24/10/2020 Russia, Oblast’ di Mosca (Московская область)
“If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”
Педагог пояснил, что сам проводил раскопки при строительстве микрорайона «Катюшки» в Лобне. Однако он считал, что боеприпасы уже не представляют угрозы, отмечает «Life Shot». Следственным комитетом по Московской области возбуждены уголовные дела по статьям «Незаконный оборот оружия» и «Халатность».
Foto-Fonte: gazeta.ru
As members of Italian National Association of Civilian Victims of War we wish we hade never read, written and published about this story.It happened at Lobnja (Лобня). A teacher found, in uncertain circumstances, an unexploded 20 mm granade from Second World War. He took it to his class to show to his pupils. The bomb went hand in hand among the students and exploded in 14 years old boy’s hands. The boy was crushed by the explosion and fire sphere while he run through several splinters. One of them cut through the victim’s artery, making him bleed to death. Despite the teacher was certainly unware of the danger he had brought to class, he was immediately arrested. Sara Gorelli
Questa è una storia che noi dell’Associazione Nazionale Vittime Civili di Guerra, mai avremmo pensato di leggere, scrivere e pubblicare. Accade nella città di Lobnja (Лобня): un docente di un istituto scolastico, trova chissà dove, chissà come, una granata inesplosa da 20 mm. Il Professore porta la granata risalente alla seconda guerra mondiale in classe e la sfoggia ai suoi alunni. L’ordigno gira tra gli studenti, infine esplode tra le mani di un 14-enne. Il giovane è travolto dall’esplosione, è investito da una sfera infuocata e trafitto da numerose schegge. Un frammento della bomba trancia un’arteria della vittima. Il ragazzo muore dissanguato, il docente sicuramente inconsapevole del pericolo che lui stesso ha portato in aula è stato subito arrestato.
The National Civil Victim of War never thought to publish such a story. It happened in Lobnya. A teacher found a not exploded bomb of 20 mm of World War II. The teacher brought the not esploded weapon in his classroom to show his students not realising the danger. Passing from hand to hand the bomb esploded in the hands of a 14 aged student. He died in terrible way. The teacher has been prisoned. Prof.ssa Carla Onorato
Специалисты напомнили, что крайне не рекомендовано прикасаться к обнаруженным неразорвавшимся боеприпасам, так как они представляют большую угрозу.