Zile, (Zela), scava in giardino e trova una bomba a mano

04/07/2020 Turchia, Mar Nero “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Tokat’ın Zile ilçesinde, bahçesine fide dikmek isteyen Dursun Ergin (63), çapa yaptığı sırada toprağa gömülü el bombası buldu. Bomba, uzman ekiplerce imha edilirken, soruşturma başlatıldı. Foto-Fonte: hurriyet.com.tr Nel…

Vărășeni, scavano per realizzare una recinzione e trovano un ordigno inesploso

04/07/2020 Romania, Transilvania, Bihor “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Sesizarea, primită în dispecerat prin Sistemul Unic 112, a fost făcută de un localnic, care a găsit o muniție în propria gospodărie, în timp ce efectua săpături pentru…

Cap d’Artrutx, ordigno bellico in mare

03/07/2020 Spagna, Baleari, Minorca “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Buceadores de la Armada neutralizan un proyectil de artillería hallado en el mar en Menorca Foto-Fonte: noudiari.es I subacquei della Marina, rimuovono dai fondali di Cap d’Artrutx una…

Holten, metal detector e residuati bellici

03/07/2020 Olanda, Overijssel, Rijsden-Holten, Holten “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Hij had al vaker oorlogsmunitie gevonden. Maar de Duitse granaat die Finn Harmsen woensdagavond met twee vrienden vond bij een spoorwegovergang net buiten Holten was toch wel…

Two children killed by Houthi-laid mine in al-Dhale

Locals said that the 7-year-old boy Majdi Musa’ed Abdul Qawi Al-Yai’asi and the 15-year-old girl Boshriya Saleh Abdul Rahim Al-Yai’asi were killed when they stepped on a Houthi-planted landmine in the area where they live in Morais. Fonte: en.adenpress.news Yemen–Al-Dali’-Al-Ḍāliʿ In località Morais, l’esplosione di una mina uccide un bambino di sette anni e una…

Postřelmov, residuato bellico in via 1. máje

03/07/2020 Repubblica Ceca, Olomouc, Šumperk “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. „O svém nálezu neprodleně vyrozuměl policisty. Na místo vyjel policejní pyrotechnik, který určil, že se jedná o nevybuchlý ruční granát vzor 21. Jeho přeprava z místa by…

Zhoushan, rinvenuto residuato bellico

02/07/2020 Cina, Zhejiang “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. 浙江舟山一工厂拆迁发现炮弹 民警转移至危化品仓库 Foto-Fonte: zj.sina.com.cn Nella Città di Zhoushan, durante lavori di scavi, gli operai trovano una granata inesplosa, risalente alla seconda guerra mondiale e a caricamento speciale. 如在野外或家裡的地下發現不明物體,或疑似戰爭遺留的砲彈,子彈、槍械等;首先我們應該報警,由執法部門派遣專業的人員處理這些危險品,切莫自己動手去研究 Biography of…

Minnis Bay, residuato bellico in spiaggia

02/07/2020 Regno Unito, Inghilterra, Kent, Thanet, Birchington-on-Sea “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. A suspected wartime device was unearthed today at Minnis Bay, Birchington, and subsequently blown up by experts. Officers set up a cordon and moved people…

Anapa (Анапа), rinvenuta bomba inesplosa

02/07/2020 Russia, Krasnodar (Краснодарский край), Anapa (Анапа) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. На стройплощадке одного из жилых комплексов в Анапе строители нашли боеприпас времен Великой Отечественной войны. К месту обнаружения опасного снаряда вызвали правоохранителей. Foto-Fonte: kuban.kp.ru Durante…

Landmine blast kills 6 civilians in Afghanistan

At least six civilians, including women and children, were killed and two others wounded in Afghanistan’s Helmand province in a landmine blast on Sunday, an official confirmed. Fonte: aa.com.tr Afghanistan–Helmand–Washer Nel territorio del Washer, l’esplosione di una mina uccide sei civili, tra le vittime donne e bambini. Biography of a Bomb

Mundesley beach, bomba inesplosa tra la sabbia

01/07/2020 Regno Unito, Inghilterra, Norfolk, Norwich “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Mr Revell said: “It could have been just exposed by the sand or could have washed in. At the moment the sand level is quite low…

