Pridvorica (Придворица), l’esplosione del de.po.muni. provoca seri danni alle abitazioni civili-u naselju Pridvorica, meštaninu Aleksandru Jovanoviću, napravljena je ogromna šteta na kući posle eksplozije u “Slobodi” u Čačku

07/07/2021 Serbia (Србија), Serbia Centrale (Централна Србија), Moravica (Моравички округ), Čačak (Чачак), Pridvorica (Придворица) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Nakon tri eksplozije koje su se dogodile u čačanskoj “Slobodi” štetu imaju domaćinstva koja su u neposrednoj…

Karlstad, rinvenuta granata inesplosa-granat i Karlstad

07/07/2021 Svezia, Svealand, Värmland “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Nationella bombskyddet oskadliggjorde granat i Karlstad: ”Var skarp” Foto-Fonte:–Niklas Wallberg Artificieri intervengono nella città di Karlstad a causa del rinvenimento di una bomba a mano. Ordigno…

Palembang, subacqueo pensa sia un pezzo di ferro, ma è una bomba da mortaio-emukan “Besi Tua” di Sungai Musi, Sempat Dibawa Pulang dan Gusar Saat Tahu Mortir-Palembang, a diver thinks is a iron piece, but it’s a mortar bomb

06/07/2021 Indonesia, Sumatra, Palembang “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Tanpa pikir panjang, ia pun membawa besi tua itu ke daratan lalu ia angkut pulang. Hendri sempat menyimpan besi tua itu di sekitar persawahan. Ia tak tahu…

Jeneponto, bambino lancia la granata nel campo-1 Sempat Dimaini dan Dilempar Anak-Anak

05/07/2021 Indonesia, Sulawesi “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” “Granat itu ditemukan oleh Kr Bonto di Pattiroang. Ada tiga buah granat, namun satunya masih dicari karena sempat namaini anak-anak dan melempar ke sawah-sawah,” kata Kapolsek Arungkeke, Iptu…

Siminicea, cerca funghi e trova munizioni inesplose-muniție din al doilea război mondială, găsită într-o pădure la Siminicea de un culegător de ciuperci-Small trip: looking for mushrooms, but finding unexploded bombs

05/07/2021 Romania, Moldavia, Suceava “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Grupa Pirotehnică a Inspectoratului pentru Situații de Urgență „Bucovina” al județului Suceava a efectuat, pe parcursul zilelor de joi și vineri  două misiuni pirotehnice, în zona forestieră…

man dies in landmine explosion in Sibi

Reportedly, Asad Ullah, s/o Wahid Baukhsh, was going to fetch drinking water on his motorcycle. When reached Izat Shah area near Sibi Mithri, his two-wheeler hit a landmine that exploded with a bang, killing the rider on the spot. Fonte: Pakistan–Belucistan (Balochistan), Sibi In località Izat Shah, l’esplosione di una mina celata in strada…

Son Bou, un proiettile tra la sabbia-un proyectil en Son Bou

05/07/2021 Spagna, Baleari, Minorca, Alaior, Son Bou “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Efectivos del Servicio de Desactivación de Explosivos (SEDEX) de la Guardia Civil retiraron ayer por la tarde los restos de un proyectil que había…

Kerč’ (Керчь), rinvenuti e neutralizzati 99 residuati bellici-В Керчи нашли и обезвредили 99 взрывоопасных предметов времен Великой Отечественной войны

04/07/2021 Russia, Crimea (Крыму-Крымский полуостров), Kerč’ (Керчь) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” 30 июня в Керчи (на ул. Орджоникидзе), а также на территории Керченской крепости пиротехниками Специального морского отряда Главного управления МЧС России по Республике Крым…

Hrušky (Hruškách), demoliscono la casa e trovano una bomba inesplosa-V Hruškách při demolici domu objevili munici

04/07/2021 Repubblica Ceca, (Česká republika), Moravia, (Moravský-Jihomoravský), Břeclav (okres Břeclav- Břeclavsku) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Při demolici domu v Hruškách, které před týdnem zasáhlo tornádo, byla nalezena puma pocházející zřejmě z druhé světové války. Na…

Landmine planted earlier by ISIS explodes in Ain al-Arab countryside (Kobani), killing civilian and injuring another

Aleppo province: SOHR activists have documented the death of a civilian and serious injury of another after the explosion of an old landmine planted earlier by ISIS in Aghbish village in Ain al-Arab countryside (Kobani) in eastern Aleppo. Fonte: Siria–Aleppo–Kobanê (Kobânî-Kobânê-Ayn al-Arab) In località Aghbish, l’esplosione di una mina uccide e ferisce due civili….

