Bomba abandonada a los pies de un árbol en Reus

24/03/2024 Spagna, (España), Catalogna (Catalunya-Cataluña), Tarragona (Tarragonès-Tarragonés) Un articulo de Montse Plana Esta mañana ha sido localizado un explosivo en la calle Alcalde Joan Bertran de Reus. Según fuentes consultadas de los Mossos d’Esquadra podría tratarse de la Guerra Civil. El artefacto se ha localizado a los pies de un árbol, a la altura de…

Hughes Subsea to survey East Anglia Three for UXO

24/03/2024 Regno Unito, (UK), Inghilterra, (England), Norfolk, King’s Lynn   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” OEG Renewables business Hughes Subsea will undertake unexploded ordnance (UXO) identification and clearance for ScottishPower Renewables’ 1.4GW East Anglia Three offshore…

Landmine kills boy, wounds two sisters

Their mother was busy working, and did not notice that the children had found an old landmine and were playing with it. Source: Cambogia–Oddar Meancheay–Anlong Veng Zona Trapaing Brei. L’esplosione di una mina uccide un ragazzino e ferisce due sorelle. Le vittime giocavano con l’ordigno. Biography of a Bomb

Unexploded ordnance on West Sussex beach made safe

23/03/2024 Regno Unito, (UK), Inghilterra, (England), West Sussex, Chichester, Selsey, Medmerry   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” Shola Lee More explosive devices have been found and made safe on a beach in West Sussex. A controlled…

2 mortars found in 5 weeks at Coldstream’s Kal Park

23/03/2024 Canada, (Canadà), Columbia Britannica, (British Columbia), Okanagan, Vernon, Cosens Bay, Kalamalka Provincial Park   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”  Jennifer Smith Another potentially explosive situation was avoided in Kalamalka Lake Provincial Park Friday. Vernon North…


23/03/2024 Argentina, Chubut, Biedma, Puerto Madryn Diego Facciuto: El 29/09/2021 tuve la oportunidad de estar a cargo del equipo que llevó a cabo la verificación de un UXO Bethlehem de 12″ (305 mm) en la Base de Balizamiento de la ciudad de Pto. Madryn -Chubut-. Luego del correspondiente RSP (trepanación, inspección interior con boroscopio, extracción…

Explosion of landmine kills child and injures another in Al-Hasakah countryside

A child was killed and another was injured as a result of the explosion of an old landmine, while they were herding sheep in Bab Al-Faraj village near Jabal Kawkab within SDF-held areas in Al-Hasakah countryside. Source: Siria, Al-Hasaka (Hassaké) Territorio Jabal Kawkab, zona Bab Al-Faraj. L’esplosione di una mina uccide un ragazzino e…

Woman finds live grenade while cleaning out deceased father’s home in Knowlton, Que.

22/03/2024 Canada, (Canadà), Québec   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” Estrie. Brome-Missisquoi. Amy Luft. A woman cleaning out her deceased father’s home in the Quebec town of Knowlton made a bombshell discovery on Friday – she…

Granáty, dělostřelecký náboj. Stará munice se našla u Travčic i na Doksansku

22/03/2024 Repubblica Ceca, (Česká republika), Boemia (Jihočeský kraj), Ústí nad Labem (Ústecký kraj), Litoměřice (okres Litoměřice), Travčice   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” Hynek Dlouhý Překvapení čekalo na muže, který se s detektorem kovů pohyboval u…

道路工事で見つかった5インチ艦砲弾 3月19日に不発弾処理 沖縄・南城市大里 周辺市道を午前9時から交通規制

22/03/2024 Giappone, Ryūkyū, Kyūshū, Okinawa, Nanjō, Osato   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance”  沖縄県南城市大里大里の空き地で19日午前9時、米国製5インチ艦砲弾1発の不発弾処理作業が行われる。 南城市大里大里の不発弾処理現場の地図  処理現場から半径88メートルが立ち入り禁止となる。避難対象は24世帯59人。周辺の市道などで同午前9時から交通規制が始まり、正午までに終了予定。 Photo-Source: 警察は「不発弾を見つけたら近づかず連絡してほしい」と話しています Biography of a Bomb Dear editors, Biography of a bomb is aimed at highlighting the danger caused by…

Landmine explosion kills 16 in Syria

A landmine exploded among truffle collectors in Syria’s northern al-Raqqa province on Saturday, resulting in the deaths of at least 16 people, as reported by a war monitor. Source: Siria–Al-Raqqa Zona Sabkha. L’esplosione di una mina uccide 16 civili. Le vittime cercavano tartufi. La fonte non specifica quanti feriti. Biography of a Bomb

