A roadside explosion killed three people in Balochistan’s Kech district Source: tribune.com.pk Pakistan–Belucistan (Balochistan) Distretto Kech. L’esplosione di una mina Ied celata in strada uccide tre civili. Biography of a Bomb
Civil War weapons thrown into river by General Sherman’s forces recovered in South Carolina
25/11/2023 Stati Uniti (United States-USA), Carolina del Sud (South Carolina-SC), Richland County- Lexington County, Columbia “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. Kristina Killgrove Civil War weapons — including bullets, cannonballs and rusty swords — are among…
Bombe in Bottrop
25/11/2023 Deutschland, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Münster, Bottrop “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. Wegen eines Bombenfundes in Bottrop musste die B224 gesperrt werden. Wir haben mögliche Umfahrungen für die frequentierte Strecke rausgesucht. Foto-Quelle: waz.de Auch von verrosteten Krieisrelikten…
UK: EODEX completes clearance of Unexploded items of Ordnance at Moray West offshore wind farm
25/11/2023 Regno Unito, (UK), Scozia (Scotland) Moray “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. Over 80 offshore munitions have been successfully removed from the Moray Firth without environmentally damaging High Order detonations, marking a ground breaking advancement…
W trakcie poniedziałkowych prac budowlanych przy ul. Suwalskiej w Ełku natrafiono na niezwykłe znalezisko z czasów II wojny światowej
25/11/2023 Polska, Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Ełk (Ełcki), Ełk “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. Agata Kulikowska de Nałęcz, oficer prasowy Komendy Powiatowej Policji w Ełku, poinformowała, że w związku z odnalezieniem pocisku konieczna była ewakuacja pracowników pobliskich firm….
WWII-era bombs found in Queensland forest go up with a bang
25/11/2023 Australia, Queensland “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. Three 80-year-old bombs discovered by rangers in a Queensland state forest might’ve been rusted on the outside, but they still went up with a bang. Ranger Ben…
Des obus de la Première Guerre mondiale refont surface après les inondations: “Ils représentent toujours un danger”
Francia, (France) 25/11/2023 Belgio (Belgique) Fiandre (Vlaanderen; Vloandern; Flandre; Flandern), Fiandre Occidentali (West-Vlaanderen; West-Vloandern; (Flandre Occidentali), Ypres, Zonnebeke, Westhoek Mathéo Geslan Les précipitations ont imbibé les sols en profondeur les rendant moins fermes. Résultat? De nombreux objets enfouis, dont les habitants avaient oublié la présence, sont remontés à la surface. Les forces de l’ordre flamandes…
Landmine explodes twice in a week in a rubber plantation in Kyike Hto
A rubber plantation worker stepped on a landmine in a rubber plantation owned by the Prison Department near Thit Sake Pin village, Thaton Township, in Mon State. Source: rehmonnya.org Birmania (Myanmar)–Stato Mon–Thaton Zona Thit Sake Pin. L’esplosione di una mina uccide un civile. La vittima lavorava in una piantagione di gomma Biography of a Bomb
Bombenfund nahe Flughafen Frankfurt
24/11/2023 Deutschland, Hessen, Darmstadt, Frankfurt am Main, Süd “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. Von: Florian Dörr Unweit des Frankfurter Flughafens wird eine Bombe gefunden. Der Blindgänger war bei Sondierungsarbeiten gefunden worden. Bombenfund am Montagabend (13….
Niewybuch znaleziony podczas prac w Straszęcinie
24/11/2023 Polska, Podkarpackie, Dębica (Dębicki), Żyraków “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. Niewybuch znaleziony w Straszęcinie. Dokładnie w Strefie aktywności gospodarczej Gminy Żyraków. Odkrycia dokonano podczas prac związanych z budową kanalizacji sanitarnej. Prawdopodobnie jest to pocisk…