landmine exploded on the edge of Dalha village

Meanwhile, a civilian was shot dead on Wednesday while attempting to leave the city. Another civilian was killed when a landmine exploded on the edge of Dalha village while he was trying to escape from the village witnessing clashes between ISIS the SDF militias after a counter-attack was waged by ISIS in which the group…

Rivne, due ordigni uccidono 4 persone

23/07/2017 Ucraina, Rivne “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. L’esplosione di una bomba a mano uccide tre componenti della stessa famiglia, a testimoniare l’incidente la figlia di una delle vittime. <<ho visto mio padre con la bomba…

Landmine explosion in Al-Raqqah

Al-Raqqah Province, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights: a man was killed and several others were injured in an explosion of a landmine that was planted by ISIS in Tal Al-Bay’ah area, north of Al-Raqqah Fonte: Siria-Al Raqqa In località Al-Bay’ah, a nord di Raqqa, l’Osservatorio Siriano per i Diritti Umani, denuncia che l’esplosione di…

Mine Kills 11 Year Old Boy in Las Anod

According to the Sool Regional Police boss Lieutenant Colonel Khalif Mahmud Ali, the sad death of the 11 years late Mukhtar came from a buried landmine that exploded as the deceased and other colleagues were playing though without knowledge of the risk at Dhuyo Huunsho. Fonte: Somalia–Somaliland Accade nella Regione del “Sool”, nel territorio…

Civilians killed by landmine planted by ISIS in al Ekershi

3 civilians from the same family including a woman and a girl killed in explosion of landmine planted by ISIS in al Ekershi village in Raqqa governorate southeastern suburbs before retreating Fonte: Siria–Al Raqqa In località Ekershi, tre civili appartenenti alla stessa famiglia, genitori ed una ragazzina muoiono a casa dell’esplosione di una mina.

Landmine kills three in Maungdaw

“One of the four farmers treaded on a mine while they were eating in the field. The explosion killed three of them and injured another. Security forces and militants have been seen in the area. The security forces were conducting an operation nearby,” said a police officer from Maungdaw.The injured farmer was treated in Maungdaw…

2 IS landmines kill 3 persons in eastern Homs

SANA reported that two landmines, emplaced by the Islamic State militants on Umm Haratayn Village – Masoudiyah road, located 80 km east of Homs, exploded while two motorcycles were passing in the area, killing three persons. Siria-A’zaz–Homs Nei territori di Umm Haratayn (أم حارتين،) e Masoudiyah due mine esplodono ed uccidono tre persone. Le…

landmine blast

While a young man was killed and one other injured as a result of a landmine implanted by Daesh in the Wafa’a farms near Haneeda west of Raqqa city Siria–Al-Raqqa–Aleppo–Al Hasakah In località  Haneeda (هنيدة), due giovani subiscono l’esplosione di una mina, (Ied), uno muore il secondo è trasportato in ospedale. Ad Aleppo in località…

Three students killed in a landmine explosion in Qamishli

SANA’s reporter in Hasaka said that a landmine from the remnants of the ISIS terrorists went off between the villages of Salihiyet Harb and Rahiyet Sawda, 20km to the south of Qamishli city, killing three high school students while they were on the way to an educational course. Foto-Fonte: Siria– al-Hasaka (Hassaké) Nel territorio di Qāmishlī,…

Four Children Killed While Playing With Unexploded Mortar

The incident happened at about 6:10pm local time in Burka district of the province when children found the explosive device, read the statement. “The children found the mortar and were playing with it. When they hit it with stones the mortar exploding and killed all four children,” it said.The statement said that the incident happened in an area which is under insurgent…

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