Internationaler Tag der Minenaufklärung: „Frieden ist keine Garantie für Sicherheit“
Die Vereinten Nationen haben zum Für die Millionen Menschen, die im Chaos bewaffneter Konflikte leben – insbesondere für Frauen und Kinder – kann jeder Schritt gefährlich werden“, sagte UN-Generalsekretär António Guterres. Denn auch nach dem Ende von Kampfhandlungen würden Konflikte oft ein furchterregendes Vermächtnis hinterlassen: Gebiete, in denen Menschen leben, seien von Landminen und explosiven…
Journée internationale pour la sensibilisation aux mines 2024
La Journée international pour la sensibilisation au problème des mines et l’assistance à la lutte antimines 2024 (4 avril) se focalise sur les survivants mutilés et handicapés dans des zones de conflits ou de consolidation de la paix. Les Nations Unies ont appelé à une plus grande réactivité aux besoins et aux droits des personnes…
International Mine Awareness Day 2024
SHIVANGANI SINGH The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) joins the international community in commemorating the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action. 4 April is dedicated to raising awareness about the serious impact of landmines and other explosive remnants of war on civilians and to promoting the protection of persons with…
4 aprile: il perché di una giornata mondiale contro mine e bombe inesplose
Esercito Italiano–Marina Militare di Simonetta Pagliani Negli attuali frangenti geopolitici è più che mai significativa la ricorrenza del 4 aprile, la Giornata mondiale di promozione dell’azione contro le mine e gli ordigni bellici inesplosi, istituita dall’Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite nel dicembre 2005 con l’intento di mantenere all’ordine del giorno un argomento d’interesse planetario. Dopo…
Landmine blasts kill, injure about 20 people in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor
Landmine blast killed Kaser al-Jaraf, 32, on the vicinity of the village of Sa’wa, north of Deir ez-Zor, according to a local source. Source: Siria–Deir el-Zor–Sa’wa L’esplosione di una mina uccide un 32-enne. Biography of a Bomb
9 children killed by landmine blast in Afghanistan
“An unexploded mine left over from the time of the Russian invasion went off when they were playing with it,” Nisar told AFP. “Unfortunately, it killed nine children.” Source: Afghanistan–Ghazni (Ghazna-Ghaznīn) Zona Geru. L’esplosione di una mina uccide un gruppo formato da nove bambini e bambine. Le vittime giocavano con l’ordigno. Biography of a…
Two children injured in landmine explosion in eastern Diyala
Two children were seriously injured on Wednesday in a landmine explosion in eastern Diyala, a security source said. Source: Iraq–Kurdistan iracheno–Diyala Zona Tarsiq. Bambino e sorellina giocano con un oggetto trovato chissà come chissà dove. Ma Quel giocattolo è una mina. L’ordigno detona e i bambini restano gravemente feriti.
Russian landmine kills man in Kherson Oblast
Two men stepped on a Russian landmine in the settlement of Chervonyi Maiak in Kherson Oblast; one of them was killed. Source: Ucraina (Україна)–Oblast’ di Cherson (Херсонська область)-Cherson (Kherson-Херсон) Zona Chervonyi Mayak (Червоний Маяк). L’esplosione di una mina uccide un residente e ferisce una seconda persona. Biography of a Bomb
Mine blast injures two kolbars in Sardasht border area
Two kolbars were injured in a landmine explosion in the Bolfat mountainous border area of Sardasht, West Azerbaijan Province, on 26 March. Source: Iran–Azerbaigian Occidentale-Sardasht L’esplosione di una mina ferisce due kolbars. Biography of a Bomb
Man killed, two others injured, by a landmine of unidentified source in SW. Raqqa
A man, identified as Yasser al-Selh, was killed, while his son Ibrahim and a third person, a woman identified as Shamsa al-Mohammad, were critically injured, on March 22, 2024, by the explosion of a landmine of as yet unidentified source while they were searching for desert truffles in the badiya or desert area near Safyan…
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