilians. No group has so far taken responsibility for this attack. Fonte: salamwatandar.com In Afghanistan nel territorio di Kandahār (Qandahār),…

Child was killed in landmine explosion

Idlib province, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights: a child was killed in a landmine explosion in the town of Al-Taman’aa in the southern countryside of Idlib city. Siria–Idlib L’osservatorio Siriano per i Diritti Umani, comunica che in località Al-Taman’aa, un bambino è ucciso dall’esplosione di una mina. Foto-Fonte: syriahr.com

landmine children

The sources added that a child was killed by the explosion of a landmine set by ISIS near the new bridge of al-Raqqa Siria-Al Raqqa Accade in pieno centro, l’esplosione di una mina uccide un bambino. La piccola vittima procedeva nei pressi del nuovo ponte in Raqqa. Fonte: baladi-news.com Foto: blogs.savethechildren.org

Landmine killed

“If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Siria– Al-Raqqa In Al-Raqqah Province a citizen was killed in a landmine explosion in an agricultural land near al-Ekirshi town in the countryside of Al-Raqqah. Foto-Fonte: syriahr.com In località al-Ekirshi, un…

Authorities educate evacuees on unexploded bombs

“If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”.  Anywhere you go when you go to Marawi … Marawi City is an urban city, so definitely those bombs are just in the buildings, in the streets, or in front and…

The civilians killed in the explosions

The civilians killed in the explosions were identified as Bagh Meer, Noor Agha Janson of Lewan Shah and Hazrat Umar. All killed and injured civilians belong to village Aka Khel of Upper Bara, also called as Tirrah Valley. Soon after IED attack on security forces, security tightened in the area. The security forces started search…

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