Farmers from the area reported to Radio Dabanga that the incident took place near the Wadi Sulmi road. 11-year-old Abulgasim Hasan and 15-year-old El Tayeb Hasan were killed outright their 19-year-old sister Jawaher’s hand was blown-off by the blast. Fonte: Sudan–Darfur In località Murnei l’esplosione di un ordigno bellico, uccide e ferisce tre fratelli…
Grenades et obus : que faire si vous découvrez un engin explosif ?
Francia, Normandia En à peine un an, huit grenades ont été retrouvées au même endroit, dans une rivière de Normandie. Au mois d’août 2018, des baigneurs en ont ainsi retrouvé cinq d’un coup. La dernière a été trouvée début juillet 2019 par un adolescent qui pêchait à l’aimant. Les démineurs sont venus la faire exploser…
Lunedì all’alba scatta il bomba day
Esercito Italiano Treviso–Belluno–Venezia–Vicenza–Padova–Verona Rovigo E’ fissato per lunedì mattina il “bomba day” nelle campagne tra Bosaro e Pontecchio. All’alba di dopodomani, infatti, in località Chiaviche arriveranno da Legnago gli artificieri dell’Ottavo Battaglione Paracadutisti Folgore, (8° Reggimento Genio Guastatori Paracadutisti di Legnago della Brigata Folgore) che saranno incaricati di far brillare le due spolette da 12 centimetri…
Brescia: ordigno bellico ritrovato alla Piccola Velocità di via Dalmazia
Lecco–Milano–Monza-Brianza–Como–Bergamo–Cremona–Varese–Lodi–Mantova–Pavia–Sondrio Brescia Venerdì mattina, due ordigni bellici sono stati ritrovati nella zona della Piccola Velocità, lo scalo merci per i treni di via Dalmazia: si stratta di due bombe italiane in dotazione a un aereo Modello 3 CV, pesanti 3 kg l’una (400 grammi il peso dell’esplosivo), con un diametro di 8,3 cm e una…
Bloodsworth Island, bonifica bellica in corso
24/08/2019 Stati Uniti, Maryland, Dorchester “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Navy EOD will continue to survey the area before determining whether a controlled detonation is necessary. Fonte: Bloodsworth Island (Isola di Bloodsworth) In corso operazioni…
Kolbuszowa, rinvenuti residuati bellici
24/08/2019 Polonia, Precarpazia, Kolbuszowa “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Informację potwierdza Jolanta Skubisz-Tęcza, oficer prasowy kolbuszowskiej policji. – Podczas prac budowlanych znaleziona dwa pociski artyleryjskie bez ładunków wybuchowych – relacjonuje rzeczniczka. Foto-Fonte: Durante lavori di…
Landmine blast
Early this morning an IED explosion on a bus parked outside a school between Salhiya and Mufti neighborhoods, Heseke city Fonte: Siria–Al-Hasaka (Hassaké) Tra i quartieri di Salhiya e Mufti esplode una mina celata in un bus posizionato nei pressi di una scuola, la fonte non cita vittime. Biography of a Bomb
Kharami, rinvenuto ordigno bellico
24/08/2019 Azerbaigian “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. The settlement was cordoned off by police to ensure safety. Then, the specialists of the agency and employees of the Fizuli district police department thoroughly inspected the settlement. As…
Le Pradet, escursioni, bambini e ordigni
24/08/2019 Francia, Provenza-Alpi-Costa Azzurra, Varo, Tolone, La Garde, Le Pradet “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Il est utile de rappeler qu’il ne faut en aucun cas prospecter ou rechercher ce type d’engin. Si par hasard vous…
Long Eaton, residuato bellico in giardino (Birchwood Ave)
24/08/2019 Regno Unito, Inghilterra, Derbyshire “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. An unexploded World War II shell was found in a garden in Long Eaton. Derbyshire Police closed Birchwood Avenue after the shell was found at 3.20pm…