26 Kriegsrelikte auf Baustelle in Salzburg-Süd freigelegt

15/05/2022 Austria, Salisburghese, Salisburgo “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Bei Grabungsarbeiten auf einem privaten Grundstück in der Stadt Salzburg wurden am Donnerstagnachmittag 26 Kriegsrelikte entdeckt. Die Polizei sperrte das Areal vorübergehend ab, der Entminungsdienst musste zur…

Mještanin ranjen u eksploziji kraj Splita: ‘Vatra je aktivirala bombu i ranila me!‘

15/05/2022 Croazia (Hrvatska), Spalatino-Dalmata (Splitsko-dalmatinska županija), Spalato (Split) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Podstrana. Ozljede u predjelu trbuha zadobio je 67-godišnjak dok je u vrtu palio korov i otpad sto metara od državne ceste u Podstrani….

Duhok: One Civilian Severely Injured in Landmine Explosion

At least one civilian was severely wounded on Saturday in a landmine explosion in Kurdistan Region’s Duhok province, a report said. Source: basnews.com Iraq-Kurdistan iracheno–Dihok (Duhok-Dahuk) L’esplosione di una mina ferisce gravemente un civile. Biography of a Bomb

Čistili podmorje u uvali Dumbokoj pa izronili bombu iz II. svjetskog rata!

14/05/2022 Croazia, (Hrvatska), Dalmazia, (Dalmacija), Sebenico e Tenin (Šibensko-kninska županija) Sebenico (Šibenik) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Čisteći podmorje, ronioci su u uvali Dumbokoj pronašli i izvukli na obalu ogromnu eksplozivnu napravu! O nesvakidašnjem ulovu na…

Experts remove 640 UXO from Mekong River

14/05/2022 Cambogia, Preveng (Prey Veng) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Chhun Sunly / Khmer Times Experts of Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC) have found about 2,000 shells and 640 unexploded ordnances (UXO) weighing about 8 tonnes…

Pemulung di Surabaya Dapat ‘Granat’ dari Tong Sampah, Geger 1 RT

14/05/2022 Indonesia, Giava, Surabaya “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” jatim.jpnn.com, SURABAYA – Warga RT 4 RW VI, Jalan Dupak Lama 1, Kelurahan Jepara, Kota Surabaya, dikejutkan dengan benda temuan yang dicurigai sebagai granat. Benda misterius itu…


14/05/2022 Giappone, Kyushu, Kagoshima, Kikai “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” 畑から不発弾、陸自が処理 米国製250キロ爆弾 町有地で爆破へ 鹿児島・喜界町 Photo-Source: news.yahoo.co.jp Biography of a Bomb Dear editors, Biography of a bomb is aimed at highlighting the danger caused by unexploded bombs. Moreover,…

Musí být rychlejší než bagr. Pyrotechnik hledá munici pod silnicí I/53 u Znojma

14/05/2022 Repubblica Ceca, (Česká republika), Moravia, (Morava-Moravský), Moravia Meridionale (Jihomoravský kraj), Znojmo (Znojma) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Dagmar Sedláčková Speciální detektor kovů v rukou pyrotechnika Petra Dostála varovně zabzučí. Pohybuje se s ním ve výkopu pod bagrem,…

Skoraj bi ga kap, ko je obdeloval vrt in naletel na topovski vžigalnik

14/05/2022 Slovenia, (Republika Slovenija), Goriziano, (Goriška statistična regija), Nova Gorica “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Ob 17.47 je v Kromberku v občini Nova Gorica občan pri obdelavi vrta naletel na neeksplodirano ubojno sredstvo. Pripadnika državne enote…

Landmine explosion injures little girl in Hama

SOHR activists have documented the injury of a little girl severely in her left leg, due to the explosion of an old landmine western of poultry farms of Daniba village in eastern Hama countryside, where she was transported to Silmiyah National Hospital to receive proper medication. Source: syriahr.com Siria–Hama In località Daniba, l’esplosione di una…

WW2 Bomb In Ta’ Qali Was Removed By Bomb Disposal Unit

13/05/2022 Malta “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Shanice Ahar Malta Majjistral-Attard. The undetonated bomb back from WW2 found in Ta’ Qali was safely removed by Malta’s Bomb Disposal Unit. The unit went onsite to dispose the…

Phát hiện hầm đạn hàng chục quả trong rừng thông ở Quảng Trị

13/05/2022 Vietnam, Bac Trung Bộ, Quang Tri, Hải Lăng “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” HƯNG THƠ Hầm đạn chứa 64 loại vật liệu nổ được Đội rà phá bom mìn của MAG phát hiện trong khu…