Toy bomb kills 3 children in Tank

02/07/2021 Pakistan–Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Tank, Shah Alam “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” (MENAFN – Tribal News Network) TANK: In a tragic turn of events, three children, who were brothers, died in an explosion of a toy bomb…

Sebastopoli, rinvenuti ordigni inesplosi-В Севастополе продолжают находить снаряды времен Второй мировой войны – Росгвардия

03/07/2021 Russia, Crimea (Крыму-Крымский полуостров), Sebastopoli (Севастополь) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” В Севастополе местные жители обнаружили несколько крупнокалиберных снарядов времен Второй мировой войны, сообщает пресс-служба главного управления Росгвардии по Крыму. Foto-Fonte: Distretto Nakhimovsky (Нахимовский…

Davao, rinvenute otto bombe d’aereo-8 vintage bomb nahukay sa Davao City

03/07/2021 Filippine, Mindanao, Davao, Davao del Sur, Davao “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Ayon sa Talomo Police Station, agad tumawag ang rumespondeng pulis sa explosives ordnance division (EOD) at kinordon ang lugar dahil maaari pang sumabog…

Landmine killed

On Tuesday, a 16-year-old child lost his life and a young man was wounded in the explosion of a landmine left behind by the Islamic State (ISIS) near a village in the western countryside of Tel Abyad (Gire Spi), north Syria. Fonte: Siria–Al Raqqa–Tell Abyad (Tal Abyad-Tell Abiad) L’esplosione di una mina uccide un…

Vienna, lavora in un campo e trova un ordigno bellico-Kriegsmaterial bei Feldarbeiten in Wien-Favoriten entdeckt

02/07/2021 Austria, Vienna “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Die Wiener Polizei rät zu folgenden Präventionstipps: Wenn Sie sprengstoffverdächtige Gegenstände oder Kriegsmaterial auffinden, merken oder markieren Sie sich den Auffindungsort und begeben Sie sich in eine sichere…

División Explosivos de la provincia de Chubut: “granadas y bomba MK 76”

03/07/2021 Argentina, Chubut, Rawson, Trelew “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” En horas del mediodía de hoy, personal de la División Explosivos tomó intervención en un domicilio ubicado en la intersección de Av La Plata y Cuba,…

Four killed, six injured in Landikotal blast

Four persons including three children and a woman were killed while six others injured when a device exploded in a house at Landikotal area of Khyber district on Tuesday, the police said. Fonte: Pakistan–Khyber Pakhtunkhwa–Peshawar, Khyber Agency In zona Landikotal, l’esplosione di una bomba da mortaio uccide una donna e tre bambini. L’ordigno era…

Celldömölk, rinvenuta bomba da 100 Kg-Százkilós bombát találtak Celldömölkön

02/07/2021 Ungheria, Transdanubio, Vas “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Százkilós bombát találtak Celldömölkön egy nádas medertisztítása közben hétfőn kora délután – közölte a Magyar Honvédség tűzszerész ezredének kommunikációs tisztje, Markovics Zita az MTI-vel. Fonte: Nel…

Wanneroo, bonifica bellica in corso-unexploded ordinance (UXO) remediation search

02/07/2021 Australia, Australia Occidentale, Wanneroo “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Il Department of Water and Environmental Regulation ha approvato un permesso per liberare 3,54 ettari a Bush Forever a ovest di Two Rocks Road, vicino a…

Linz, taglia erba e trova una granata inesplosa-Bei Mäharbeiten Granate entdeckt

01/07/2021 Austria, Alta Austria, Linz, Traun “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Ein Geh- und Radweg wurde gesperrt, bis die Gefahr gebannt war. Ob es sich um ein Relikt aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg oder gar um ein…

