One Killed in Landmine Blast in Syria’s Palmyra

A landmine blast killed a civilian and injured another in al-Mask area on Jabal Shaer road, northwest of Palmyra, Syria’s Homs province. Fonte: Siria–Homs–Tadmor (Palmyra-Palmira) Nel territorio di al-Mask, l’esplosione di una mina uccide un civile e ferisce un suo amico. Le vittime cercavano tartufi. Biography of a Bomb

landmine blast

Seven women got hurt when an identical incident when a passenger bus hit landmine in the Kashk-e-Kohna district of western Herat province. According to the provincial administration, three among the injured were in critical state. Fonte: Afghanistan–Herat Nel Distretto di Kashk-e-Kohna (Kushki Kuhna), l’esplosione di una mina celata in strada travolge un bus. Sette…

5 civilians killed in landmine blast in Helmand

A landmine blast in Helmand province claimed the lives of at least five civilians, said officials on Friday. Fonte: Afghanistan–Helmand Territori e località non citate. L’esplosione di una mina celata in strada travolge un mezzo di trasporto. Cinque civili uccisi. Biography of a Bomb

Landmine blast kills Palestinian in West Bank

The explosion in the village of Arrabeh, near Jenin, killed the man instantly, according to a police report. Fonte: Palestina–Cisgiordania–Jenin Nel territorio dell’Arrabeh, l’esplosione di una mina uccide un 24-enne. If you find anything that appears to be an explosive device, do not touch it, leave it where it is and call the police….

Landmine explodes in western Al-Raqqah, killing child

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights: SOHR activists have documented the death of a child in the explosion of an old landmine in Hunaydah town in the western countryside of Al-Raqqah. Fonte: Siria–Al Raqqa In località Hunaydah, l’esplosione di una mina uccide un bambino. Biography of a Bomb

International Mine Awareness Day

Million of landmines in various parts of the world continue to take innocent lives. Though warring parties settle their scores in any conflict, the worst sufferers remain the ordinary people.  Of all the lethal arms, landmines are the most potent and dangerous weapons of destruction, especially for children. Hundreds of thousands of children and animals…

Międzynarodowy Dzień Wiedzy o Minach i Działań Zapobiegających Minom 2021

W roku 2021 Międzynarodowy Dzień Wiedzy o Minach i Działań Zapobiegających Minom przypada na 4 kwietnia (niedziela). Dziś jest Międzynarodowy Dzień Wiedzy o Minach i Działań Zapobiegających Minom Miny stanowią ogromne zagrożenie dla człowieka – kontakt z nimi w najlepszym wypadku kończy się kalectwem. Prowadzenie akcji przeciwminowych ma celu zwrócenie uwagi na problem, który w…

4. April: Internationaler Tag der Minenaufklärung

Tausende Menschen sterben Jahr für Jahr durch die Explosion von Landminen – trotz ihrer völkerrechtlichen Ächtung durch die Ottawa-Konvention vor über 20 Jahren. Landminen, Streubomben und andere explosive Kriegswaffenreste fordern jedes Jahr Tausende Tote und Verletzte. Sie stellen auch noch lange nach dem Ende eines Konflikts eine permanente Bedrohung für die Zivilbevölkerung dar. Die Vereinten…

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