Four Civilians Killed In Landmines Left Behind By Daesh In Raqqa

Raqqa city is still filled with landmines and booby traps which were left by Daesh, as well as thousands of UXOs left over from the IC and Russian bombing, which are a major threat to thousands of civilians returning to the city. Fonte: Siria-Al Raqqa In località Al-Tabqa, l’esplosione di una mina uccide due civili…

Unguía, esplode mina, un ferito

17/11/2017 Colombia “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. In Chocó Department, in Unguía land, a farmer is hit by an explosion caused by a horse step. The victim is immediately transferred to the hospital. S.J.A.L. Nel Dipartimento…

Five Darfur children injured in grenade blast

Five children were injured, some of them seriously, when a grenade they found at Sham El Naseem district in Nyala on Tuesday detonated. The father of one of the injured children said that one of them found the grenade and picked it up. The children began to play with it when it went off. Fonte:…

ISIS Landmines Kill 5 Civilians Including Children In Raqqa

RFS media office has verified the names of the martyrs with “Raqqa is being slaughtered silently” and confirmed the names of the martyrs as Hasan Al Saleh and his granddaughter Hadil Ismail Al Issa who were killed by a landmine in Al Dariea neighborhood west of Raqqa city. Khaled Ibrahim Al Issa, Mahmoud Hussein Dandal…

Hand grenade kills six children in Tanzania

“As they were heading to school this morning, one of the pupils picked up the bomb mistaking it for scrap metal. The pupil was planning to sell it to get money to buy exercise books,” said regional police commander Agustino Olomi. The accident happened in the country’s Kagera Region, near the Burundi border. Fifteen other…

Ennkhilet, falò provoca l’esplosione di un residuato bellico

13/11/2017 Tunisia, Biserta “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. In località Ennkhilet, un agricoltore accende un falò con l’intenzione di bruciare sterpaglie, purtroppo il calore prodotto dalle fiamme provoca l’esplosione di un ordigno bellico interrato, risalente alla…

Mr. al Khattab killed by ISIS in al Wadi Street in Raqqa city

Abdul Jabbar Sado al Khattab, from Raqqa city, age 35, killed in explosion of ISIS landmine planted in al Wadi Street east of Raqqa city before retreating from the city Fonte: Siria, Al Raqqa Un uomo (35-enne) è ucciso dall’esplosione di una mina.

In Donetsk because of the explosion of a shell killed a child,

Ucraina–Donec’k In Petrovs’ky land three kids from the N.105 school note a “bizarre” object on the ground. They do not recognize the danger, but how could have they? The oldest was almost 10. However, the kids start throwing rocks at the unexploded device. Rocks, stones again and again. Then, the bomb is hit, the rock…

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