22/09/2019 Polonia, Lublino “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Pocisk moździerzowy znaleziono w ziemi na działce przy ul. Obrońców Lublina. Foto-Fonte: dziennikwschodni.pl Nel Distretto Osiedle Wyzwolenie-Południe, durante operazioni di scavi gli operai trovano una bomba da mortaio,…
Bottrop, rinvenuta bomba d’aereo
22/09/2019 Germania, Renania Settentrionale-Vestfalia, Münster (Monaco di Vestfalia), Bottrop “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Die Bombe aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg war im Zuge von Umbaumaßnahmen im Bereich Pumpwerk, In der Welheimer Mark 238 wurde zwischen den…
Enkhuizen, magnetofollia in corso
22/09/2019 Olanda, Olanda Settentrionale “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Het gaat om een zogeheten TL-granaat (Tegen Luchtdoel) uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog, bevestigt Jacqueline Spijkerman van de EOD. De granaat werd dinsdagavond boven water gehaald. Magneetvissers stuiten…
Turkish construction worker injured in landmine blast along Mogadishu-Afgooye road
The official from a company constructing the Qatari funded Mogadishu-Afgooye road survived the attack and was rushed to a city hospital, sources told HOL. Fonte: hiiraan.com Somalia–Benadir-Mogadiscio L’esplosione di una mina celata alla periferia della città e posata sulla strada per Afgoi (Basso Scebeli), ferisce un lavoratore di nazionalità turca. La vittima era a bordo…
Auchy-les-Mines, rinvenuti ordigni p.g.m.
22/09/2019 Francia, Alta Francia, Passo di Calais, Béthune “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” À Auchy-les-Mines, des ouvriers du chantier de réalisation du futur parking de la salle des fêtes ont découvert ce mardi matin, près de…
Lubuk Tarok, rinvenuti ordigni inesplosi
22/09/2019 Indonesia, Sumatra “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Penemuan satu granat nenas di Lubuk Tarok dan satau unit Peluru meriam di Kecamatan Kupitan yang diduga merupakan peninggalan zaman penjajahan beberapa waktu lalu akhirnya diserahkan Pihak Kepolisian…
Champdivers, rinvenuti tre ordigni bellici
21/09/2019 Francia, Borgogna-Franca Contea, Giura, Dole “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Les trois bombes, qui contiennent chacune 3 kilos de TNT, seront évacuées à Colmar, où elles seront neutralisées. « Elles ont été larguées non armées,…
Câmpuri, rinvenute bombe p.g.m.
21/09/2019 Romania, Moldavia, Muntenia, Vrancea “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. După asanarea terenului de către specialiștii pirotehnicieni au fost identificate, ridicate și transportate în siguranță un număr de 1087 de grenade ofensive (model german). Acest tip…
Veghel, “magnetofollia genetica”
21/09/2019 Olanda, Brabante Settentrionale, Meierijstad, Veghel “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Ook na 75 jaar wordt er binnen onze provincie nog regelmatig instabiele munitie aangetroffen die nog kunnen exploderen. Het advies is dan ook, ivm de…
Świnoujście, rinvenuta bomba 12.000 libbre
21/09/2019 Polonia, Pomerania Occidentale, Szczecin, (Stettino), Świnoujście “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Po raz kolejny podczas pogłębiania toru wodnego w Kanale Piastowskim w Świnoujściu znaleziono niewybuch. Waży 5,5 tony, ma ponad 6 metrów długości i średnicę…