Ognuno recita il proprio ruolo, immerso in quella divina sensazione di devozione allo scopo comune: la realizzazione di un'opera d'arte, che anche la bonifica bellica sa idealizzare.



26/04/2024 Giappone, Ryūkyū, Kyūshū, Okinawa, Naha  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. 沖縄県那覇市与儀96番地の工事現場内で17日午前9時40分から、米国製5インチ艦砲弾(照明弾)1発の不発弾処理が行われる。処理現場から半径25・5メートル以内の約15世帯と1事業所の約45人が避難対象。同日午前9時半から、周辺道路では交通規制もある。 Photo-Source: okinawatimes.co.jp 警察は「不発弾を見つけたら近づかず連絡してほしい」と話しています Biography of a Bomb Dear editors, Biography of a bomb is aimed at highlighting the danger caused by unexploded bombs. Moreover,…

Unexploded ordnance in Cornwall ‘made safe’

26/04/2024 Regno Unito, (UK), Inghilterra, (England), Cornovaglia (Kernow-Cornwall), Bude Widemouth Bay  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. Police said an item of unexploded ordnance found by a member of the pubic on a Cornwall beach has…

Two teenagers killed, one injured in landmine explosion in Pakistan’s KPK

The boys were searching for wild mushrooms in the nearby Tirah Valley mountains in the tribal Khyber district when one of them stepped on the landmine triggering a huge blast. Source: dailyexcelsior.com Pakistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Khyber Agency Tirah Valley. L’esplosione di una mina uccide tre adolescenti a ferisce un coetaneo. Le vittime cercavano funghi.

1,000 kg NATO bomb excavated from Serbian city; thousands evacuated

25/04/2024 Serbia (Србија), Serbia Centrale (Централна Србија), Nišava (Нишава), Niš (Ниш)  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. Officials stated that on Sunday (April 21), experts removed an unexploded bomb from a southern Serbian city that dated…

Two Iraqi ministries approve a plan to eradicate landmines in the country by 2028

25/04/2024 Iraq  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. Iraq’s Ministries of Planning and Environment have reached an agreement on a strategy to decontaminate unexploded ordnance and declare Iraq free of landmines by 2028, an official statement…

La bomba no era hueca

25/04/2024 Spagna, (España), Navarra, Pamplona El grupo Tedax de la Policía Nacional explosionó en marzo el artefacto de 90 kilos que albergaba el edificio del Archivo Municipal de Pamplona. Contenía pólvora Foto-Fuente: diariodenavarra.es MODO DE ACTUAR ANTE UN HALLAZGO DE GRANADAS DE FUSIL EXPLOSIVAS Con todo, la Benemérita ha indicado que el descubrimiento de material…

Landmine Blast Kills 10 In Northeast Nigeria

A vehicle transporting local traders hit an improvised landmine killing at least 10 people and wounding 23 in an area of northeast Nigeria Source: barrons.com Nigeria–Borno Zona Monguno. L’esplosione di una mina celata in strada travolge un bus adibito al trasporto di civili uccide 10 persone e ferisce altri 23 passeggeri.   Biography of a…

Σέρρες: Εξουδετέρωσαν βόμβα του Β’ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου – Τη βρήκε κάτοικος σε ρέμα

24/04/2024 Grecia, (Ελλάδα), Macedonia Centrale (Κεντρική Μακεδονία), Serres (Σέρρες-Σέρραι-Serrai)  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. Με επιτυχία πυροτεχνουργοί του στρατού εξουδετέρωσαν το μεσημέρι της Τετάρτης (17.04.2024) βόμβα του Β Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου, που εντοπίστηκε σε οικισμό στις…

Gránátot találtak Szerencsen

24/04/2024 Ungheria (Magyarország), Ungheria Settentrionale (Észak-Magyarország), Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. Mezőgazdasági gépbe szorult világháborús gránátot hatástalanítottak a tűzszerészek – közölte a Magyar Honvédség 1. Tűzszerész és Folyamőr Ezrede a közösségi oldalán. A tűzszerészek…

Bombă germană de aviație, descoperită la Mărgineni de un bărbat

24/04/2024 Romania, (România), Moldavia, Bacău, Mărgineni  “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”. Echipa pirotehnică din cadrul Inspectoratului pentru Situații de Urgență „Mr. CONSTANTIN ENE” al Județului Bacău a fost solicitată să intervină în comuna Mărgineni pentru…