Horní Hoštice, cercatori di funghi muniti di metal detector

01/07/2020 Repubblica Ceca, Olomouc “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Houbaři si s sebou do lesa vzali i detektor kovů. Místo hub našli ruční granát Foto-Fonte: olomoucka.drbna.cz Territorio di Javorník, località boschiva di Horní Hoštice. La fonte è molto…

Sel’tso (Сельцо), rinvenuta bomba d’aereo

01/07/2020 Russia, Novgorod (Новгородская область) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. В Парфинском районе сапёры обезвредили фугасную авиабомбу времён Великой Отечественной войны Foto-Fonte: 53news.ru Territorio di Parfino (Parfinskij-Парфинский район). Durante lavori di scavi effettuati nel Comune di Sel’tso…

6 civilians killed in Jawzjan landmine explosion

Six civilians have been killed and one wounded as a landmine tore through their vehicle in northern Jawzjan province, an official said Thursday. Fonte: baztab.news Afghanistan–Jowzjan L’esplosione di una mina celata in strada travolge un mezzo di trasporto. La detonazione uccide sei persone e ferisce il settimo passeggero. Biography of a Bomb

Treskavica (Трескавица), bonifica bellica in corso…

30/06/2020 Bosnia-Erzegovina, Repubblica Serba, Trnovo “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Zbog helikopterskog transporta tima Federalne uprave civilne zaštite u zonu izvršenja zadatka, FUCZ moli planinare, lovce, skupljače gljiva i ostale ljubitelje prirode, da navedenog dana ne planiraju…

Horská Kvilda, rinvenuto Panzerfaust

30/06/2020 Repubblica Ceca, Plzeň, Klatovy “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. U Horské Kvildy byla nalezena pancéřová pěst z druhé světové války Foto-Fonte: denik.cz Artificieri intervengono nell’area boschiva appartenente al Comune di Horská Kvilda a causa del rinvenimento…

Salcano (Solkan), villeggiante trova bomba a mano

30/06/2020 Slovenia, Goriziano, Nova Gorica, Salcano (Solkan) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Ob 17.24 je sprehajalka v reki Soči v kraju Solkan, občina Nova Gorica, naletela na italijansko ročno bombo, teže 0,5 kg. Najdbo, ki izvira iz…

Budua (Будва), una granata in spiaggia

29/06/2020 Montenegro, Dalmazia “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Na plaži kod Svetog Stefana, u Budvi, pronađena je granata iz Drugog svjetskog rata, piše Antena M. Foto-Fonte: avaz.ba Città Budua (Будва), in Sveti Stefan Beach, bagnanti trovano in…

Velence, residuato bellico in spiaggia

29/06/2020 Ungheria, Transdanubio, Fejér “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. A Korzó strandján egy fürdőző talált egy (feltehetően második világháborús) gránátot. Fonte: atv.hu Comune Velence. Un bagnante mentre passeggia sulla spiaggia di Korzó, (nei pressi di via Tópart),…

Three persons were injured in landmine blast left behind by terrorists in Aleppo

Aleppo, SANA- Three persons were injured, including a man and two children, as a result of an explosion of a landmine left behind by terrorists in al-Rashideen al-Oula area west of Aleppo city. Fonte: sana.sy Siria–Aleppo Nella zona di al-Rashideen, l’esplosione di una mina ferisce gravemente un uomo e due bambini. Biography of a Bomb

Brežice, rinvenute bombe a mano

29/06/2020 Slovenia, Oltresava Inferiore, Brežice “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. V ponedeljek ob 11.45 so bile v Brežicah predane štiri ročne dimne bombe italijanske izdelave. Fonte: posavskiobzornik.si Artificieri intervengono nel Comune di Brežice a causa del rinvenimento…

Kroshin (Крошын), il pescatore e la bomba

28/06/2020 Bielorussia, Brest, (Брэсцкая вобласць), Baranavičy (Баранавічы) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. УВД напоминает: если вы обнаружили боеприпасы, сохранившиеся с военных времен, незамедлительно сообщайте в милицию и ни в коем случае не прикасайтесь к ним! Помните, что…

Komsomol’skiy (Комсомольский), rinvenuti residuati bellici

28/06/2020 Russia, Belgorod (Белгородская область) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Взрывотехники Поисково-спасательной службы Белгородской области рекомендуют всем знать правила поведения при обнаружении взрывоопасных предметов, а правила эти просты и касаются каждого, кому дорога жизнь: обнаружив подозрительный предмет,…

