Marina e Marco: marito e moglie tra gli artificieri che hanno operato nell’Andromeda

Esercito Italiano Lucia Pezzuto Una coppia “esplosiva” tra i 15 artificieri che domenica scorsa, 15 dicembre, hanno disinnescato l’ordigno bellico rinvenuto nei pressi della Multisala Andromeda di Brindisi. Marina Pinto e Marco Giusto sono marito e moglie, ma sono anche due militari della Brigata meccanizzata Pinerolo 11^ Reggimento Genio Guastatori di Foggia. Entrambi hanno partecipato…

Landmine kills 10 civilians in eastern Afghanistan

A landmine blast in Afghanistan’s eastern Khost province on Tuesday killed at least 10 civilians, an official confirmed. The provincial administration said in a statement that the incident took place in the vicinity of Chinaar on the outskirts of the Alisher district at around 06:00 a.m. local time (0130GMT) when a passenger car hit the…

Pakistan kids killed whereas taking part in with a hand grenade

Two children were killed and another critically wounded in a grenade explosion in northwestern Pakistan on Sunday, officials said.  The children of a shepherd family were playing in a mountainous village in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province when they found the hand grenade and accidentally set it off. Fonte: Pakistan–Khyber Pakhtunkhwa–Swat In località Kalam, l’esplosione di…

Unexploded shell kills 2 children in Parwan

Two children were killed and a third was wounded, all from the same family, after the rocket shell exploded, he said. Mohammad Mujib Shurash, a member of the provincial council, confirmed the incident to Pajhwok. He said the children were playing with the unexploded shell in the area. Fonte: Afghanistan Territorio del Parwan (Parvan),…

Women killed by Houthi-laid mine in al-Dhale

Locals said that the 13-year-old girl Sondos Saleh Manae was killed and two young girls; Samia Ahmed Musleh (22yrs) and Samar Hizam Manae (20yrs) were severely ingured. The three girls were on their way back home when when they stepped on a Houthi-planted landmine in the village where they live. Fonte: Yemen–Al-Dali’-Qataba L’esplosione di…

Motorcyclist Injured In Jhal Magsi Landmine Blast

A man was injured in a landmine blast near Gandawa area of Jhal Magsi district on Friday. Fonte: Pakistan–Belucistan Nel territorio del Jhal Magsi, in località Gandawa, l’esplosione di una mina ferisce un motociclista. Biography of a Bomb

Gen. Berto, esercito esiste grazie soldati

(ANSA) – BOLZANO, 18 DIC – “L’esercito non esiste perché esistono i generali come me, ma perché ci sono gli alpini come loro”. Lo ha detto il Generale Claudio Berto, comandante delle Truppe Alpine, alla presentazione, al circolo unificato di Bolzano, del “Calendesercito 2020”, indicando alcuni militari del 5/o reggimento alpini che con il loro…

One killed, another injured in land mine blast in Jharkhand’s Lohardaga

One person was killed and another sustained critical injuries in a blast triggered by a pressure landmine at Bulbul forest in Jharkhand’s Lohardaga district. Though the incident happened on Thursday, the villagers, out of fear, informed the authorities only on Friday. Fonte: India–Jharkhand Nel territorio del Lohardaga, area boschiva appartenente al Comune di Bulbul,…

Mine Blast Took The Lives of Ten in Ghazni

Ten civilians were martyred in explosion of a mine in Jaghto District, Gahzni province yesterday. Fonte: Afghanistan–Ghazni (Ghazna-Ghaznīn) In località Jaghto, l’esplosione di una mina(Ied) celata sotto un pulmino adibito al trasporto civile uccide 10 passeggeri. Biography of a Bomb

Exploded bomb

“Letupan berlaku sebaik sepasukan polis tiba di lokasi. Mangsa yang terbunuh adalah pemilik rumah, anak lelakinya dan seorang pegawai polis,” kata jurucakap polis, Pradhumna Karki. Fonte: Nepal Territorio del Janakapura, comune Dhanusha, l’esplosione di una mina uccide due residenti e un agente di Polizia Le vittime avevano allertato la Polizia della presenza dell’ordigno il…

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