Woman in Kyauktaw severely injured by landmine explosion

A woman in northern Rakhine state’s Kyauktaw township suffered severe injuries to her leg and face after she stepped on a landmine on Monday, according to family members. Fonte: Birmania-(Myanmar)–Stato Rakhine–Kyauktaw–Ka Baw L’esplosione di una mina ferisce gravemente una 43-enne che subisce cecità e la perdita della gamba destra. La vittima raccoglieva legna. Biography…

Phillip Island, rinvenuta granata inesplosa-WWII army bomb in Phillip Island

01/07/2021 Australia, Victoria “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” It was Len Curd, a Newhaven Vietnam Veterans Museum volunteer, who realised Craig had discovered an unexploded shell. Fonte:– David Astle Contea Bass, territorio Coast, Isola Phillip…

Nižná (Žilina), rinvenuta granata d’artiglieria-Delostrelecký granát prerušil práce na R3

01/07/2021 Slovacchia, (Slovenská republika), Žilina (Žilinský kraj) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” NIŽNÁ. Na stavbe rýchlostnej cesty R3 našli pri výkopových prácach muníciu z druhej svetovej vojny, V zemi bol ukrytý delostrelecký granát kalibru 122mm a…

Tábor (Táborsku), rinvenute due granate inesplose-Na Táborsku hned dvakrát nalezli válečnou munici

30/06/2021 Repubblica Ceca, (Česká republika), Boemia (Jihočeský kraj), Tábor (Táborsku), Soběslav “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” V poli nedaleko dálnice D3 na Soběslavsku byl nalezen dělostřelecký náboj ráže 37 mm. V lesním prostoru na Veselsku byl pak oznámen nález…

Guningtou, rinvenute in spiaggia 8 bombe inesplose-Guningtou, 8 unexploded bombs found on the beach

30/06/2021 Taiwan, Kinmen, Jinning “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” 金門古寧頭戰場岸際 驚見8枚未爆彈殘體 Foto-Fonte: Artificieri intervengono su un tratto di spiaggia della costa di Guningtou a causa del rinvenimento di otto ordigni bellici inesplosi. Foto: 金門岸巡隊執行岸際巡查,發現一批鏽蝕的未爆彈。(金門岸巡隊提供) 如在野外或家裡的地下發現不明物體,或疑似戰爭遺留的砲彈,子彈、槍械等;首先我們應該報警,由執法部門派遣專業的人員處理這些危險品,切莫自己動手去研究…

Landmine blast hits passenger bus in Afghanistan, 18 injured

At least 18 civilians, including women and children, were wounded when a landmine hit a passenger bus in Afghanistan’s eastern Parwan province on Sunday amid ensuing violence nationwide, confirmed officials. Fonte: Afghanistan–Parwan (Parvan) L’esplosione di una mina celata in strada (Ghorband-Kabul) travolte un bus pieno di civili. La detonazione ferisce 18 passeggeri. Biography of…

Orlické Ústí, scout, scavano nel campo e trovano una bomba inesplosa160 mm-Orlické Ústí, the scouts, dig in the field and find an unexploded bomb160 mm-Dělostřelecký granát objevili instruktoři skautského tábora, když kopali díru

30/06/2021 Repubblica Ceca, (Česká republika), Boemia (Jihočeský kraj), Pardubice (Pardubický kraj), Ústí nad Orlicí (okres Ústí nad Orlicí) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Granát o průměru 160 milimetrů se uložil do jámy. “Hasiči asistovali pyrotechnikům, připravili jámu na…

Tudora, rinvenuta bomba da mortaio-Bombă de aruncător, descoperită la Tudora

30/06/2021 Romania, Moldavia, Botoșani, Tudora “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Pirotehnicienii botoșăneni au asanat zona, nefiind descoperite alte elemente de muniție. Totodată, le-au explicat muncitorilor cum trebuie să procedeze dacă mai găsesc astfel de obiecte. Informare…

Uşak, distrutto ordigno rinvenuto dai residenti-Uşak’ta vatandaşlar tarafından bir tarlada bulunan top mermisi, bomba imha uzmanı ekibi tarafından imha edildi.

