26/12/2020 Indonesia, Sumatra, Pariaman, Kota Pariaman
“If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”
Kali ini peledak militer jenis ranjau darat yang ditemukan warga di sebuah ladang di Kelurahan Pondok II, Kecamatan Pariaman Tengah kemarin,” kata Kapolres Pariaman, AKBP Deny Rendra Laksmana di Pariaman, Rabu (23/12/2020).
Artificieri intervengono nel quartiere di Pondok II a causa del rinvenimento di una mina anti persona. Ordigno trovato da residenti durante lavori di scavi.
If you find anything that appears to be an explosive device, do not touch it, leave it where it is and call the police. We will contact the appropriate agencies to properly dispose of the item.