16/11/2017 Australia, Australia Occidentale
“If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”.
In spiaggia a Quinns Rocks, un residente, trova tra bagnasciuga e ciottoli una granata inesplosa, risalente alla seconda guerra mondiale. L’uomo allerta la Polizia che giunge sul posto, rimuove l’ordigno ed emette verbale all’uomo per aver parcheggiato l’auto in area vietata.
Fonte: communitynews.com.au
The City of Wanneroo’s community and place director Debbie Terelinck said parking on a footpath was an offence under the local parking law and the penalty was $100.
Foto: Archivio