Security forces seize ammunition and explosives in a house in Jafara area
23/12/2021 Libia, Tripolitania, Tripoli, Al Jafara (Gefara) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” The Ministry of Interior announced the seizure of large amounts of ammunition and explosives inside an abandoned house in Jafara area. This came in…
Magneetvissers halen granaat uit het water nabij brouwerij ‘t IJ
23/12/2021 Olanda, Olanda Settentrionale, Amsterdam “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Het explosief werd rond 8.30 uur naar boven gehaald. Het Team Explosieven Verkenning van de politie zoekt uit om wat voor explosief het gaat en vooral…
Eight children killed, 3 injured in remnants of war explosion in West Libya
Tripoli, Libya (PANA) – Eight children were killed and three others wounded by an explosion of landmines in the al-Tuwaybia neighbourhood in the western city of al-Jafara, the Libyan Ministry of Interior said here Saturday Source: Libia–Tripolitania–Tripoli Al Jafara (Gefara). In zona al-Tuwaybia, l’esplosione di una mina uccide otto bambini e ferisce gravemente tre…
沖縄戦当時の不発弾300発余 那覇港沖合の水中で爆破処理
22/12/2021 Giappone, Ryūkyū, Kyūshū, Okinawa, Naha “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” 那覇港の新港ふ頭地区では、しゅんせつ工事などの過程で不発弾の発見が相次いでいて、ことし3月から11月にかけては沖縄戦でアメリカ軍が使用したとみられる3インチ砲弾や小銃弾などおよそ630発が見つかりました。那覇市はこれらの不発弾を2回に分けて処理する予定で、1回目の14日は319発が港の沖合およそ800メートルに沈められ海上自衛隊のダイバーらが火薬などを取り付けました。そして午前10時15分に爆破命令が出され、地響きとともにドーンという音がしたあと、高さおよそ20メートルの水柱があがりました。那覇市によりますと、319発は平成7年以降に市内で行われた水中での不発弾処理では最も数が多いということです。沖縄戦から76年がたった今も工事現場などで不発弾が見つかるケースはあとを絶たず、沖縄では毎年20トン前後の不発弾が処理されています。対策本部で本部長をつとめた那覇市の知念覚副市長は「陸上、海上問わずに見つかる不発弾の処理にこの先何年かかるのかわからないが、地道に処理する以外になく、市民県民の命を最優先に安全を第一にしながら進めていきたい」と話していました。 Photo-Source: 警察は「不発弾を見つけたら近づかず連絡してほしい」と話しています。 Biography of a Bomb Dear editors, Biography of a bomb is aimed at highlighting the danger caused by unexploded bombs. Moreover, the…
Thanh Chương: Phát hiện, trục vớt quả bom nặng hơn 220kg
22/12/2021 Vietnam, Bac Trung Bộ, Nghe An, Thanh Chương, Ngọc Sơn “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Quả bom có ký hiệu MK, dài 1,3m, đường kính 0,4m, nặng 226 kg, là loại bom phá 500 bảng…
Vecino de tomé encontró parte de antiguo proyectil en el patio de su casa
22/12/2021 Cile “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Bío Bío-Concepción-Tomé-Los Bagres. Un vecino de Tomé realizó un curioso hallazgo cuando realizaba labores de emparejamiento de terreno en su casa, ubicada en caleta Los Bagres. Según informó La…
Sbírka munice v hodnotě jednoho milionu Eur rozšíří svoji expozici
22/12/2021 Repubblica Ceca, (Česká republika), Boemia (Jihočeský kraj), Český Krumlov (okres Český Krumlov) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Kpt. Zuzana Králová Expozice se vůbec poprvé začala formovat se vznikem asanačních odřadů (Ralsko, Mimoň) v roce 1993. Po jejich…
浦添市港川で不発弾処理 12月19日 午前8時45分から交通規制
22/12/2021 Giappone, Ryūkyū, Kyūshū, Okinawa, Urasoe, Minatogawa “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” 沖縄県浦添市港川カーミージー地区で工事中に見つかった米国製5インチ艦砲弾1発の不発弾処理作業が19日午前9時から現地である。作業に伴い浦添西海岸道路の浦添IC(インターチェンジ)-宇地泊IC間の上下線が通行止めになる。午前8時45分から交通規制が始まり、同10時に終了する予定 避難対象区域は処理現場から半径88メートルで、避難対象は10世帯7人。港川崎原自治会集会所が避難施設になる。現地対策本部は浦添市歴史にふれる館に置く。 Photo-Source: 警察は「不発弾を見つけたら近づかず連絡してほしい」と話しています。 Biography of a Bomb Dear editors, Biography of a bomb is aimed at highlighting the danger caused by unexploded bombs. Moreover,…
Landmine Explosions Kills Civilians In Kyaukme Township
