10 killed in land mine blast in northwest Pakistan

27/04/2017 Pakistan, Kurram Agency, Parachinar At least 10 people were killed and eight injured when a land mine blast struck a passenger van in northwestern Pakistan on Tuesday, officials and local media said. The explosion — the latest in a series of land mine incidents — occurred in the Kurram Agency tribal region on the…

Conoscere per Ri-Conoscere presso l’IISS Alpi Montale.

Il 22 aprile si è svolta presso l’Istituto Alpi-Montale di Rutigliano la conferenza Conoscere per Ri-Conoscere. Due ore dedicate al pericolo profuso dai residuati bellici, ma soprattutto un ampio reportage storico rivolto alla giornalista romana uccisa a Mogadiscio il 20 marzo del 1994. A questo proposito è stato invitato il giornalista Giuseppe Milano il quale…

Awgali, a war device explodes in class, 12 injured 1 dead

25/04/2017 Russia, Caucaso S. Daghestan, Awgal A student carries in class a grenade found in the streets. The other students, who were attending a computer science lecture, observe the device that immediately explodes. A boy dies devastated by splinters, 12 peers undergo many injuries. Six students are transferred to the hospital, three of them in…

Land mine blast kills OSCE observer in Ukraine

24/04/2017 Ucraina Luhansk, Pryshyb One international observer with the European security watchdog OSCE has been killed and two other monitors wounded after their vehicle struck a land mine while on patrol in eastern Ukraine. The six-member patrol consisting of two armoured vehicles from the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe was travelling on Sunday…

UXO blast claims young Darfur brothers

Two young brothers were killed on Wednesday when an unexploded grenade they found detonated at Rogli in East Jebel Marra. Foto-Fonte: dabangasudan.org Sudan, Darfur, ad est del Jebel Marra, località Kotor due bambini di 7 e 11 anni raccolgono un residuato bellico, Hamouda e Mohammed giocano con la bomba, che passa di mano in mano….

The death of a child due to ISIS landmine explosion

23/04/2017 Siria, Al-Raqqa The death of a child due to ISIS landmine explosion in al Mansora town in Raqqa governorate Foto: edition.cnn.com Fonte: sn4hr.org Nel territorio di Al Mansurah, un bambino è ucciso dall’esplosione di una mina improvvisata. La vittima, Musa Othman è dilaniata dalla detonazione. La fonte non precisa l’età del bimbo. الطفل موسى…

Hand grenade attack kills child in Quetta

21/04/2017 Pakistan, Belucistan, Quetta QUETTA – A hand grenade attack in the provincial capital of Balochistan Monday killed one child and wounded the other two who were playing there. Fonte: nation.com.pk Foto: epacha.org A Jinnah Town, in Barat Road, tre piccini subiscono l’esplosione di un ordigno bellico lanciato da un adulto. Attacco terroristico spiega la Polizia alla nostra…

Elogio della follia

Olanda, Brabante Settentrionale, Bergen op Zoom Folly’s acclaim Sometimes, all people who “recover” follow some rules, written by members of the Association and by common sense. In Europe, regulations can be different, even though all the states agree on the fact that removing explosing device is dangerous and it is forbidden. This would be a…

A bomb killed six people and wounded more than 30 in Syria’s second city Aleppo

State television did not specify whether the explosion was the result of an attack or unexploded ordnance left over from the four and a half years of fighting that preceded the rebel pullout. Once Syria’s commercial hub, Aleppo was devastated by the fighting, particularly along the front line that separated the rebel-held east from the…

Conoscere per Ri-Conoscere. Armi, scrivere di guerra, caso Ilaria Alpi…

L’I.I.S.S. “Alpi-Montale” di Rutigliano (BA) accoglierà il 22 aprile Giovanni Lafirenze, referente del Dipartimento ordigni bellici inesplosi dell’Associazione Nazionale Vittime Civili di Guerra che, in collaborazione col Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, continua la campagna nazionale “CONOSCERE PER RI-CONOSCERE”. A introdurre l’evento sarà il Dirigente Scolastico prof.ssa Angela Borrelli, mentre la prof.ssa Tiziana Anna…

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