Vienna, residuati bellici tra A1 e Troststraße

28/06/2020 Austria, Vienna “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Der Reumannplatz in Wien-Favoriten ist wegen des Funds zweier Panzerminen bei einer Baustelle Donnerstagfrüh polizeilich gesperrt worden. Auch der Betrieb der U1 zwischen Troststraße und Keplerplatz war kurz unterbrochen,…

Alta, rinvenuto residuato bellico

27/06/2020 Norvegia, Nord-Norge “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Politiet har hentet granaten og åpnet området igjen. Granaten hadde ikke tennsats og var ikke farlig, opplyser formann i kommunaldrift Øyra i Alta kommune, Knut Roger Lillemoen. Foto-Fonte: altaposten.no…

Molokini, ordigni bellici in mare

27/06/2020 Stati Uniti, Hawaii, Maui, Molokini “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. The state Department of Land and Natural Resources in conjunction with the Department of Health, the US Navy and other agencies are in continuing discussions about…

Deeside, rinvenuta bomba inesplosa

27/06/2020 Regno Unito, Galles “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Bomb disposal crews called to Deeside Industrial Estate after suspected WW2 shell found by workers under pet shop car park. We’ve been told that the bomb could possibly…

Houthi-laid landmine kills a farmer, leaves two wounded

Landmines laid by the Iran-aligned Houthi rebels claimed on Wednesday a farmer’s life, leaving another two wounded in Nehm district, east of the rebel-held capital Sana’a. Fonte: republicanyemen.net Yemen–Sana’a Nel Distretto di Nehm, l’esplosione di una mina uccide un agricoltore e ferisce altri due contadini. Biography of a Bomb

Volchov (Волхов), smanetta un residuato bellico e l’ordigno esplode

26/06/2020 Russia, San Pietroburgo, (Санкт-Петербург) Volchovskij, (Волховский район), Volchov (Волхов) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Инцидент произошел накануне, 22 июня, на строящемся дачном участке в поселке Сясьстрой. Снаряд разбирал 59-летний мужчина, в результате взрыва боеприпаса он получил…

Teignmouth, ordigno inesploso utilizzato come fermaporte

26/06/2020 Regno Unito, Inghilterra, Devon, Teignbridge, Teignmouth “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Police were called to an address in Teignmouth after one of the family members raised concerns about the object, which had been used as a…

Charkiv (Харківська область), rinvenuti ordigni bellici inesplosi

26/06/2020 Ucraina, Charkiv (Харківська область) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Для обезвреживания бомбы вывозили на специальные взрывные площадки за пределами населенных пунктов. Пострадавших нет. Всего было уничтожено 9 боеприпасов, среди них 1 минометная мина и 8 артснарядов….

Baneh / A mine blast killed a Kurdish citizen

A Kurdish citizen named “Ahmad Alam” from the village of “Surab” in Baneh, lost his life in a landmine explosion.  According to an informed source, the citizen had a mine incident while working in his garden. Fonte: kurdpa.net Iran–Kurdistan Iraniano–Bāneh In località Surab, l’esplosione di una mina uccide un civile. La vittima lavorava nel suo…

Naha (那覇市), rinvenuto residuato bellico

25/06/2020 Giappone, Ryūkyū, Kyūshū, Okinawa, Naha “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. 5月に那覇市小禄の住宅工事現場で発見された米国製5インチ艦砲弾1発の不発弾処理が、20日午前10時から行われる。 Foto-Fonte: ryukyushimpo.jp Nel Distretto di Oroku, durante lavori di scavi effettuati tra le strade 221, 62 e il Moriguchi Park, gli operai trovano un residuato…

Willoughby Hills, 12-enne trova bomba inesplosa nel greto del Chagrin River

25/06/2020 Stati Uniti, Ohio “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. The Willoughby Hills Police Department is using this incident as an example for this safety message: If you come across something that you think may be an explosive…

Radhima, rinvenuto residuato bellico

25/06/2020 Albania, Valona “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Një predhë, e dyshuar nga Lufta e Dytë Botërore, është gjetur në Radhimë, Vlorë. Predha është konstatuar nga banorë të zonës gjatë punimeve në një kantier ndërtimi. Foto-Fonte: boldnews.al…