According to a local source, one of the explosions happened after a dog stepped on a concealed landmine next to a tea leaf plantation while the animal was helping farmers search for cattle about two miles from Marn Buent. Source: Birmania (Myanmar)–Stato Shan–Kyaukme L’esplosione di una mina anti-persona uccide più civili. Le vittime lavoravano…
Magneetvisser neemt op scherp staande granaat mee naar huis
21/12/2021 Olanda, Olanda Meridionale “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Krimpenerwaard. Een magneetvisser uit Schoonhoven had het projectiel, dat vermoedelijk uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog stamt, maandag opgevist en meegenomen naar huis. Toen het om een explosief bleek te…
21/12/2021 Cina, Mongolia Interna “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Lega di Xilin Gol-Xianghuang Banner-Baolage. 近日,内蒙古锡林郭勒盟东乌珠穆沁旗公安局治安管理大队接到满都胡宝拉格边防派出所报告:在辖区组织开展危爆物品专项清理收缴工作中,发现战争遗留炮弹物品。东乌珠穆沁旗公安局领导高度重视,立即成立排爆工作小组,明确人员组成和任务分工,并细化排爆方案,提前做好排爆前的设备、器材、运输车辆、防护器具等物资筹备工作。 Photo-Source: 如在野外或家裡的地下發現不明物體,或疑似戰爭遺留的砲彈,子彈、槍械等;首先我們應該報警,由執法部門派遣專業的人員處理這些危險品,切莫自己動手去研究 Biography of a Bomb Dear editors, Biography of a bomb is aimed at highlighting the danger caused by…
NEVARNA NAJDBA V ANKARANU: Našli so jo med delom na njivi
21/12/2021 Slovenia, (Republika Slovenija), Litorale-Carso (Obalno-kraška statistična regija), Ancarano (Ankaran) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Včeraj ob 15.19 so pri Milokih v Ankaranu pri delu na njivi našli neeksplodirano ubojno sredstvo (NUS). Enota NUS Severnoprimorske regije…
21/12/2021 Romania, Muntenia, Prahova “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Au trecut mai bine de 75 de ani de la încheierea celui de-Al Doilea Război Mondial, dar „amprentele” acestuia în Prahova încă se văd. Ne referim la…
Bei Perquisitioun am Oste vum Land goufe Sprengstoff a Waffe fonnt
21/12/2021 Lussemburgo, Grevenmacher “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Am Kader vun den Demonstratioune vum leschte Weekend gouf eng Perquisitioun am Oste vum Land duerchgefouert, bei där geféierlecht Material fonnt gouf. Am Kontext vun den Anti-Covid-Demonstratioune vu…
Explosief ontdekt bij werkzaamheden in Hilversum-Zuid
21/12/2021 Olanda, Olanda settentrionale “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Bij werkzaamheden in de buurt van Wijkcentrum de Zoutkeet in Hilversum-Zuid is maandagmiddag een explosief aangetroffen. Medewerkers van Van Veenschoten (bestrating en riolering) troffen het explosief tijdens…
Young man killed in land mine explosion in south Hama countryside
Hama Province: SOHR activists have reported the death of a young man in the explosion of an old landmine near Al-Zara village in the southern countryside of Hama, while he was ploughing a farmland . Source: Siria–Hama Nel territorio di Al-Zara (Zara’a) l’esplosione di una mina uccide un giovane contadino. La vittima lavorava in…
Inspectoratul General pentru Situații de Urgență desfășoară, la nivel național, o campanie de informare preventivă cu privire la riscul de producere a unor accidente la descoperirea muniției rămase neexplodate
20/12/2021 Romania, Banato, Caraș-Severin, Reșița “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Marian Averescu Inspectoratul General pentru Situații de Urgență desfășoară, la nivel național, o campanie de informare preventivă cu privire la riscul de producere a unor accidente la…
Distrugere de muniţie în poligonul „Râpa Galbenă” din Braniştea
