30/01/2023 Ucraina (Україна), Oblast’ di Charkiv-(Харківська область), Charkiv (Харків) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. Izjum (Ізюм). Саша Соловей. У Ізюмі залишається високою мінна небезпека, міська військова адміністрація працює з організаціями зі Швейцарії та Данії, які…
Hull is sitting on 1,384 unexploded bombs
30/01/2023 Regno Unito, (UK), Inghilterra, (England), Yorkshire e Humber (Yorkshire and The Humber), East Yorkshire (East Riding of Yorkshire), Kingston upon Hull “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. By James Campbell & Angus Young Large-scale plans…
Police praise boys who found grenade in Wrentham woods
30/01/2023 Stati Uniti (United States-USA), Massachusetts (MA), Norfolk County “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. By David Linton dlinton@thesunchronicle.com Police are hailing the actions of two boys who discovered a grenade during an afternoon adventure in…
Fliegerbombe in Nordhausen gefunden
30/01/2023 Deutschland, Thüringen, Nordhausen “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. In einem Industriegebiet in Nordhausen ist ein Blindgänger aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg gefunden worden. Nach erster Prüfung handelt es sich um eine 250 Kilogramm-Fliegerbombe, wie die…
Une famille découvre un obus de la Première guerre mondiale dans son plafond
Francia, (France) 30/01/2023 Belgio-Belgique, Région de Bruxelles “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. Une famille en train de rénover sa maison, rue François Hellinckx à Koekelberg, est tombée sur un obus de la Première guerre mondiale…
Salso, un ordigno bellico nel torrente Ghiara?
Esercito Italiano–Marina Militare Comando Forze Operative Nord di Padova–Comando Forze Operative Sud di Napoli–Comando Truppe Alpine Bologna–Reggio Emilia–Ravenna–Rimini–Piacenza–Modena–Ferrara–Forlì-Cesena Parma Salsomaggiore Terme. Nei giorni scorsi alcuni cittadini insospettiti dalla presenza di un oggetto avvistato sotto il pelo dell’acqua nel greto del torrente Ghiara hanno allertato la polizia locale ed i Carabinieri della compagnia salsese. Identificato sotto…
Two Children Injured By War Remnants In South Hasakah
A local source from the town of Tel al-Shayer told North Press, “Ahmad Abdullah, 10, and Abdullah Muhammad Abdullah, 3, were injured in a landmine explosion in the outskirts of the town.” Source: npasyria.com Siria, Al-Hasaka (Hassaké) In zona Tel al-Shayer, l’esplosione di una mina o altro residuato bellico ferisce due bambini di 3 e…
Navy nears completion of cleanup process for contaminated sites at Fort Worth base
29/01/2023 Stati Uniti (United States-USA), Texas (TX) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. by Haley Samsel and Izzy Acheson Denton County-Parker County-Tarrant County-Wise County. Nearly a decade ago, staff at the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve…
Six obus découverts sur une plage des Sables-d’Olonne
Belgio-Belgique 29/01/2023 Francia, (France), Paesi della Loira (Pays de la Loire), Vandea, (Vendée), Sables-d’Olonne “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. Six obus ont été découverts ce mercredi 25 janvier sur une plage des Sables-d’Olonne. C’est un…
Alle zwei Wochen wird Weltkriegsbombe gefunden
29/01/2023 Deutschland, Hessen “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law e enforcement agency for assistance”. Dem hessischen Kampfmittelräumdienst wird im Schnitt alle zwei Wochen eine Weltkriegsbombe gemeldet. Wie viele Blindgänger sich fast acht Jahrzehnte nach Kriegsende immer noch im hessischen Boden befinden,…