UXO explosions

Meanwhile, a child was seriously injured yesterday as a result of a cluster bomb explosion left over from earlier shelling by regime forces on the outskirts of Ma’araba town in eastern rural Daraa. Fonte: syriahr.com Siria–Dar’a In località Ma’araba, l’esplosione di una munizione a grappolo ferisce gravemente un bambino. Biography of a Bomb

Landmine blast

SOHR sources say that one person was seriously injured today as a result of a landmine explosion left over from the war, near the village of Saboura in eastern Hama countryside. Fonte: syriahr.com Siria–Hama Nel territorio di Saboura, l’esplosione di una mina ferisce gravemente un civile. Biography of a Bomb

Trstenik, munizioni in mare

24/06/2020 Croazia, Dubrovnik-Neretva, (Raguseo-Narentana), Orebić (Sabbioncello), Trstenik “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Našli su, javljaju, više minsko-eksplozivnih sredstava, a na samoj plaži i znatnu količinu medicinskog otpada. Foto-Fonte: jutarnji.hr Subacquei volontari durante la pulizia del fondale marino…

Labé, i bambini giocavano con la bomba

24/06/2020 Guinea “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Those in Guinea should never approach or touch any unfamiliar objects that may be UXO, but immediately report any such items to police or local authorities. Travelers should exercise a…

Jetětice, trovano bombe da mortaio e le abbandonano sul posto

24/06/2020 Repubblica Ceca, Boemia, Písek “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Dělostřelecké miny mohl najít některý z hledačů za pomoci detektoru kovu. Výbušniny vyhrabal, ale jejich nález už neoznámil. Našli je lesníci, ležely v místě, kudy pravidelně projíždějí…

3 Civilians killed, 3 others injured in a landmine blast in Mogadishu

3 civilians were on Thursday killed 3 others were injured in a landmine blast at Taleh neighborhood in Hodan district, SONNA reported. Fonte: probserver.com Somalia–Benadir-Mogadiscio Nel Distretto Hodan, quartiere Taleh, l’esplosione di una mina uccide tre persone e ferisce gravemente altre tre. Biography of a Bomb

Oktyabr’skiy (Октябрьский), rinvenuta granata d’artiglieria

23/06/2020 Russia, Rostov (Ростовская область) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Снаряд времен Великой Отечественной войны нашли в Новочеркасске. Происшествие случилось 19 июня в микрорайоне Октябрьском. Как сообщает DonDay Новочеркасск, жители наткнулись на снаряд, покрытый коррозией, во время…

Matugga, voleva aprire il residuato bellico con una smerigliatrice

23/06/2020 Uganda “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. When a scrap metal vendor and his helper lugged the large metal cylinder into Ashraf Karungi’s welding shop and asked him to cut it into more manageable pieces, he didn’t…

Kilpatrick Hills, rinvenuto residuato bellico

23/06/2020 Regno Unito, Scozia “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. The Royal Navy EOD squad were called out to Kilpatrick Hills after an unexploded World War Two bomb was discovered by a member of the public. Fonte:…

Belleview, puliscono la nuova casa e trovano una bomba a mano

22/06/2020 Stati Uniti, Florida, Marion, Ocala “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. New homeowners contacted the Marion County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Squad on Wednesday after they located an old hand grenade in the shed of their new…

Three citizens killed in Sirte due to mine explosion

The Spokesman for the Sirte/Jafra Operations Room, Abdulhadi Darah, has confirmed the death of three innocent citizens of the Qadhadafah Tribe in the Jarif area in western Sirte, due to the explosion of a land mine Fonte: libyaobserver.ly Libia–Tripolitania–Sirte Territorio Jarif, località Qadhadafah. L’esplosione di una mina uccide tre civili. Biography of a Bomb

Murmansk (Мурманск), distrutte tre bombe d’aereo

22/06/2020 Russia, Murmansk “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. В Мурманске возле дома №39 по Нижне-Ростинскому шоссе в очередной раз на стройплощадке обнаружили авиабомбы, рассказал Nord-News источник в оперативных службах. Foto-Fonte: nord-news.ru Artificieri della Direzione del Ministero…

Gower beach, una granata in spiaggia

22/06/2020 Regno Unito, Galles, Swansea, Penisola di Gower “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Another controlled explosion has been carried out at a Gower beach. Bomb disposal units and the Oxwich Coastguard Rescue Team were called to…