Woman injured as IED in Chhattisgarh

Woman injured by IED planted by Naxalites in Chhattisgarh’s Bijapur district, highlighting the dangers faced by civilians in the region Source: thehindu.com India, Chhattisgarh, Bijapur Territorio dell’Usoor, zona Nadpalli. L’esplosione di una mina Ied, ferisce gravemente una donna. La vittima raccoglieva legna nel bosco.

Azerbaijani Mine Action Agency’s employee killed by landmine in Jabrayil

On June 21, Rafig Deputat oglu Isayev, an employee of Azerbaijan’s Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA), tragically lost his life due to a mine explosion in the Jabrayil district. Born in 1980, Isayev was fatally injured in the incident. Source: caliber.az Azerbaijan-Jabrayill L’esplosione di una mina uccide uno sminatore. Biography of a Bomb

A Man killed by a landmine of unidentified source in Deir Ez-Zour

A man, identified as Ahmad al-Abd al-Dham al-Haj from al-Shmitiya village in western rural Deir Ez-Zour, was killed on June 20, 2024, by the explosion of a landmine of as yet unidentified source while sheepherding in the badiya ‘desert’ of al-Beshri in western Deir Ez-Zour governorate Source: news.snhr.org Siria–Deir el-Zor–Badiya Territorio al-Beshri. L’esplosione di una…

Toy Bomb Explosion Claims Child’s Life Near Kargil Line of Control

The incident happened while the family was grazing goats in the area. According to local sources, a 14-year-old boy, whose identity has not been confirmed, discovered the explosive device and mistook it for a toy. Source: khybernews.tv Pakistan–Punjab Territorio del Narowal, zona Kargil. L’esplosione di un ordigno uccide un 14-enne e ferisce i genitori. Le…

Kurdish man died due to a war ordnance explosion

Hadi Ghonchedoost, a Kurdish resident from Baneh in Kurdistan Province, sustained severe injuries due to the explosion of a war ordnance and subsequently succumbed to his injuries after being transported to medical facilities. Source: hengaw.net Iran–Kurdistan Iraniano–Baneh L’esplosione di una mina uccide un adulto. La vittima smuoveva un ordigno (era uno sminatore?) Biography of a…

Unexploded shell kills 4 children in Faryab

Four children were killed when an unexploded rocket shell went off in the Pashtunkot district of northern Faryab province Source: pajhwok.com Afghanistan–Faryab L’esplosione di una mina uccide quattro bambini. Biography of a Bomb

Pompei nel dopoguerra, la tragedia della bomba a mano

Esercito Italiano–Marina Militare Avellino–Salerno–Caserta–Benevento Napoli–Pompei Correva l’anno 1954 e la Pompei nuova – che aveva da poco superato il venticinquesimo anniversario della propria nascita come Comune Autonomo nel 1928 – cominciava a staccarsi definitivamente dagli orrori della Seconda Guerra mondiale. La cittadinanza – composita e derivante da quattro diversi Comuni – aveva superato il conflitto…

Ordigni bellici e notizie distorte

Che il compito principale di biografia una bomba sia monitorare il rinvenimento, l’emergenza, la modalità con cui è rinvenuto un residuato bellico è ormai risaputo da ogni lettore o visitatore di questo sito web e colgo questa occasione per ringraziarli tutti. Ma come monitoriamo? Le nostre fonti sono i giornali che citiamo ad ogni notizia…

A teenager scavenging for bullet shells killed in a mine blast in Tonzang

A teenager scavenging for bullet shells used in the battle at Tonzang was killed in a mine blast at around 1 p.m. on June 11, according to local residents. Source: thadinn.com Birmania (Myanmar), Stato Chin (Chin State) Territorio del Tonzang. L’esplosione di una mina uccide un 15-enne. La vittima raccoglieva residuati bellici. Biography of a…

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