3 brothers killed in Nangarhar explosion blamed on Taliban

He said three brothers, aged between 18 to 30 years, heading to the district centre, were killed in the blast. A fourth individual was wounded. The Taliban have not yet commented on the blast. Fonte: pajhwok.com Afghanistan-Nangarhar Nel territorio di Deh Bala (Haska Meyna), in località Laglori Khwortre fratelli (18-30 anni) mentre viaggiano in auto,…

Eight persons wounded in bomb blast, north of Baghdad

Eight persons were wounded on Thursday in a bomb blast in north of Baghdad, a security source said. An IED went off near stores in al-Falahat village in Tarmiyah, north of Baghdad, leaving eight persons wounded,” the source told Baghdad Today. Fonte: iraqinews.com Iraq-Al Anbar In località Al-Falahat otto civili subiscono l’esplosione di un ordigno…

Kuala Lumpur, esplode residuato bellico un morto due feriti

15/10/2017 Malesia “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Nel territorio di Selangor a Kuala Lumpur, durante lavori edili, gli operai addetti a scavi smuovono un residuato bellico, risalente alla seconda guerra mondiale. L’ordigno esplode uccidendo un lavoratore…

Varsavia, esplode residuato bellico, un ferito in gravi condizioni

15/10/2017 Polonia, Masovia, Varsavia “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Nel Distretto di Ursus, quartiere Szamoty in via Elżbiety Rakuszanki, un uomo è intento a smanettare un residuato bellico, quest’ultimo esplode, la vittima è soccorsa e trasportata…

The Latest: IS land mine kills Syrian state TV photographer

Syria’s state-run news agency says a photographer with Syrian state TV has been killed in the country’s central Homs province when a land mine left behind by Islamic State militants exploded. SANA reported on Tuesday that Mohammed Milad died in eastern rural Homs. Fonte: foxnews.com Siria–Homs Un giornalista della Tv siriana è ucciso, dall’esplosione di…

Libyan man killed in the explosion of a landmine in Benghazi

Young man was killed when a landmine exploded near a court north of Benghazi in the market of the whale in the city of Benghazi on Sunday. The hospital received the body of 20-year-old Abdul Aziz, who was unidentified, due to a state of confusion by paramedics, the official of the information office at Al-Jalaa…

One killed, two injured in Swat blast

Myasher, father of VDC head Ahmadzeb was killed on the spot while his other son received injuries as a remote-controlled bomb exploded Fonte: tribune.com.pk Pakistan–Khyber Pakhtunkhwa In località Malat Jabba l’esplosione di una mina uccide tre residenti, tra questi un bambino Foto: Archivio

landmine killed

In Yasynuvata, a Russian Federation Armed Forces officer of the Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination (JCCC) told the SMM that an employee of the local power company and two “DPR” sappers were killed when one of them tripped a bounding anti-personnel mine (OZM-72) near the powerline on the outskirts of Betmanove at about 10:00…

North Darfur man ‘ripped apart’ as camel triggers grenade

On Wednesday afternoon in North Darfur, Abdelbagi Yagoub Harran died instantly in Mashrou Abuzeid in eastern Jebel Marra when an explosive remnant of war (ERW) detonated. Foto-Fonte: dabangasudan.org Sudan-Darfur In località Mashrou Abuzeid ad Est del Jebel Marra, un uomo è ucciso dall’esplosione di un residuato bellico innescato dal suo stesso cammello. A dare la…

Bonifica Bellica Sistematica Terrestre – direttiva GEN-BST-001 PRIMA SERIE AGGIUNTE E VARIANTI

Attività connesse all’organizzazione e coordinamento del servizio di Bonifica da ordigni esplosivi residuati bellici sia nelle aree del demanio militare sia a cura dei «soggetti interessati» (esterni all’A.D.) mediante ditte  specializzate iscritte all’Albo istituito con D.M. 15 maggio 2015, n.82; Attività connesse alla predisposizione e alla tenuta dell’Albo delle imprese specializzate in bonifica bellica sistematica;…

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