20/12/2021 Romania, Moldavia, Galați “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Maria ROMANIŢĂ Compartimentul Misiuni de Protecţie Civilă şi echipa pirotehnică din cadrul Inspectoratului pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă „General Eremia Grigorescu” al judeţului Galaţi vor executa, în data…
World War II vintage bomb discovered in Baguio City
20/12/2021 Filippine, Luzon, Cordillera “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” By Christian Malnawa Benguet-Baguio City. A vintage bomb considered as the biggest bomb found in the city was discovered at a construction site in Barangay Balsigan, Baguio City. …
Bình Phước phát hiện quả bom nặng hơn 150 kg
20/12/2021 Vietnam, Dong Nam Bo “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Chiều 17/12, Trung tâm Xử lý bom mìn Binh đoàn 16 (tỉnh Bình Phước) đã xử lý và di dời an toàn quả bom nặng hơn…
Un pastor encuentra un proyectil de la Guerra Civil en una finca de Campanario
20/12/2021 Spagna, Estremadura, Badajoz “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” SOLEDAD GÓMEZ Este verano se cumplió el 83 aniversario del «posiblemente, más trascendente hecho bélico de la historia de Extremadura en el que el pueblo de Campanario…
Man dies in Kohlu landmine blast
A man died and a woman and a child sustained injuries in a landmine blast in Tehsil Mehwand of the Kohlu district on Thursday.According to Levies sources, the victims were on their way home on a motorbike when their motorcycle hit the planted landmine near a road in the Barili Chour Wadh area. Source:…
Goodwill Store Hit By Bomb Scare After Hand Grenade Found In Donation Box
19/12/2021 Stati Uniti, Illinois, Cook DuPage, Chicago “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” As the Christmas season intensifies the donations brought into Goodwill, a store in Chicago received a bomb scare after a grenade was left in…
Explosives Probe: Experts Convene At Openlands Lakeshore Preserve
19/12/2021 Stati Uniti, Illinois, Lake, Highland Park “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” By Jonah Meadows Consultants hired by the U.S. Navy spent several days this month working at the Openlands Lakeshore Preserve as part of an…
Mann in Wien-Hernals hortete Waffen, Granaten, Munition und NS-Material
19/12/2021 Austria, Vienna “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Die Polizei fand in einer Wohnung in Wien-Hernals eine Sammlung an Waffen, Granaten, Munition und NS-Materialien. Der 64-jährige Bewohner wurde angezeigt. Auch das Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz und Terrorismusbekämpfung…
Police respond to unexploded grenade discovered near home on Maui
19/12/2021 Stati Uniti, Hawaii, Maui, Wailea “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Maui police said a grenade was discovered near a home in Wailea on Thursday. Officials said the unexploded ordnance was found in a gulch behind…
Satgas Yonif 743/PSY Amankan Granat Temuan Warga Perbatasan
19/12/2021 Indonesia, Nusa Tenggara Occidentale, Isole della Sonda “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Pos Kewar Satgas Pamtas RI-RDTL Yonif 743/PSY mengamankan dua buah granat yang ditemukan Iwan Loko dan Iwan Bere saat menggali lubang WC di…
Landmine blast kills 3 in NE Yemen
“A large landmine explosion struck a civilian vehicle carrying local citizens in the turbulent province of al-Jawf, killing three people at the scene,” the local government source said on condition of anonymity. He confirmed that the explosion destroyed the vehicle and critically injured five people who had been transferred to a nearby hospital for treatment….
