“If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”.
Sminatori iracheni rimuovono a Mosul tre tonnellate di ordigni inesplosi, mine e “bombe trappola”. Ordigni rilasciati dai terroristi Daech.
Fonte: diyaruna.com
Les équipes irakiennes chargées de nettoyer Mossoul des résidus de guerre abandonnés par « l’État islamique » (Daech) ont jusqu’à présent retiré trois tonnes d’explosifs, de munitions et de roquettes actives, a annoncé jeudi 27 juillet le commandement des opérations conjointes en Irak.
Nel contempo nel Governatorato di Diyala a Binikani, un uomo per mezzo di un trattore pressa una mina, mentre altri lavoratori soccorrono la vittima, esplode un secondo Ied che uccide due donne e due uomini. Notizia di Dijlah TV
Fonte: iraqinews.com
An IED exploded in a tractor driven by a man at a country road in Binikani, Maqdadia region, northeast of Diyala, wounding the driver, Dijlah TV quoted the source saying. Two men and two women, who happened to be a few meters away from the blasts’ scene, hurried to the rescue before another bomb exploded, killing the two women and wounding the men, according to the source.
Foto: @marywareham