An American who has helped clear 815,000 bombs from Vietnam

21/03/2024 Vietnam, Bac Trung Bộ, Quang Tri, Huong Hoa, Khe Sanh   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” By SETH MYDANS NYTimes News Service On a visit to the former battlefield of Khe Sanh, the scene of…

Granaat gevonden in Lottum

21/03/2024 Olanda, (Nederland), Limburgo (Limburg), Horst aan de Maas   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” Niels van Rens In de bossen in Lottum is een granaat gevonden. De Explosieven Opruimingsdienst Defensie heeft de granaat tot ontploffing…

Gotova velika akcija. U moru kod Lošinja uništena mina zaostala iz Drugog svjetskog rata

21/03/2024 Croazia, (Hrvatska), Litoraneo-montana, (Primorsko-goranska županija), Lussinpiccolo, Lussino (Lošinj)   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” Katarina Knežević Metelko Mina zaostala iz Drugog svjetskog rata, pronađena u moru kod Lošinja, uništena je kontroliranom detonacijom u četvrtak, desetak…

Mijnenjager maakt op Noordzee drie vliegtuigbommen onschadelijk

20/03/2024 Olanda, (Nederland), Olanda Meridionale (Zuid-Holland), Rotterdam–L’Aia (Den Haag) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” Mijnenjager Zr.Ms. Vlaardingen heeft in de Noordzee drie vliegtuigbommen uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog onschadelijk gemaakt. Het ging om twee zogeheten 500-ponders…

Od Mirkovaca do Negoslavaca poljoprivrednici pronašli 4 mine!

20/03/2024 Croazia, (Hrvatska), Vukovar e Sirmia (Vukovarsko-srijemska županija-Вуковарско-сријемска жупанија-Vukovarsko-srijemska županija) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” Vukovarsko-srijemska policija je jučer, 12. ožujka, zaprimila četiri dojave građana o pronalascima minsko-eksplozivnih sredstava i streljiva. U tri slučaja minsko-eksplozivna…

Aυτή είναι η παλιά οβίδα που εντοπίστηκε σε οικόπεδο στα Άνω Βριλήσσια

20/03/2024 Grecia, (Ελλάδα), Attica (Αποκεντρωμένη Διοίκηση Αττικής-Περιφέρεια Αττικής) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” Atene Settentrionale (Περιφερειακή ενότητα Βορείου Τομέα Αθηνών), Vrilissia (Βριλήσσια), Ano Vrilissia (Άνω Βριλήσσια). Συναγερμός έχει σημάνει στις αρχές μετά τον εντοπισμό οβίδας…

Landmine explosion, dead in Salamiyah countryside in eastern Hama

Two civilians were killed and another was injured due to the explosion of an old landmine in a car carrying them in Al-Rahrahah area in eastern Wadi Al-Atheib in northeastern Salamiyah countryside in Hama countryside Source: Siria–Hama–Salamiya (Salamiyah-Salamiyya) Zona Al-Rahrahah. L’esplosione di una mina uccide due civili e ferisce una terza persona. Biography of…

Why unexploded ordnances pose physical, and environmental, risks

19/03/2024 Stati Uniti (United States-USA), Massachusetts, (MA), Norfolk County   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” by Cyrus Moulton, Northeastern University Two unexploded ordnance were fished out of the Charles River in Needham, Massachusetts, this week. A…

Soy mujer y desactivo bombas, ¿pasa algo?

19/03/2024 Spagna, (España) SUSANA CARRIZOSA La profesión no tiene género para las mujeres que ya han roto su techo de cristal subiéndose al carro de ocupaciones masculinizadas, el 53%, según un informe de la Fundación BBVA, para obtener mejores salarios y condiciones laborales. Dan así esquinazo a empleos en los que hay paridad (14,8%) o…

Második világháborús bombát találtak a hulladékégetőben

19/03/2024 Ungheria (Magyarország), Budapest, XV. kerület Második világháborús eredetű 100 milliméteres repeszlőszert találtak az FKF Fővárosi Hulladékégető Mű salakterében – közölte a Magyar Honvédség 1. Tűzszerész és Folyamőr Ezred hivatalos Facebook-oldalán csütörtökön. A bejegyzésben olvasható: az FKF rákospalotai szemétégető üzem salakterében bukkantak a dolgozók a nagyméretű feltételezett robbanótestre. A tűzszerész járőr parancsnoka megállapította, hogy egy…