Glasgow street sealed off after GRENADE pulled from River Clyde by magnet fisher
18/12/2021 Regno Unito, Scozia, Glasgow “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” By Sarah Peddy A GLASGOW street has been sealed off by cops after a GRENADE was pulled from the River Clyde. Cops and bomb disposal crews…
Bomb disposal team carry out controlled explosion near Worcestershire bridge
18/12/2021 Regno Unito, Inghilterra, Worcestershire, Wychavon “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Pershore-Eckington. “Specialist teams carried out a controlled detonation of the item in a field.” No one was injured and the road was reopened within an…
Skulle rive taket – fant granat fra 1. verdenskrig – Sarpsborg
18/12/2021 Norvegia, Østlandet, Viken “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Sarpsborg. Granaten ser hel ut selv om den er rusten. Vi stoppet arbeidene på huset og kontaktet politiet. De sendte saken videre til forsvaret. Photo-Source: Selv…
Cold Meece: Excavation uncovers 200 unexploded WW2 shells
18/12/2021 Regno Unito, Inghilterra, Staffordshire “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Stafford-Stone. Two hundred unexploded World War Two shells have been found during excavation work at a building site. The rounds were discovered at about 12:45 GMT…
Two children killed, two others injured in landmine blast left behind by terrorists, Deir Ezzor
SANA reporter said that a landmine left by Daesh terrorists went off in al-Sina’a neighborhood in Deir Ezzor city, claiming the lives of two children and injuring two others. Source: Siria–Deir el-Zor Nel quartiere di al-Sina’a, l’esplosione di una mina uccide due bambini e ferisce gravemente due coetanei. Biography of a Bomb
新北樹林疑有未爆彈 警封鎖排除中
17/12/2021 Taiwan, Taipei, Nuova Taipei (New Taipei) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” 11日晚間9時許,新北市樹林區柑園橋下柑園端,有民眾前往釣魚時,疑似在草叢裡發現一枚未爆彈,遂將其撿起放置於消波塊上,返家後深覺得不妥,因此報警處理。轄區柑園所獲報後,由副所長黃俊仁帶領2警員,連同消防隊一起前往現場,並拉設封鎖線警戒、通知偵查隊鑑識到場,詳細情況仍待進一步蒐證釐清,並待軍方到場處理。(編輯:林盈君) Photo-Source: 如在野外或家裡的地下發現不明物體,或疑似戰爭遺留的砲彈,子彈、槍械等;首先我們應該報警,由執法部門派遣專業的人員處理這些危險品,切莫自己動手去研究 Biography of a Bomb Dear editors, Biography of a bomb is aimed at highlighting the danger caused by unexploded bombs….
Брчко: Амбасадор Норвешке у БиХ посјетио деминерско радилиште
17/12/2021 Bosnia-Erzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina-Босна и Херцеговина-Bosna i Hercegovina), Repubblica Serba (Република Српска-Republika Srpska), Brčko (Брчко) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Vladimir Matijević Laništa. Амбсадор Краљевине Норвешке у БиХ Њ.Е. Олав Реинерстен посјетио је данас радилиште…
那覇新港で発見された不発弾319発 14日に爆破処理 半径3キロ入水禁止
17/12/2021 Giappone, Ryūkyū, Kyūshū, Okinawa, Naha “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” 那覇港新港ふ頭10号岸壁沖合で14日午前8時から、3~11月に那覇新港で発見された米国製3インチ砲弾28発、4インチ砲弾24発、5インチ砲弾7発、6インチ砲弾2発、75ミリ野戦砲弾1発、60ミリ追撃砲弾1発、MK28破片手りゅう弾6発、7・62ミリ小銃弾250発の不発弾計319発の水中爆破処理作業が行われる。正午に終了予定。 Photo-Source: 警察は「不発弾を見つけたら近づかず連絡してほしい」と話しています。 Biography of a Bomb Dear editors, Biography of a bomb is aimed at highlighting the danger caused by unexploded bombs. Moreover, the…
EOD เก็บกู้ “ทุ่นระเบิด” ริมถนนตราด-คลองใหญ่
17/12/2021 Thailandia, Thailandia Centrale, Provincia Trat, Mueang Trat “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Laem Klat- หน่วยทำลายวัตถุระเบิด จ.ตราด เข้าตรวจสอบและเก็บกู้ทุ่นระเบิด ริมถนนสายตราด-คลองใหญ่ หลักกม.ที่ 46 พบเป็นทุ่นระเบิดสังหารบุคคล ชนิดกระโดดระเบิด 13 ทุ่น อายุกว่า 30 ปีสมัยยุทธการบ้านซำราก ชายแดนไทย-กัมพูชา Photo-Source: นอกจากนี้ยังได้แจ้งเตือนผู้ที่หาปลาว่าถ้าพบวัตถุต้องสงสัยอย่าได้เข้าใกล้หรือเคลื่อนย้ายเพราะอาจจะเกิดอันตรายได้โดยเชื่ Biography of a Bomb…
landmine blast
A young man was wounded as a result of being hit by a shrapnel in a landmine explosion in al-Ezba town, in the northern countryside of Deir ez-Zor. Source: Siria–Deir el-Zor In zona al-Ezba, l’esplosione di una mina ferisce un giovane. Biography of a Bomb
마포 고물상서 발견된 폭탄은 ‘6.25 항공불발탄’..軍 수거 완료
