20/07/2019 Francia, Nuova Aquitania, Dordogna, Périgueux
“If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”.
Un pêcheur à l’aimant a remonté… un obus ce week-end à Périgueux, dans les eaux de l’Isle.
Foto-Fonte: francebleu.fr
Périgeux, magnetomadness, but the authorities wait for the accident to happen
A resident, equipped with magnet and rope, is on Pont Des Barris and he is fishing from the Isle. He finds an unexploded granade dated back to the second world war. S.J.A.L.
Un residente munito di cima e magnete posizionato sul Pont Des Barris, “pesca dal fiume L’Isle una granata inesplosa, risalente alla seconda guerra mondiale.
Par sécurité, la police conseille à la population de ne pas toucher ou déplacer ce genre de munitions.
Foto: sudouest.fr