3 killed in land mine explosion at Mohmand Agency

Three people including father and his son were killed and two injured in a landmine explosion in Mohmand Agency, officials said Friday. According to Political Administration of the Agency, the blast occurred in Shani Meenah area of Ambar Tehsil. Two others also sustained injuries. Foto-Fonte: onlineindus.com Pakistan–Mohmand Agency L’esplosione di una mina celata in località…

Eight-month-old baby hit in the head with hand grenade

‘They tortured people in the village and then they set off an explosion, a bomb, near my house. My baby’s head caught fire. ‘There was nothing we could do. We tried to calm her, to keep her safe. We went to the doctor in Myanmar but there was no medicine. Foto-Fonte: metro.co.uk Birmania Una bambina…

Yüksekova, exploded uxo

Turchia–Anatolia Hakkari Yüksekova’da, moloz yığını içinde oyun oynayan 1 çocuk patlamamış bir bombanın infilak etmesi sonucu hayatını kaybetti. Olayda 1 çocuk da yaralandı. Olayla ilgili soruşturma açıldı. Fonte: sabah.com.tr Nel Territorio di Hakkari, in località Yüksekova, un bambino è ucciso dall’esplosione di un residuato bellico, raccolto tra la macerie di una vecchia abitazione. Foto: the-monitor.org

3 children killed in Nangarhar hand grenade blast

Three children have been killed when a hand grenade they were playing with exploded in the Pacher Agam district of eastern Nangarhar province, an official said on Sunday. Governor spokesman Attaullah Khogyani told Pajhwok Afghan News the incident happened on Saturday in the Ghondaikhelo area. Foto-Fonte: pajhwok.com Afghanistan– Nangarhar Nel Distretto di Pacher Agam, in…

3 children injured after playing with grenade launcher

The police’s preliminary investigation revealed that the children were playing with an M203 grenade launcher at the entrance of their apartment building, which exploded and caused their injuries. The police are investigating how the children came to be in possession of the grenade launcher Fonte: israelnationalnews.com Israele Nel cortile di una casa situata in via…

Rohingya youth killed by land mine explosion

A Rohingya youth named Nurul Islam, 25, was killed by a land mine explosion near the Myanmar-Bangladesh border of Bandarban. The incident took place about 11.00am on Tuesday. Sarwar Kamal, Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) of Naikhongchhari, confirmed the matter to Samakal. Fonte: en.samakal.com Bangladesh–Chittagong Nel territorio di Bandarban, località Naikhongchhari, un giovane (25 anni) Rohingya…

Four civilians killed in IED blast, south of Fallujah

Four civilians were killed by a bomb from Islamic State’s war remnants in south of Fallujah, a security source from Anbar province said on Saturday. Fonte: iraqinews.com Iraq–Al-Anbar In località Fallujah a al-Na’imiya, l’esplosione di un residuato bellico, probabilmente una mina, uccide quattro civili, la fonte non specifica età e sesso delle vittime. A monthly…

Two civilians wounded in western Baghdad bomb blast

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) Two civilians were injured as a bomb blast occurred in west of Baghdad, a security source was quoted saying on Wednesday. A bomb went off, today, near the industrial district in Abu Ghraib district, west of Baghdad, leaving two civilians injured,” the source told Alghad Press Fonte: iraqinews.com Iraq–Baghdad Nel quartiere di Abu…

Peshawar: 5 injured in roadside bomb blast

Five people were injured in a roadside bomb blast near Shinwari Town in Peshawar on Friday afternoon.The injured have been shifted to Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar. Foto-Fonte: radio.gov.pk Pakistan–Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Nel territorio di Peshàwar, località Shinwari, l’esplosione di una mina celata in strada, ferisce gravemente cinque civili.

Giulianova, scoperta la targa ricordo del Legionario Cecoslovaco Jan Kelbl

Pio Di Leonardo Giulianova. Grande accoglienza ieri per le delegazioni delle due Ambasciate della Repubblica Ceca e della Repubblica Slovacca in Italia, rispettivamente rappresentate dai Consglieri Jozef Spanik e Lubica Salvatova Baiocchi. Alla cerimonia erano presenti numerosi autorità militari, civili e tutto il mondo associativo delle rispettive unità armate. Il Tenente a riposo, Rosario Cupini,…

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