26/07/2020 Australia
“If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”
A search for unexploded ordnance on approximately 90 hectares of land across West Majura Grasslands has begun ahead of the area’s planned transition into an environmental offset site.
Foto-Fonte: the-riotact.com
Territorio della capitale australiana, Città Canberra, Distretto Majura: si studiano i programmi per avviare lavori di bonifica bellica nei campi-praterie adiacenti all’Area di addestramento Majura (MTA) dell’Australian Defense Force (ADF). Il lavoro garantirà l’assenza di ordigni bellici inesplosi su una superficie di 90 ettari con verifiche da effettuare a una profondità massima di un metro.
If you find anything that appears to be an explosive device, do not touch it, leave it where it is and call the police. We will contact the appropriate agencies to properly dispose of the item.
Foto: Mount Majura pictured sometime in the 1910s. The army base was established in the area in 1911. Photo: National Archives of Australia.