22/06/2019 Ucraina, Zaporižžja, Melitopol’ “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. La Polizia sequestra un ingente quantitativo di ordigni bellici inesplosi detenuti illegalmente da un residente. Foto-Fonte: 112.ua В Мелитопольском районе Запорожской области участковые офицеры полиции обнаружили боеприпасы,…
Erding, rinvenuta bomba d’aereo
22/06/2019 Germania, Baviera, Alta Baviera, Erding “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Die Bombe dürfte von dem verheerenden Luftangriff am Nachmittag des 18. April 1945 stammen. Kurz vor Kriegsende wurde Erding von amerikanischen Streitkräften beschossen. 50 Sprengbomben…
Quend, residuato bellico in spiaggia
22/06/2019 Francia, Alta Francia, Somme, Abbeville, Quend “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Dans son communiqué en date d’hier soir, la préfecture de la Somme informe la population d’une nouvelle opération de neutralisation d’un engin explosif retrouvé…
Maidstone, la magnetofollia continua
22/06/2019 Regno Unito, Inghilterra, Kent, Maidstone “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Mr Crofts added: “Then the magnet locked on to something really heavy. I could see it was something round and then I realised it was…
Danimarca residuati bellici in mare e laghi
22/06/2019 Danimarca, North Jutland “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Ifølge Søværnets Dykkertjeneste blev der efter Første Verdenskrig dumpet 10.000 miner i de danske have, og efter Anden Verdenskrig blev der smidt 40.000 miner i vandene omkring…
Szczecin, (Stettino), rinvenuti residuati bellici
22/06/2019 Polonia, Pomerania Occidentale, Szczecin, (Stettino) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Podczas prac rozbiórkowych na stadionie przy ul. Twardowskiego w Szczecinie znaleziono niewybuchy z czasów II wojny światowej. Foto-Fonte: naszemiasto.pl Tra i distretti di Świerczewo, Turzyn,…
UXO blasts wound two in Oddar Meanchey, Pailin
“The victim was a 24-year-old farmer named Saing Daro. Daro was ploughing a field when his tractor drove over an anti-tank mine, detonating it. He suffered injuries to his right hand and the tractor was badly damaged,” Ratana said. Fonte: phnompenhpost.com Cambogia–Oddar Méanchey-Trapeang Prasat Nel Comune di Bak Anloung, in un campo agricolo l’esplosione di…
Ordigno bellico nelle acque di Vernazza, la risolve il Comsubin
Marina Militare Savona–Genova–Imperia La Spezia Cinque Terre – Val di Vara – E’ stato fatto brillare nel pomeriggio di oggi 20 giugno, intorno alle 16.00, l’ordigno bellico rinvenuto ieri – all’interno dell’area marina protetta delle “Cinque Terre” – a circa 200 metri dalla costa, più precisamente nello specchio acqueo antistante il porticciolo di Vernazza su…
Gouvieux, distrutta bomba d’aereo
21/06/2019 Francia, Alta Francia, Oise, Senlis, Chantilly, Gouvieux “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. habitants de Gouvieux devront avoir quitté leur domicile pour laisser le service de déminage de Laon neutraliser une bombe de 500 kg datant…
Nurpur, rinvenuto residuato bellico
21/06/2019 India, Himachal Pradesh, Kangra “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. An unexploded “powerful” bomb was found in a field at Upper Khanni in Nurpur on Tuesday evening. One Ashok Kumar, who stumbled upon the bomb while…