Three people killed in landmine explosion in forest in Ukraine’s Volyn Oblast

A landmine explosion in a forest near Kolpytiv village in Ukraine’s Volyn Oblast tragically killed three people, Volynski Novyny media reported. Source: Ucraina (Україна), Oblast’ di Volinia (Волинська область-Volyns’ka oblast-Volyn Oblast) Zona Kolpytiv (Колпитів). L’esplosione di una mina uccide tre civili. Biography of a Bomb

Construction site in South Korea yields second Korean War bomb this month

18/03/2024 Corea del Sud, Seoul, Cheongju “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” By DAVID CHOI AND YOO KYONG CHANG A laborer wielding a spade found an intact, 1,000-pound bomb from the Korean War at a construction…

Unexploded ordnance found in Southampton city centre

18/03/2024 Regno Unito, (UK), Inghilterra, (England), Hampshire, Southampton   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” Buildings were evacuated and cordons put in place after “suspected unexploded ordnance” was found in roadworks in Southampton city centre. Police said…

Potential unexploded bombs delay Exmouth sea wall repairs

17/03/2024 Regno Unito, (UK), Inghilterra, (England), Devon, Exmouth   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” By Will Goddard Emergency repairs to Exmouth’s crumbling sea wall are set to begin this month after being delayed because of a…

Magneetvisser haalt granaat uit water

17/03/2024 Olanda, (Nederland), Olanda Meridionale (Zuid-Holland), Leidschendam-Voorburg, Voorburg   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” Een magneetvisser heeft maandagochtend een bijzonder voorwerp uit het water gevist aan de Westerlookade in Voorburg. Het ging om een granaat, die…

Landmine blast kills picnicker in Kirkuk province

A landmine believed to date back to the Baathist regime era exploded in Kirkuk province on Friday, killing one person and injuring another, a police spokesperson said. Source: Iraq–Kurdistan iracheno–Kirkuk Territorio Jawa Bor. L’esplosione di una mina uccide un uomo. Il figlio subisce pesanti ferite. Le vittime trascorrevano momenti di tranquillità. Biography of a…

An unexploded missile was found in the town of Hrajel in the district of Keserwan

16/03/2024 Libano   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” An unexploded missile was found on Tuesday near the main road in the town of Hrajel in the district of Keserwan. It is believed that the unexploded missile…

Two unexploded devices found in quick succession on the Wirral have been safely detonated.

16/03/2024 Regno Unito, (UK), Inghilterra, (England), Merseyside, Wirral, Wallasey, New Brighton   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” Merseyside Police said the first was found close to the Dips in New Brighton at about 10:00 GMT on…

Unexploded bombs, a long-term threat to life in Gaza

16/03/2024 Palestina, Striscia di Gaza, Gaza   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” The NGO Humanity & Inclusion has been working for decades to protect civilians from explosive weapons and has repeatedly warned about the dangers posed…

Χειροβομβίδες του Β’ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου σε διαμέρισμα του Κολωνακίου

15/03/2024 Grecia, (Ελλάδα), Attica (Αποκεντρωμένη Διοίκηση Αττικής-Περιφέρεια Αττικής), Atene Centrale (Περιφερειακή ενότητα Κεντρικού Τομέα Αθηνών)   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” Δύο στρατιωτικές χειροβομβίδες βρέθηκαν σε οικία στην οδό Σκουφά κατά τη διάρκεια εργασιών ανακαίνισης. Αποκλείστηκε…

Sedena acciones contra minas terrestres

15/03/2024 Messico (México), Michoacan   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” Tras asegurar casi mil artefactos explosivos terrestres y luego de los ataques con drones en contra de las Fuerzas Armadas, especialmente en Michoacán, la Sedena ya…

Különleges, első világháborús relikviákat adtak át a tűzszerészek a veszprémi Laczkó Dezső Múzeumnak

15/03/2024 Ungheria (Magyarország), Transdanubio (Dunántúl), Veszprém   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” Három, az első világháború idejéből származó karabélyt adtak át a Magyar Honvédség 1. Tűzszerész és Folyamőr Ezredének katonái a veszprémi Laczkó Dezső Múzeumnak, amelyeket…

Four kolbars injured by border guards, landmine blast in Nowsud

A landmine explosion in the Nowsud border area of Kermanshah Province injured two kolbars, Mohammad Mirani and Aboubakr Rostamian, in the early hours of 7 March. Source: Iran–Kurdistan Iraniano–Kermanshah L’esplosione di una mina uccide due kolbar. Biography of a Bomb

