04/03/2021 Libano, Nord Libano
“If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”
An explosion took place Wednesday in a scrapyard in Tripoli, Lebanon. The terrifying accident left one dead and four wounded. According to preliminary reports, the explosion was caused by a rocket-propelled grenade included in a shipment of iron cargo transported from Syria. While official investigations are still underway, a security source told local media that the blast was likely to have been caused by an unexploded shell that was inside the scrap truck.
Ville Tripoli. Un camion décharge du matériel ferreux provenant de Syrie dans un dépôt de ferraille situé dans la ville. Dans la benne du camion, entre les fers et les débris, il y a une bombe non explosée qui explose. La détonation tue un travailleur et blesse gravement quatre collègues.
Stadt Tripolis. Ein LKW entladet Eisen aus Syrien in einem Schrottplatz in der Stadt.Im des Trucks, zwischen den Eisenteilen und den Trümmern ist ein nicht explodierter Sprengsatz.Die Detonation tötet einen Arbeiter und verletzt vier Kollegen.
Città Tripoli. Un camion scarica materiale ferroso proveniente dalla Siria in un deposito di rottami situato in città. Nel cassone del camion, tra i ferri e detriti c’è un ordigno inesploso che esplode. La detonazione uccide un lavoratore e ferisce gravemente quattro colleghi.