02/11/2016 Repubblica Ceca, Ústí nad Labem, Most
Rinvenuta bomba d’aereo da 1.000 libbre. L’ordigno è stato disinnescato e trasportato in una cava. Il portavoce della polizia Michal Dlouhy, spiega che si tratta per le dimensioni dell’ordigno di un evento eccezionale.
Foto: Archivio
Fonte: praguemonitor.com
Those who had nowhere to go were driven to the sports stadium, she added.
Sedlackova said the bomb weighed 450 kilogrammes and it was found at 11:00 about half a metre underground.
Czech police bomb disposal service chief, Michal Dlouhy, told Czech Television (CT) that the find was extraordinary.
“We find smaller 250-kilogramme bombs rather often, but this has been a unique discovery in the last few decades,” he said.