男打掃老宅驚見未爆手榴彈、29顆機槍子彈 軍方

14/03/2024 Taiwan, Tainan   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” 台南市警二分局於昨(9)日獲報,一名陳姓男子在打掃永華路1段的老宅時,竟在屋內床櫃下發現疑似一盒機槍子彈(29顆)及訓練型空彈手榴彈2枚,員警立即到場警戒管制,並通報鑑識小組與軍方未爆彈處理組,初步判定該批外觀老舊布滿灰塵的物品均非屬軍方製造,後續由第二分局鑑識人員帶回封存,續送刑事局槍彈組詳細檢驗。 Photo-Source: 如在野外或家裡的地下發現不明物體,或疑似戰爭遺留的砲彈,子彈、槍械等;首先我們應該報警,由執法部門派遣專業的人員處理這些危險品,切莫自己動手去研究 Biography of a Bomb Dear editors, Biographie einer Bombe is aimed at highlighting the danger caused by unexploded bombs. Moreover, the most important aspect…

U Jadranskom moru pronađena zaostala mina: Izrađen plan izmještanja i neutralizacije

14/03/2024 Croazia, (Hrvatska), Litoraneo-montana, (Primorsko-goranska županija), Lussinpiccolo, Lussino (Lošinj)   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” U području lošinjskog akvatorija otkrivena je protubrodska mina zaostala iz 2. svjetskog rata. Riječ je o relativno velikoj mini koja ranije…

Při stavbě D3 se našly desítky kilogramů munice, část pyrotechnici odpálili na místě

14/03/2024 Repubblica Ceca, (Česká republika), Boemia (Jihočeský kraj), Český Krumlov (okres Český Krumlov), Dolní Dvořiště   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” Pěchotní munici, ruční granáty i torza zbraní z druhé světové války našel ve středu u…

Landmine blast kills 2 truffle hunters in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor

Two people were killed on Saturday in a landmine blast while they were picking up truffle in the western countryside of Deir ez-Zor, east Syria. Source: Siria–Deir el-Zor–Ayyash-Jebel Bishri L’esplosione di una mina uccide due civili. Le vittime cercavano tartufi. Biography of a Bomb

Kriegsrelikt bei Grabungsarbeiten in Trofaiach entdeckt

13/03/2024 Austria (Österreich), Stiria (Steiermark), Leoben Sara Konrad Wie die Stadtgemeinde Trofaiach am Mittwoch gegen 11 Uhr Vormittags auf ihrer Facebook-Seite mitteilte, wurde bei Grabungsarbeiten im Bereich des Alpenvereinsheims ein Kriegsrelikt entdeckt. Die Polizei sowie der Entminungsdienst seien bereits vor Ort, um sich ein Bild der Lage zu machen, teilt die Polizei auf Nachfrage von…

Unexploded hand grenade found at Pretoria residence

13/03/2024 Sudafrica, Gauteng, Tshwane, Pretoria   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” Police are trying to determine the motive after a hand grenade was found at a Laudium residence in the early hours of Sunday morning, Rekord…

Mann geht mit Hund Gassi und entdeckt Unfassbares

13/03/2024 Austria (Österreich), Vienna (Wien) Wie die Landespolizeidirektion Wien am Donnerstag in einer Aussendung mitteilt, entdeckte am Mittwoch ein Mann im Zuge eines Spazierganges mit seinem Hund einen sprengstoffverdächtigen Gegenstand in der Johann-Staud-Straße und alarmierte die Polizei. Foto-Quelle: Die Wiener Polizei rät, sprengstoffverdächtige Gegenstände oder Kriegsmaterial nicht zu bergen, sondern den Auffindungsort zu merken…

Landmine blast kills 6 people in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor

Six people were killed and others were injured on Saturday in a landmine explosion in Deir ez-Zor Governorate, eastern Syria. Source: Siria–Deir el-Zor Zona Haribsha. L’esplosione di una mina uccide sei civili. Due i feriti. Le vittime cercavano tartufi. Biography of a Bomb

Workers discover 1,000-pound bomb from Korean War at construction site

12/03/2024 Corea del Sud, Seoul   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” By DAVID CHOI AND YOO KYONG CHANG An unexploded 1,000-pound bomb leftover from the Korean War was partially dismantled and removed from a construction site…

Scot finds unexploded bomb in his garden sparking huge police and Navy operation

12/03/2024 Regno Unito, (UK), Scozia (Scotland), Dumfries e Galloway (Dùn Phris agus an Gall-Ghaidhealaibh), Dalbeattie   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” By Stuart Gillespie Bomb disposal experts were called out to Dalbeattie after a man found…

700+ Unexploded Ordnance Safely Disposed in Western Province

12/03/2024 Isole Salomone, Provincia Occidentale, (Western Province), Georgia Island, Munda   “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” In a crucial 12-day operation, the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Department (EODD) of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) had…