3 civilians killed by landmine bast in Benghazi

A medical source from Al-Jalaa Hospital in Benghazi reported Tuesday on a local TV Channel in Libya that three civilians were killed by a landmine blast in Al-Sabri, Benghazi. The source said the blast took place as the three people were going inside a building in the neighborhood, adding that they died once they arrived…

1 woman injured in IED blast in Chhattisgarh

Woman were injured in a landmine blast in a weekly market at Orcha in Chhattisgarh’s Naxal-stronghold Narayanpur district, about 350 km from here today, police said. Fonte: uniindia.com India–Chhattisgarh Nel territorio di Narayanpur ad Orcha, l’esplosione di una mina, ferisce gravemente una donna. Foto: ndtv.com

One Injured In Landmine Blast In South Waziristan

Local people said Habibullah, hailing from Tangrai area, was working in a Barani nullah when he stepped over a landmine. The injured person was taken to Agency Headquarters Hospital. One leg of Habibullah was removed by the doctors due to incurable injuries. It was 71st such incident after return of temporarily displaced persons (TDPs) of…

Three children killed while playing with bomb

THREE primary school children were killed when a bomb resembling a toy Fonte: ippmedia.com Tanzania Nel Distretto di Monduli, (Arusha), in località Lokisale, tre bambini di 12, 9 e 6 anni, raccolgono un ordigno inesploso, i piccoli inizia a giocare, pensano sia una “palla”, così non è. Il padre non è distante, osserva la sua…

10-year-old boy killed in Dera Bugti landmine blast

A 10-year-old boy was killed on Friday after he stepped on a land mine in Peer Koh area of Balochistan’s restive Dera Bugti district. Security officials said the child was walking and stepped on a landmine laid down by unidentified people near the Peer Koh gas field. Fonte: tribune.com.pk Pakistan–Belucistan Nel territorio di Dera Bugti…

One killed, four injured in North Waziristan IED blast

At least a person killed and four others injured when an ‘old’ Improvised Explosive Device (IED) buried underground, went off on early Tuesday in the Darpa Khel area of North Waziristan tribal region, political administration told media. Fonte: arynews.tv Pakistan–Waziristan North Waziristan, territorio Darpa Khel una mina esplode nei pressi di una scuola, la detonazione…

Percorsi di morte e dialoghi di pace, tra terrorismo e immigrazione

L’Associazione Nazionale Vittime Civili di Guerra il 16-09-2017 conclude il secondo evento “La Cultura e l’Educazione alla Pace”, la conferenza anche quest’anno si è svolta presso il Padiglione 152 bis del Consiglio Regionale della Puglia all’interno della Fiera del Levante (81-esima edizione).  Il convegno “Percorsi di morte e dialoghi di pace, tra terrorismo e immigrazione”…

Landmine blast kills man in Myanmar border

A man was killed and his wife’s leg blown away as a landmine blasted in Naikhongchhari-Myanmar boarder area. The deceased was identified as Mostak Ahmed, 36, and the injured was Nur Ayesha, 22, wife of Mostak. Fonte: banglanews24.com Bangladesh– Chittagong Nel territorio di Bandarban in zona Naikhongchhari, una coppia Rohingyas, è in fuga dalla Birmania….

Landmine blast: One dead, another injured in Balochistan

One person was killed while another sustained injuries after their motorbike ran over a planted landmine in Kholu district of Balochistan on Tuesday. Fonte: tribune.com.pk Pakistan–Belucistan Nel Distretto di Kolhu in località Nasau due fratelli mentre viaggiano in moto subiscono l’esplosione di una mina. Le vittime sono state identificate: Tangu, che muore sul posto e…

Landmine explosion in Benghazi’s Sabri amputates a boy’s legs

An explosion of a landmine in Sabir neighbourhood in Benghazi – eastern Libya – has amputated the two legs of a 14-year-old boy. The head of the media office at Al-Jalaa Accidents Hospital in Benghazi, Fadiya Al-Barghathi, the amputation was decided after seeing the terrible injury the boy was suffering from. The boy stepped on…

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