01/06/2020 Stati Uniti, California, Alameda, Oakland, West Oakland “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Two World War II era hand grenades in “pristine condition” that were found Wednesday afternoon in a vacant West Oakland house were later…
Arabia non più Felix #1 – Yemen: una guerra senza voce
di Elena Franchi Al tempo dei romani era noto come Arabia Felix, ora è un paese sconvolto dalla guerra. Stiamo parlando dello Yemen, antico centro di civiltà all’estremo sud della penisola arabica, famoso per le spezie e l’incenso, celebrato da Pasolini e oggi totalmente assente dai notiziari e dai mass media. Per alcuni studiosi fu…
exploded uxo
« Ils fouillaient dans les ordures à l’espace Festa-Africa. Soudainement, l’un d’eux ramasse une grenade. Ignorant qu’il s’agit d’un engin explosif, il la jeta au feu. Rapidement, Sandjim a constaté qu’il s’agit d’une grenade. Il s’est dépêché pour écarter le danger des autres. C’est au moment qu’il jeta la grenade qu’elle a explosé » Fonte:…
Heino, 11-enne trova una bomba da mortaio, pensa sia una pietra e la scaglia oltre il fossato
01/06/2020 Olanda, Overijssel, Raalte, Heino “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Vanochtend bevestigde de EOD dat de tweeling ongelooflijk veel mazzel heeft gehad: de granaten stonden op scherp en hadden zomaar kunnen ontploffen. Vooral omdat Jurre deze…
Montrose beach, undicenne trova in spiaggia due residuati bellici
01/06/2020 Regno Unito, Scozia, Angus, Montrose “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”. Summer Leigh-Halkett was passing by the beach with her grandad when she noticed the large emergency presence swarm the area. The 11-year-old managed to capture…