29/06/2021 Turchia, Egeo, Provincia Uşak “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Vatandaşlar Uşak Merkez’e bağlı Ortaköy’de bir tarlada eski döneme ait patlamamış top mermisi buldu. Bulunan mermi sonrasında şaşkına dönen vatandaşlar, 112 acil çağrı merkezini arayarak ihbarda…

Failsworth, magnetofolle-magnetomad

29/06/2021 Regno Unito, Inghilterra, Greater Manchester “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” The bomb squad have been called after a suspected smoke grenade was found in a canal in Oldham today. A large police cordon is in…

Vargas, rinvenuta e distrutta una bomba a mano-La Guardia Civil destruye una granada de mano localizada en Vargas

29/06/2021 Spagna, Cantabria “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Desde la Guardia Civil se recuerda, que cualquier artefacto, independiente del estado exterior que presente, es potencialmente peligroso, y una manipulación errónea puede causar consecuencias fatales. «Ante cualquier…

Landmine explosion leaves casualties in Syria’s Manbij

The mine exploded while the children were playing with it, and as a result, three children were killed instantly and two others were wounded, the source added. The source pointed out that the two wounded children were taken to Dar al Shifa Hospital in Manbij, and their conditions are stable. Fonte: Siria–Aleppo–Manbij Tre bambini…

Jaffna rinvenuta bomba inesplosa-unexploded bomb found

28/06/2021 Sri Lanka, Settentrionale, Jaffna “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Foto-Fonte: In un campo situato nell’area della strada “Madhakal”, un residente trova un residuato bellico, l’uomo non allerta le autorità preposte, ma porta la bomba…

Fray Luis Beltrán, rinvenuto residuato bellico-encontraron un artefacto explosivo

28/06/2021 Argentina, Santa Fe, San Lorenzo, Grande Rosario “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Este mediodía el cuerpo de Bomberos Zapadores de la unidad Regional XVII fueron comisionados a la intersección de las calles Facundo Quiroga y…

Rathedaung, Nga/San Baw, rinvenuti 80 residuati bellici-80 unexploded artillery shells have found near Nga/San Baw

28/06/2021 Birmania (Myanmar), Stato Rakhine, Sittwe, Rathedaung, Nga/San Baw “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Villagers found about 80 unexploded artilleries near Nga/San Baw village in Rathedaung Township in Rakhine State. Forty unexploded ordnance shells have been…

Vienna, sterra nell’orto di casa e trova una granata inesplosa-Wien: Granate im Garten gefunden

28/06/2021 Austria, Vienna “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Ein 57-Jähriger fand am Mittwochmorgen beim Umgraben eines Gemüsebeetes in der Maria-Tusch-Straße in Wien-Donaustadt eine mutmaßliche Patrone und alarmierte die Polizei. Die Beamten sicherten den Bereich und verständigten…

Citizen Dies in Landmine Blast in Mount Semmama, Kasserine

The 30 year-old victim from the village of El Oussaia in the delegation of Sbeitla died of wounds in his left leg that caused a serious haemorrhage, Chaabani told reporters. Fonte: Tunisia–Kasserine–Djebel Semmama L’esplosione di una mina uccide un 30-enne. La vittima muore per le ferite riportate alla gamba sinistra. Biography of a Bomb

Vogošća, bonificati quasi 50.000 m2 e individuati 37 ordigni inesplosi-Demineri uklonili 37 eksplozivnih naprava i očistili 41 hiljadu kvadrata u Vogošći

27/06/2021 Bosnia-Erzegovina, (Bosna i Hercegovina), (Босна и Херцеговина), Sarajevo (Сарајево), Vogošća “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Na području Ugorskog u općini Vogošća završen je deminerski zadatak “Kuta” ukupne površine 40.529 m². Na ovom zadatku bili su…

5 civilians in Afghanistan’s Kandahar killed in landmine blast

A landmine blast in Afghanistan’s restive southern Kandahar province killed at least five civilians and injured 18 others, officials confirmed on Wednesday. The provincial governor’s spokesman Jamal Nasir told Anadolu Agency that the incident took place late last night in the restive Maiwand district that recently fell to the Taliban insurgents. Fonte: Afghanistan–Kandahar, (Kandahār-Qandahār),…