Azerbaijan’s ANAMA shares results of weekly mine clearance operations

13/05/2022 Azerbaijan “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Azerbaijan’s National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA) has released the statistics on de-mining operations in the territories, liberated from Armenian occupation. According to ANAMA, 97 anti-personnel and 35 anti-tank…

Αμύνταιο – Οβίδα εντοπίστηκε σε ιδιόκτητο χωράφι στην Τ.Κ Φανού

13/05/2022 Grecia, (Ελλάδα) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” (22 Febbraio 2022). Macedonia Occidentale (Δυτικής Μακεδονίας), Florina (Περιφερειακή ενότητα Φλώρινας), Amyntaio (Αμύνταιο), Fanos (Φάνος). Amyntaio. Όπως δήλωσε στο floriniotika.gr ο ιδιοκτήτης του χωραφιού Αντώνης Κοσμίδης εντόπισε την…

In Afghanistan, Landmines Are Making Peace Deadly

13/05/2022 Afghanistan, Helmand, Marjah “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Kanika Gupta On the morning of April 1, seven children were playing in the lush wheat fields of Afghanistan’s Marjah district, in the southern Helmand province, by…

Ukraine’s Farmers Risk Death In Bomb-strewn Fields

13/05/2022 Ucraina (Україна) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” By Joshua MELVIN It’s spring planting season in Ukraine, but this year farmers require more than fuel and fertiliser –- they also need flak jackets and deminers to…

La Guardia Civil elimina ocho bombas de la Guerra Civil guardadas en un pajar de Libros

13/05/2022 Spagna, Aragona, Teruel “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” LUIS RAJADEL Efectivos del Equipo de Búsqueda y Localización de Explosivos (EBYL) de la Comandancia de la Guardia Civil de Teruel, junto a TEDAX de la Comandancia…

Landmine killed

2 women killed in Tsyrkuny as result of landmine explosions Source: liveuamap.com Ucraina (Україна)–Oblast’ di Charkiv (Харківська область)-Charkiv (Харків) Nel territorio di Tsyrkuny (Циркуни), l’esplosione di una mina uccide due donne. Biography of a Bomb

Hulpdiensten massaal op de been na vondst granaat in Assen

12/05/2022 Olanda, Drenthe, Assen “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Erik Smit Het explosief werd aan de Van Doornestraat gevonden. Daar wordt zand gedumpt van een bouwterrein elders in Assen. Tijdens het zeven van het zand werd…

Német páncéltörő gránátot találtak Veszprém megyében

12/05/2022 Ungheria, Transdanubio, Veszprém “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Elszállították a Veszprém megyei Szápár határában hétfő délután előkerült robbanóeszközöket – közölte Gajdos Milán, a Magyar Honvédség tűzszerész ezredének kommunikációs tisztje. Optikai kábel fektetése közben bukkantak rá…

Bomben på 130 kilo skapte stort krater da den ble detonert.

12/05/2022 Norvegia, Vestlandet, Rogaland, Klepp “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Av Vebjørn Olsen Politiet fikk tirsdag ettermiddag inn en melding om at det var funnet eksplosiver nedgravd på et jorde på Bore i Klepp kommune. Vi…

月內第4次 筲箕灣又現炮彈

12/05/2022 Cina, Hong Kong, Shau Kei Wan “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” 警方抵達現場,封鎖涉事山坡調查,爆炸品處理課人員奉召處理,經初步檢查,證實為兩枚約7厘米直徑、30厘米長的二戰英軍炮彈。其後,軍火專家於現場將該兩枚炮彈引爆,事件中無人受傷,毋須疏散。鯉魚門公園昔日為英軍軍營,公園內現存3幢被評為古蹟的歷史建築,附近一帶亦曾築有炮台堡壘,故不排除有火藥及炮彈散失。今次已是本港一個月內第4度發現戰時炮彈,外籍「炸彈獵人」分別在4月10日、26日及本月7日,在筲箕灣東喜道海防博物館一帶山坡發現不同類型的炮彈及手榴彈。 Photo-Source: orientaldaily.on.cc 如在野外或家裡的地下發現不明物體,或疑似戰爭遺留的砲彈,子彈、槍械等;首先我們應該報警,由執法部門派遣專業的人員處理這些危險品,切莫自己動手去研究 Biography of a Bomb  Dear editors, Biography of a bomb is aimed at highlighting the danger caused by unexploded bombs….

