25/06/2020 Stati Uniti, Ohio
“If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, your local law enforcement agency for assistance”.
The Willoughby Hills Police Department is using this incident as an example for this safety message:
If you come across something that you think may be an explosive device (a bomb, shell, or mortar for example):
Do not touch it.
Leave the item where it is – even if it looks old and rusty, it may still contain explosives and is therefore potentially dangerous.
Contact your local law enforcement and/or fire department for further assistance.
Foto-Fonte: cleveland19.com
Contea Lake, Comune Willoughby Hills: Un 12-enne, trova nell’alveo del Chagrin River una granata d’artiglieria. L’adolescente raccoglie la granata e la trasporta presso la propria abitazione. La madre vede la bomba tra le braccia del figlio gli chiede di posarla delicatamente e allerta subito la Polizia. Sul posto giungono gli artificieri della Contea che rimuovono il residuato e allertano i residenti di non toccare ordigni inesplosi.
If you find anything that appears to be an explosive device, do not touch it, leave it where it is and call the police. We will contact the appropriate agencies to properly dispose of the item.
Biography of a Bomb
Foto: Willoughby Hills 12-year-old boy finds old active artillery shell in Chagrin River (Source: Willoughby Hills Police Department)