16/12/2021 Corea del Sud, Seul “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” 김성진 기자, 양윤우 기자 서울 마포구에서 발견된 폭발물은 6·25 전쟁 당시 사용된 항공탄으로 확인됐다. 항공탄은 폭발 위험은 없는 불발탄이며 현재 공군이 수거한 상황이다. 7일 공군과 소방,…
旧日本軍の50キロ爆弾か ダイバーが姫路港の海中から見つける
16/12/2021 Giappone, Honshū, Kansai, Hyōgo “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Himeji-Shikamaku-ku. 姫路海上保安部は10日、兵庫県姫路市飾磨区の姫路港内の海中で9日に見つかった物体二つについて、形状などから旧日本軍の爆弾とみられると発表した。ともに長い間海中に沈んでおり、爆発の可能性は低いという。 Photo-Source: 警察は「不発弾を見つけたら近づかず連絡してほしい」と話しています。 Biography of a Bomb Dear editors, Biography of a bomb is aimed at highlighting the danger caused by unexploded bombs. Moreover, the…
TEDAX del mar: los buzos y buques cazaminas de la Armada Española
16/12/2021 Spagna “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” David Ferrero Gutiérrez La flota de la Armada Española está formada por buques, submarinos, unidades aéreas y de guerra naval especial, así como órganos de mando y por la…
Unexploded ordnance with intact safety pin found in field along Piilani Highway on Maui
16/12/2021 Stati Uniti, Hawaii, Maui “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” An unexploded ordnance with the safety pin and primer still intact was found by Haleakala Ranch security in a field along Piilani Highway, according to the…
Explosion kills a child and wounds other three in east Deir Ezzor
Deir Ezzor province: SOHR activists have reported death of a child and wounding of other three in a land mine explosion expected to part of war ordnances in Merat village in east countryside of Deir Ezzor province. Source: Siria–Deir el-Zor Nel territorio di Merat l’esplosione di una mina uccide un bambino e ferisce altri…
In totaal 47 granaten gevonden in Den Bosch
15/12/2021 Olanda, Brabante Settentrionale, s-Hertogenbosch, (Den Bosch) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Na onderzoek met metaaldetectors heeft de Explosieve Opruimingsdienst van Defensie 47 granaten gevonden aan de Maastrichtseweg in Den Bosch. Wegwerkers stuitte vrijdagochtend een paar…
Kjo është bomba 907 kilogramëshe që u gjet sonte në Merdar
15/12/2021 Kosovo “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” “Ekipi i EOD-së së Kompanisë së Deminimit të Forcës së Sigurisë së Kosovës, së bashkë me ekipet e EOD-së së KFOR-it eliminojnë rrezikun nga një bombë Mk 84 me…
Un buscador de setas halla un proyectil en Palma, entre el Coll de sa Creu y Son Vida
15/12/2021 Spagna, Baleari, Maiorca “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Lorenzo Marina Un buscador de setas realizó este miércoles un peligroso hallazgo entre el Coll de sa Creu y Son Vida, en las proximidades del torrente de…
Mai multe elemente de muniţie, găsite în cartierul Galata. O echipă pirotehnică a intervenit de urgenţă
15/12/2021 Romania, Moldavia, Iași “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Astăzi, 10 decembrie 2021, o echipă pirotehnica a fost sesizată prin apel de urgenţă la numărul unic 112 cu privire la faptul că în cartierul Galata, pe…
Houthi landmine blast injures two civilians in Taiz
A Houthi landmine blast injured two civilians in Taiz Governorate. This event took place on 12/09/2021 at the following location: Taiz Governorate, Yemen. Source: Yemen-Taiz Il 12-09.2021, l’esplosione di una mina ferisce due civili. Biography of a Bomb
Gedex: 35 años destruyendo e inutilizando piezas explosivas
14/12/2021 Spagna, Catalogna, Tarragona “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” ÀNGEL JUANPERE «Una persona que había ido a pasear a Montsant se encontró una granada de mano. Se subió al coche y la llevó al cuartel de…
RDC : un blessé et des dégâts matériels à la mairie de Butembo à la suite de la manipulation imprudente d’une roquette
14/12/2021 Repubblica Democratica del Congo, Kivu Nord “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Par Claude Sengenya A Butembo (Nord-Kivu), un militaire a été blessé et des vitres de quelques bureaux de la mairie endommagés à la suite…