V centru Brna zasahoval pyrotechnik. Archeologové našli stokilovou leteckou pumu

12/05/2022 Repubblica Ceca, (Česká republika), Moravia, (Morava-Moravský), Moravia Meridionale (Jihomoravský kraj), Brno-město (okres Brno-město), Brno (Brněnsku) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Jan Charvát Průzkum v centru Brna se ve čtvrtek odpoledne na chvíli změnil v drama. Archeologové našli…

Scharfe Handgranate bei Grabungs­arbeiten gefunden

12/05/2022 Austria, Carinzia “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Wolfsberg. Von Anja Mandler. St. Margarethen im Lavanttal – Auf einem Reiterhof wurde bei Grabungsarbeiten eine Handgranate gefunden. Polizei und Entminungsdienst stehen im Einsatz. Gefährliche Entdeckung: Bei Grabungsarbeiten…

Two cowherds blown up by landmine in Chin State’s Tedim

One cowherd was killed and another injured when they stepped on a landmine near to Laitui Village in Chin State’s Tedim Township on 2 May. Source: mizzima.com Birmania (Myanmar)–Stato Chin (Chin State) Nel territorio di Tedim, in località Laitui, l’esplosione di una mina uccide un pastore. La detonazione ferisce un suo amico. Le vittime erano…

WWII-era hand grenade found in Vermont

11/05/2022 Stati Uniti, Vermont “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” By WCAX News Team A World War II-era hand grenade caused concern in West Rutland over the weekend. Vermont State Police say a resident cleaning out a…

Bomb squad called for World War II mortar in Sylvania Township

11/05/2022 Stati Uniti, Ohio “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Sylvania Township police called the Northwest Ohio Bomb Squad for help Saturday when a resident showed up at the police station with unexploded ordnance from World War…

‘Old bombs still a threat to people’

11/05/2022 Cambogia, Phnom Penh “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Half a century on, war-left US aerial bombs are still posing threats to Cambodian people’s daily lives, an academic said. On Thursday, a Cambodian Mine Action Center…

Unexploded Shell Found At Tosamaidan In Budgam

11/05/2022 India, Kashmir, Budgam, Tosa Maidan “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” The security forces on Monday found an old rusted shell at Tosamaidan area of Central Kashmir’s Budgam district. Quoting SSP Budgam the news agency KNO…

Bomb disposal experts to the rescue after old hand grenade unearthed

11/05/2022 Regno Unito, Inghilterra, Cornovaglia “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Kerrier. By Stephen Pitts. Bomb disposal experts were called into action after an old hand grenade was discovered at an address in Helston on Monday evening….

Two Children Died In Landmine Explosion In Syria’s Daraa

Muhammad al-Masri and Abdo al-Masri died due to the explosion of a landmine in the town of al-Faqee’, north of Daraa, a local source told North Press. The two children found the landmine and started to play with until it exploded. Source: npasyria.com Siria–Daraa In località al-Faqee, l’esplosione di una mina uccide due bambini. Le…

Bomb disposal team called to Dumbarton Castle

10/05/2022 Regno Unito, Scozia, Dunbartonshire Occidentale (West Dunbartonshire) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” By Lucinda Cameron, PA Scotland & Will Maule Bomb disposal experts have carried out a controlled explosion on suspected ordnance found near a…

Na gradilištu u Zvonimirovoj ručna bomba

10/05/2022 Croazia, (Hrvatska), Litoraneo-montana, (Primorsko-goranska županija), Rijeka (Fiume) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Šarlota Brnčić Je pronađena ručna bomba M-52 na gradilištu u Rijeci u Zvonimirovoj ulici. Policijski službenici koji obavljaju poslove protueksplozijske zaštite su obje…

Ormanda patlamamış el bombası bulundu

10/05/2022 Turchia, Egeo, Manisa “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Manisa’nın Ahmetli ilçesinde ormanlık alanda patlamamış el bombası bulundu. Ahmetli ilçesine bağlı Dereköy Mahallesi Acısı mevkisindeki ormanlık alanda metal bir cisim gören vatandaşlar durumu jandarmaya bildirdi. Jandarma…

Police in Oxford close road after grenade found in river

10/05/2022 Regno Unito, Inghilterra, Oxfordshire, Oxford “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” By Tom Burnett Content Editor & Jonathon Manning Senior Journalist Police have closed a major Oxford road after a suspected grenade was fished from a…

Tenía un proyectil de artillería como adorno en su casa

10/05/2022 Argentina, Neuquén “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Confluencia. Un hombre del barrio Ruca Antu, de la ciudad de Neuquén, entregó a la Policía ,de manera voluntaria, un proyectil de artillería, para uso bélico, que tenía…

