30/01/2021 Olanda, Overijssel, Twente, Enschede “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” De Explosieven Opruimingsdienst van Defensie gaat komende donderdag in Enschede een bom uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog onschadelijk maken. Het niet ontplofte projectiel ligt in een maisland…
Racibórz, rinvenuti residuati bellici
30/01/2021 Polonia, Slesia, Racibórz, Krzyżanowice “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” 27 stycznia strażacy zawodowi oraz ochotnicy z powiatu raciborskiego wyjeżdżali do akcji siedem razy, interweniując w miejscowościach Krzyżanowice, Racibórz, Rudnik oraz Żerdziny. Foto-Fonte: nowiny.pl Artificieri intervengono…
Bandung, puliscono l’argine del fiume e trovano una granata inesplosa
30/01/2021 Indonesia, Giava, Bandung “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Dari pantauan, terlihat petugas yang mengenakan rompi warna hitam itu mengevakuasi granat yang diletakkan di halaman rumah warga. Adapun granat itu pertama kali ditemukan oleh petugas kebersihan…
Budapest, rinvenuto residuato bellico
30/01/2021 Ungheria, Budapest “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Budapest 8. kerületében, a Kerepesti úton lévő egyik építési területen második világháborús robbanótestet találtak, ezért a tűzszerészeti munkálatok idejére elterelik a forgalmat és két ház lakóinak is el…
Chieng Co, rinvenuta bomba d’aereo
30/01/2021 Vietnam, Tay Bac, Son La “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Bộ Chỉ huy Quân sự tỉnh Sơn La đã hủy nổ an toàn một quả bom nặng hơn 600 kg tồn đọng sau chiến tranh….
Civilian wounded in mine blast in Tartar region
The Tartar region prosecutor’s office is investigating the case over the wounding of a tractor driver while ploughing a land plot over a buried anti-tank mine. Fonte: azernews.az Azerbaijan–Tartar Nel territorio di Tartar, l’esplosione di una mina ferisce un 34-enne. La vittima era a bordo di un trattore. Biography of a Bomb
Rosières-en-Santerre, rinvenuta granata incendiaria
Belgio 30/01/2021 Francia, Alta Francia, (Hauts-de-France), Somme, Montdidier, Moreuil, Rosières-en-Santerre “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Les travaux ont repris près de Rosières-en-Santerre après la mise au jour d’une grenade Foto-Fonte: premium.courrier-picard.fr In un cantiere situato nel Comune…
Norfolk, pulisce casa e trova munizioni inesplose
30/01/2021 Stati Uniti, Massachusetts “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Five World War II era ammunition containers were safely disposed of after they were discovered in a Norfolk resident’s basement Tuesday, police said. “Anytime anyone finds old…
Amburgo, disinnescata bomba d’aereo
30/01/2021 Germania, Amburgo “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Die britische Fliegerbombe befand sich nicht weit entfernt vom Millerntorstadion im Stadtteil St. Pauli. Der 250 Kilogramm schwere Blindgänger wurde am Mittwochnachmittag bei Sondierungsarbeiten auf dem Heiligengeistfeld gefunden….
Salerno, ritrovato ordigno bellico sulla spiaggia di Torrione
Esercito Italiano Comando Forze Operative Nord di Padova–Comando Forze Operative Sud di Napoli–Comando Truppe Alpine Caserta–Napoli–Avellino–Benevento Salerno Un ordigno è stato trovato sulla spiaggia di Torrione. Con precisione la bomba, che potrebbe essere un residuato della seconda guerra mondiale, si trova sull’arenile nei pressi del tratto di lungomare rimodernato, dopo l’ex ostello della Gioventù. Sul…