Sulaimaniya: Landmine Kills Civilian

Talking to BasNews, Sarkawt Ahmed, a spokesperson for the Sulaimaniya Police, said that a man at the age of 40s was found injured in a village in the twin of Zallan. He noted that the victim was immediately taken to the hospital but died from his injuries. Fonte: Iraq–Kurdistan iracheno–Sulaymaniyya In località Zallan l’esplosione…

Découverte d’une bombe. « Premier conseil : ne pas toucher »

20 ans de service au compteur. Après un passage par la Marine nationale, Pierre-Nicolas Douay a pris du galon en tant que démineur. Désormais Commandant, il dirige le centre de déminage de la Protection civile à Brest. Comment devient-on démineur ? « Il faut d’abord devenir policier. Nous recevons des appels d’offres, en fonction des…

Landmine Cripples Iranian Kurdish Porter

Sabourian, 31, was carrying goods on his back from Kurdistan Region to Iran at the time of the incident, reports said. He is from Shmsher village of Pawa, Kermanshah province. Fonte: Iran–Kermanshah Nel territorio del Shmsher, l’esplosione di una mina ferisce gravemente un Kolbar Curdo. Biography of a Bomb

Landmine killed

Two civilians killed in a landmine explosion in the village of Sunaysil in Homs Fonte: Siria–Homs In località Sunaysil, l’esplosione di una mina uccide due civili Biography of a Bomb

Que faire en cas de découverte d’un obus ou d’un autre type d’engin explosif ?

Par Aurélien Voirin Assez régulièrement, au gré des phénomènes météo ou des chantiers de travaux public, il n’est pas rare que de simples citoyens se retrouvent face à la découverte soudaine d’un obus ou d’un autre type de munition de guerre. Les services de l’État enregistrent même une recrudescence de ces événements ces derniers temps….

N. Cotabato farmer seriously hurt in grenade blast

18/08/2018 Filippine “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance” Nella Regione di Soccsksargen, nel territorio di Cotabato in località Aleosan un uomo è ferito da una granata che gli sfugge dalle mani. L’ordigno esplode nel momento in cui…

3 killed in landmine explosion along Kenya-Somalia border

At least three people were killed and two others seriously injured on Monday after their civilian vehicle ran over an improvised explosive device in Mandera, northeast Kenya, along the Somali border, police confirmed. Fonte: Kenya–Mandera Cinque civili, impegnati in lavori da svolgere al confine somalo, subiscono l’esplosione di una mina (Ied). Per tre lavoranti…

Teenager killed in Faryab grenade blast

A 17-year-old cattleman was killed in a blast in the Khawaja Sabz Posh district of northwestern Faryab province on Friday, an official said. Fonte: Afghanistan–Faryab-Khwaja Un pastore, (17-enne), nota tra i sassi una bomba a mano inesplosa. Il giovane è colto da una strana reazione, decide di prendere a sassate l’ordigno. La bomba esplode…

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