Explosion of landmine planted earlier by ISIS injures child and two men in Salmiyah countryside

SOHR activists have reported that a landmine of ISIS cells war remnants in Aksh village in the eastern Salmiyah countryside in eastern Hama countryside, has exploded injuring a girl and two men and they were transported to Salmiyah National Hospital. Source: syriahr.com Siria–Hama–Salamiya (Salamiyah-Salamiyya) Nel territorio di Aksh, l’esplosione di una mina ferisce una ragazza…

Bombe descoperite la Timișești

09/05/2022 Romania, Moldavia, Neamț, Timișești “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” În timp ce făcea săpături pentru un bazin de apă, în cadrul lucrărilor de branșare la alimentarea cu apă a unei gospodării din Timișești, ieri, 6…

Los TEDAX retiran un explosivo de la Guerra Civil en el Cerro de la Majestad en Cuenca

09/05/2022 Spagna, Castiglia-La Mancia, Cuenca “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Una unidad de TEDAX de la Policía Nacional se ha desplazado este miércoles a Cuenca para retirar un artefacto explosivo antiguo, posiblemente de la Guerra Civil,…

Granater i sø overrasker forskere – her er tre grunde til hvorfor

09/05/2022 Danimarca “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” JAKOB OLLING-KATJA HØJBJERG Om de er kommet der ved en fejl, eller ved et bevidst valg. Det ved jeg ikke. Ingen har skrevet noget ned om det. Sådan siger…

Bombă în stare de funcționare descoperită în zona Aeroportului Oradea

09/05/2022 Romania, Transilvania, Bihor, Oradea “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Ca urmare a apelului de urgență, la fața locului au fost trimiși pompierii militari pirotehniști din Cadrul Detașamentului 2 Oradea care au descoperit un proiectil exploziv…

4 children injured in bomb explosion

Local residents told Radio Dabanga that the projectile exploded while the children were trying to play with it. They pointed out that the children were Kawsar Ibrahim Ahmed (14 years old), Farida Mohamed Abakar 13, Umelnas Yahya (11), whose condition is most serious, and Majdi Hassan Ibrahim (9) years old. Their mother was also injured….

Bonden Anders ”skördade” skarpladdad granat i åker på Järvafältet

08/05/2022 Svezia, Svealand, Stoccolma, Sollentuna “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Tomas Stark På torsdagseftermiddagen fick polisens bombgrupp kallas till Järvafältet. Bonden Anders ström på Bögs gård hade hittat en granat i en åker. Det händer titt…

Θεσσαλονίκη: Απομακρύνθηκε χειροβομβίδα του Β’ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου από το Κορδελιό

08/05/2022 Grecia, (Ελλάδα), Macedonia Centrale (Κεντρική Μακεδονία), Salonicco (Θεσσαλονίκη- Thessaloniki- Salonik), Kordelio-Evosmo (Κορδελιό-Εύοσμος) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Ολοκληρώθηκε λίγο μετά τις 5 το απόγευμα η επιχείρηση του στρατού για την απομάκρυνση της χειροβομβίδας που εντοπίστηκε…

Danish tourist killed in roadside bombing in northern Iraq

08/05/2022 Iraq, Kurdistan iracheno, Dihok (Duhok-Dahuk) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” By SALAR SALIM Associated Press A Danish national was killed by a roadside bomb while cycling in northern Iraq, the country’s local Kurdish authorities said…

Cambodia recovers 2,000 pound U.S. aerial bomb from riverbed in capital

08/05/2022 Cambogia, Phnom Penh “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” A Cambodian Mine Action Center (CMAC)’s bomb expert team on Thursday safely removed a war-left unexploded AN-M66 aerial bomb from the Chaktomuk River in Phnom Penh, capital…

Landmine explosion kills civilian in Al-Raqqa

Al-Raqqa province: SOHR activists have documented the death of a young man, due to the explosion of an old landmine of war remnants in the agricultural lands near Muwailah village in the western Al-Raqqa countryside. Source: syriahr.com Siria–Al Raqqa In un campo agricolo situato in località Muwailah, l’esplosione di una mina uccide un giovane lavoratore….

Kinder graben in OÖ Kriegsmunition im Wald aus

07/05/2022 Austria, Alta Austria, Wels-Land, Stadl-Paura “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Einen gefährlichen Fund machten gestern Abend Kinder im oberösterreichischen Stadl-Paura (Bezirk Wels-Land). Sie gruben Kriegsmunition aus und brachten sie nach Hause. Kinder haben laut Polizeiangaben…