Esercito Italiano Comando Forze Operative Nord di Padova–Comando Forze Operative Sud di Napoli–Comando Truppe Alpine Lucca–Arezzo–Pisa–Livorno–Siena–Massa-Carrara–Grosseto–Pistoia–Prato Firenze–San Casciano in Val di Pesa-via Scopeti di Antonio Taddei Sono passati pochi giorni da quando gli artificieri dell’Esercito Italiano (Reggimento Genio Ferrovieri Castel Maggiore–Comando Forze Operative Nord di Padova) sono intervenuti in via Scopeti per rimuovere una granata…
Four Family Members have been killed in a landmine in Jowhar
Four people were killed after Auto-rickshaw they were travelling ran over an IED suspected to have been planted by Al-Shabab militants near Hansholey village under Jowhar district of Middle Shabelle region. Source: Somalia–Medio Scebeli Distretto Jowhar, località Hansholey. L’esplosione di una mina uccide 4 civili appartenenti allo stesso nucleo famigliare. Biography of a Bomb
Bauarbeiter entdecken Weltkriegs-Bombe in Donaustadt
18/02/2022 Austria, Vienna “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Donaustadt. Bombenfund in Wien-Donaustadt: Bauarbeiter entdeckten am Dienstag eine Sprenggranate aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Das Bundesheer entschärfte sie. Der Vorfall ereignete sich bereits am Dienstag gegen 13.45 Uhr…
Porto-Vecchio : un dispositif incendiaire découvert sur un bateau
Belgio 18/02/2022 Francia, Corsica, Corsica del Sud, Sartena, Porto Vecchio “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Par: Sandrine Ordan Un pêcheur porto-vecchiais a alerté les services de gendarmerie ce mardi matin, aux environs de 11h, après avoir…
Norton Requests Meeting to Discuss Unexploded Ordnance Found on Fort Totten Trail
18/02/2022 Stati Uniti, Washington, Distretto Columbia, Fort Totten “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Last week, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) wrote the Director of the National Park Service, the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Corps…
Bolesławieccy saperzy: niemal codziennie w akcji. Interwencja na A18
18/02/2022 Polonia, Bassa Slesia, Bolesławiec, Golnice “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” por. Daniel Kajper Mimo że od zakończenia II wojny światowej mija w tym roku już 77 lat, żołnierze z Patrolu Saperskiego Bolesławiec niemal każdego dnia…
Der Entminungsdienst (EMD) ist für die Analyse und sichere Beseitigung von gefährlichen Kriegsrelikten
18/02/2022 Austria “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Der Entminungsdienst (EMD) ist für die Analyse und sichere Beseitigung von gefährlichen Kriegsrelikten wie Fliegerbomben, Granaten, Munition usw. zuständig, welche in Österreich aufgefunden werden. Es handelt sich um eine…
ชาวบ้านผวา เดินหาหน่อไม้ พบระเบิดในร่องน้ำ เจ้าหน้าที่เร่งเก็บกู้
18/02/2022 Thailandia, Thailandia del Nord, Phetchabun “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Mueang-Tha Phon-Ban Umpae. วันที่ 14 ก.พ.2565 ขณะที่ พ.ต.ท.วิชาญ อาบสุวรรณ์ พนักงานสอบสวน ปฏิบัติหน้าที่ร้อยเวร สภ.ท่าพล มีชาวบ้านบ้านอุมแพ หมู่ที่ 4 ต.ท่าพล อ.เมืองเพชรบูรณ์พบวัตถุระเบิดในร่องน้ำบนภูเขาในพื้นที่หมู่ที่ 4 ต.ท่าพล ขณะที่กำลังเดินหาหน่อไม้และแหย่ไข่มดแดง จึงประสานไปยังหน่วยเก็บกู้วัตถุระเบิด (EOD) สถานีตำรวจภูธรเพชรบูรณ์ให้มาตรวจสอบ จากนั้นจึงรุดไปที่เกิดเหตุพร้อมด้วยอาสามูลนิธิร่วมกตัญญูจุดท่าพล ที่เกิดเหตุอยู่บนภูเขาซึ่งเป็นป่าไม้เบญจพรรณ…
War has been an environmental disaster for Ukraine
18/02/2022 “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” By Jessica McKenzie If Russia embarks on a full-scale invasion of Ukraine—as military maneuvering suggests it might—US intelligence officials estimate that between 25,000 to 50,000 civilians could die. An additional…
Bombe im Hafen gefunden
18/02/2022 Germania, Renania Settentrionale-Vestfalia, Münster (Monaco di Vestfalia) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Bahnhof. Nach ersten Erkenntnissen handelt es sich um eine 250 kg-Bombe. Die Straße “Am Mittelhafen” ist in Höhe Hafenkäserei/Hafengrenze gesperrt. Auf einer Baustelle…