Čita, esplode S-200, due morti un ferito

15/08/2017 Russia, Transbajkalia “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. In località Čita spiegano le fonti che l’esplosione di un missile anti-velivolo S-200 sia esploso uccidendo due persone, ferendo gravemente un terzo individuo. Sempre a dire delle fonti….

Two people killed in landmine attack in southern Somalia

At least two people were killed in a landmine explosion in the coastal city of Kismayo in southern Somalia Wednesday evening. Police said the two were traveling in a car heading to Kismayo, capital of Jubbaland state when their vehicle hit a landmine. Fonte: china.org.cn Somalia–Basso Giuba In località Kismayo (Chisimaio), un mezzo di trasporto…

Two Killed In IED Explosion In Awaran District Of Balochistan

At least two people were killed and two others were injured in a remote controlled bomb blast in Awaran district of Balochistan here on Tuesday. Police said that the explosion occurred in Halankai area of Awaran Bazara today morning. Fonte: radiotnn.com Pakistan-Belucistan Nel territorio di Awaran, in località Halankai, l’esplosione di una mina uccide due…

È corretto fotografare tre bambini vicino ad una bomba a mano?

La notizia dei tre bambini toscani in vacanza che trovano una bomba a mano in Val Pusteria è lanciata il 12 agosto dal quotidiano Il Tirreno. Il 13 mattina appare in rete la stessa notizia redatta del giornale Alto Adige. È normale dovremmo immaginare, ma il pezzo tanto normale non è. Infatti l’articolo dedicato ai…

Two civilians Were killed when a landmine exploded in Al-Raqqa

Two civilians were killed on Tuesday when a landmine exploded in the countryside of Al Raqqa as they were trying to flee the city and escape the risk of clashes and heavy shelling Fonte: syrianpc.com Siria-Al Raqqa Due civili mentre tentano di fuggire dalla città vengono uccisi, dall’esplosione di una mina Foto: baladi-news.com In località Khneiz l’esplosione…

Four injured in grenade blast

Four persons, including two children, were injured when a hand-grenade went off inside a house in the Kuchlak town on Monday. Police said the children found the grenade outside their house in the Kalli Landi area of Kuchlak, some 25 kilometres from Quetta, and brought it home. It went off when they hit it with…

At least two injured in landmine explosion in coastal Kenya

At least two people were injured when the vehicle carrying them ran over an explosive device in the coastal Lamu county Kenya-Lamu In località Nyangoro, una mina, posata in strada la “Mombasa-Lamu”, esplode al passaggio di un mezzo di trasporto, due i feriti soccorsi e trasportati in ospedale. The coastal region has been a target…

In Al-Raqqa province, 9 civilians were killed

They are 3 civilians, including a woman and her son, who were killed by a landmine planted earlier by the “Islamic State” in the city of al-Raqqa, and 6 civilians were killed by landmines in the city of al-Raqqa while they were trying to flee areas controlled by the organization. In Hasaka province, a woman…

4 children wounded in Tirinkot bomb explosion

Four children were injured as a result of a landmine explosion in Tirinkot , the capital of central Uruzgan province, on Saturday morning, officials said. Foto-Fonte: pajhwok.com Afghanistan Nel territorio della Provincia di Oruzgan a Tarin Kowt, quattro bambini, subiscono gravi ferite a causa dell’esplosione di una mina.

Victims killed by ISIS landmine explosion near the southern entrance of Raqqa city

Bashar Salah al Kandro, from Raqqa city, killed with his mother Dalal Khalil al Shawakh, died in ISIS landmine explosion near the southern entrance of Raqqa city Fonte: sn4hr.org Siria–Al Raqqa Due i civili uccisi da una mina posata nella periferia meridionale della città, le vittime un giovane e la madre. Foto: religionnews.com

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