23/08/2024 Svizzera (Suisse-Schweiz-Svizra) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. The Swiss government is offering more than £40,000 to whoever can come up with the best solution to recover ammunition from several of the country’s lakes. The…
There are 500,000 unexploded bombs on this British beach. Meet the man who blows them up
23/08/2024 Regno Unito, (UK), Inghilterra, (England), Yorkshire e Humber (Yorkshire and The Humber), East Yorkshire (East Riding of Yorkshire) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. Guy Kelly There are plenty of people who claim, usually to…
Schalksmühlerin entdeckt scharfe Handgranate aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
23/08/2024 Deutschland, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Arnsberg, Marca (Märkischer Kreis) Von Shada Karnib Anca Schulte hatte zunächst gehofft, es handele sich um eine verrostete Vase. Doch schließlich bestätigte sich ihre Befürchtung: Die Heedfelderin entdeckte im Wald eine englische Handgranate aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Ihr Kind Louis hatte zuvor in diesem Bereich gespielt. Foto-Quelle: lokaldirekt.de Wer zum Beispiel bei…
202 bombs discovered, removed
23/08/2024 Isole Salomone (Solomon Islands), Guadalcanal, Honiara “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. Unexploded Ordnance (UXOs) have been discovered at St. Nicholas School in Central Honiara this week. As a result, members of the Explosive Ordnance…
To miał być zwykły spacer. Teraz policja zabezpiecza niewybuch
23/08/2024 Polska, Podkarpackie, Kolbuszowa (kolbuszowski), Niwiska Mężczyzna który spacerował po lesie w powiecie kolbuszowskim, przypadkiem odkrył nietypowe zjawisko – pocisk artyleryjski z II wojny światowej. Wystawał z ziemi, a do akcji wkroczyli wojskowi saperzy. Wczoraj, 18 sierpnia przed godz. 9, dyżurny kolbuszowskiej komendy otrzymał zgłoszenie, że spacerowicz podczas przechadzki po lesie w okolicach miejscowości Niwiska…
Une plage évacuée à la Seyne-sur-Mer après la découverte d’une bombe de la Seconde Guerre mondiale
Belgio (Belgique) 23/08/2024 Francia, (France), Provenza-Alpi-Costa Azzurra (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur), Varo (Var), Tolone (Toulon), La Seyne-sur-Mer La plage de Fabrégas est fermée ce lundi à la Seyne-sur-mer, après à la découverte d’un engin pyrotechnique datant de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. La bombe a été découverte ce lundi vers 14 h 30, à 60 mètres du rivage…
Bimbo trova una bomba in spiaggia e ci gioca
Esercito Italiano–Marina Militare Comando Forze Operative Nord di Padova–Comando Forze Operative Sud di Napoli–Comando Truppe Alpine Padova–Venezia–Vicenza–Treviso–Belluno–Verona Rovigo Elisa Salmaso Uno, un proiettile da mortaio, rinvenuto a Sarzano e uno, una bomba a mano della Seconda guerra mondiale, trovata ancora a Rosolina Mare, la quarta spuntata fuori nella località balneare nel giro di poco più…
Battambang farmer killed by anti-tank mine
A 23-year-old man was killed instantly by an anti-tank mine after driving a tractor over it on Thursday afternoon, bringing the number of casualties from explosive remnants of war (ERWs) to 38 so far this year. Source: phnompenhpost.com Cambogia (Cambodia)–Battambang–Rattanak Territorio Chi Pang, Area Plouv Meas. L’esplosione di una mina anti-carro uccide un 23-enne. La…
Hallada y neutralizada en una vivienda de Galicia una bomba de la Segunda Guerra Mundial
22/08/2024 Spagna, (España), Galizia (Galicia-Galiza), Pontevedra Los especialistas EDEX del Servicio de Desactivación de Artefactos Explosivos de la Guardia Civil de la Comandancia de Pontevedra han neutralizado una bomba de aviación de uso militar encontrada en una vivienda de Mondariz. Según ha explicado el Instituto Armado, el artefacto lo recogieron el pasado sábado cuando fue…
An explosion at the construction site last week launched rocks hundreds of metres away, damaging parked cars and injuring two workers
22/08/2024 Finlandia (Suomi) Finlandia meridionale (Etelä-Suomi), Uusimaa, Helsinki “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. Specially trained dogs have found two unexploded blasting charges at a construction site in the Töölö district of Helsinki. Last week, an…