Francia-France 25/10/2022 Belgio (Belgique) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Des chercheurs qui étudient une épave vieille de 80 ans dans la mer du Nord ont découvert que le navire, coulé par une bombe pendant la Seconde…
Desenzano, bambini trovano un “sasso” sulla spiaggia: era una granata inesplosa
Esercito Italiano–Marina Militare Bergamo–Milano–Sondrio–Como–Monza-Brianza–Mantova–Lecco–Pavia–Lodi–Varese–Cremona Brescia–Desenzano del Garda Tragedia sfiorata nella serata di domenica a Desenzano del Garda, nel bresciano. Due fratellini di 6 e 7 anni hanno raccolto una “strana pietra” e l’hanno portata a far vedere al nonno il quale, appena visto il grosso ed insolito sasso si è reso conto che si trattava…
Mortar Shell Explosion Leaves Young Man Dead in Southwestern Afghanistan
A 20-year-old man is said to be the incident’s victim. According to the Bakhtar report, this young man lived in the Khwaja Khazar region, and the explosion occurred at his house. Source: Afghanistan–Farah In zona Khwaja Khazar, l’esplosione di una bomba da mortaio (residuato bellico) uccide un 20-enne. La vittima probabilmente smanettava l’ordigno all’interno…
Łabunie: Dwie bomby lotnicze na polu!
24/10/2022 Polonia, (Polska), Lublino, (Lubelskie), Zamość, Łabunie “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Mieszkaniec gminy Łabunie znalazł bombę lotniczą! Natychmiast powiadomił policjantów, którzy zabezpieczyli teren i zadbali, aby nikt z osób postronnych nie zbliżał się do niewybuchu….
24/10/2022 Stati Uniti, Carolina del Sud, Richland-Lexington, Columbia “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” By Caleb Bozard But coal tar isn’t the only potentially dangerous material lurking underneath the water’s surface. During the occupation of Columbia in…
Muž našiel v podkroví granát z druhej svetovej vojny. Bol stále výbuchu schopný
24/10/2022 Slovacchia, (Slovenská republika), Trenčín (Trenčiansky kraj), Prievidza (okres Prievidza) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” František Šodor Vpodkroví domu v obci Nitrica (okres Prievidza) našiel muž muníciu. Pyrotechnik ju identifikoval ako útočný granát RG 34. Výbušnina…
Córdoba: un vecino encontró un proyectil de mortero en un contenedor
24/10/2022 Argentina, Córdoba “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Un vecino de barrio San Jorge, de la ciudad de Córdoba, encontró este miércoles por la noche un proyectil de mortero en un contenedor y lo entregó a…
Bombe in Bochum entdeckt
24/10/2022 Germania, (Deutschland), Renania Settentrionale-Vestfalia (Nordrhein-Westfalen), Arnsberg, Bochum “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Bochum-Mitte-Hamme. Die 500 Kilogramm schwere englische Fliegerbombe wurde zuvor bei Sondierungsarbeiten auf der Sachsenstraße gefunden. Zunächst hatte man auch den Verdacht auch noch…
Tientallen bommen en granaten gevonden op vliegbasis Deelen
24/10/2022 Olanda, (Nederland), Gheldria, (Gelderland), Arnhem, Ede, Deelen “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Op vliegbasis Deelen zijn de afgelopen weken tientallen bommen en honderden granaten gevonden. In de Tweede Wereldoorlog werd het vliegveld in de buurt…
Bombe à Ouistreham : la date du déminage et de l’évacuation est connue
Belgio-Belgique 24/10/2022 Francia, (France), Normandia (Normandie), Calvados, Caen, Ouistreham “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Par Arnaud Héroult C’est lundi 7 novembre 2022 que va être neutralisée la bombe américaine découverte le 27 septembre dernier à Ouistreham…