Ognuno recita il proprio ruolo, immerso in quella divina sensazione di devozione allo scopo comune: la realizzazione di un'opera d'arte, che anche la bonifica bellica sa idealizzare.

Yearly Archives: 2023

Mine su i dalje velika opasnost u BiH: Građani (ne)svjesno obrađuju i minirane njive

22/01/2023 Bosnia-Erzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina-Босна и Херцеговина-Bosna i Hercegovina), Tuzla (Тuzlanski Kanton-Tuzlanska Županija-Тузлански Кантон)  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. U protekloj godini na području Tuzlanskog kantona od mina je očišćeno nešto više od 3,6 miliona…

Il démonte les grenades de la Seconde Guerre mondiale en attendant l’arrivée des démineurs

Belgio-Belgique 22/01/2023 Francia, (France), Alta Francia, (Hauts-de-France), Aisne, Soissons, Fère-en-Tardenois  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. Trouver des grenades de la Seconde Guerre mondiale dans l’Aisne n’est pas un cas isolé. Appeler les démineurs après est…

Bomb squad called after cannonballs found at N.J. museum, police say

22/01/2023 Stati Uniti (United States-USA), New Jersey (NJ)  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. Gloucester County. By Camille Furst. The discovery of cannonballs in a Glassboro museum Friday brought a bomb squad to the scene, police…

Landmine explosion killed child in Deir Ezzor countryside

A 10-year-old boy was killed by the explosion of an old landmine while herding sheep in Al-Baghouz town in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor. Source: syriahr.com Siria–Deir el-Zor–Abu Kamal–Kamal (Al-Bukamal)–Al-Baghuz Fawqani (Bāghūz) L’esplosione di una mina uccide un bambino di 10 anni. La vittima pascolava animali. Biography of a Bomb

Un obus retrouvé sur le chantier Heineken à la Pilaterie

Belgio-Belgique 21/01/2023 Francia, (France), Alta Francia, (Hauts-de-France), Nord, Lille (Lilla)  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. Un obus a été découvert par les ouvriers lors du terrassement préalable à la construction d’un nouveau bâtiment Heineken, rue…

Police in Goranboy District discover grenade launcher

21/01/2023 Azerbaijan, Goranboy  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. Fatima Hasanova On January 17, a grenade launcher was found in Azerbaijan’s Goranboy District, Azernews reports, citing the Interior Ministry. An RPG-7V2 grenade launcher was discovered near…

Katastrophe auf Armeestützpunkt: Granatexplosion tötet Soldaten und verletzt drei weitere

21/01/2023 Israele  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. Die Unfälle auf Armeestützpunkten brechen nicht ab. Nachdem im vergangenen Jahr die israelische Armee einen dramatischen Anstieg an Militär-Toten zu verzeichnen hatte, erschüttert eine weitere Tragödie die israelischen…

Znaleziono kolejny niewybuch. Pochodził on z czasów II wojny światowej

21/01/2023 Polonia, (Polska), Cuiavia-Pomerania (Kujawsko-Pomorskie), Tuchola (Tucholski), Cekcyn, Zdroje  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. W poniedziałek, 16 stycznia 2023 roku przed godz. 9:00 tucholska policja otrzymała zgłoszenie o odnalezieniu niewybuchu na terenie leśnym w rejonie…

Amerikanische 500kg-Fliegerbombe in Steyregg entdeckt

21/01/2023 Austria (Österreich), Alta Austria (Oberösterreich), Urfahr-Umgebung (Bezirk Urfahr-Umgebung), Steyregg  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. Gernot Fohler Am 17. Jänner 2023, gegen 11:30 Uhr, erging der Notruf bei der Polizei über den Fund einer Fliegerbombe….

Blindgänger in Oberhausen-Holten

21/01/2023 Germania, (Deutschland), Renania Settentrionale-Vestfalia (Nordrhein-Westfalen), Düsseldorf, Oberhausen, Holten  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. Der Kampfmittelräumdienst ist fündig geworden: Nachdem für Anfang der Woche Ermittlungen in Oberhausen-Holten angekündigt worden waren, fanden Experten auf dem Sportplatz…