19/06/2024 Slovacchia, (Slovenská republika), Bratislava (Bratislavy), Malacky, Záhorie
“If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”
V lesnom poraste vo vojenskom obvode Záhorie našiel v nedeľu náhodný okoloidúci občan šesť kusov vojenskej munície. Policajný pyrotechnik potvrdil, že jedna munícia bola z druhej svetovej vojny a zvyšných päť kusov bolo cvičnou muníciou.
Photo-Source: 1.pluska.sk
Polícia varovala obyvateľov pred nebezpečenstvom výbuchu vojenskej munície nájdenou náhodou
Dear editors, Biography of a bomb is aimed at highlighting the danger caused by unexploded bombs. Moreover, the most important aspect is that we work completely non profit, what drives us is raising awerness about this topic. We make use of your pictures and articles, but we need them to put a context in how findings are done. We trust in your understanding. We will (and we always do) cite the source and the author. We thank you for your comprehension.