Educare alla pace: laboratorio De Active

di Francesca Senigagliesi Il giorno 29 ottobre 2021 le classi 2°A, 2°D e 2°E della scuola media Patrizi di Recanati hanno partecipato al laboratorio online De-Active organizzato dall’Associazione Nazionale Vittime Civili di Guerra (ANVCG), di cui fanno parte Arnaldo Toldi, Daniele Susini, Elisa Cantori, Simona Cicioni, Davide Venturi e Andrea Podestà.  Durante l’incontro gli organizzatori…

Unexploded device kills 3 children, wounds 5 in Uruzgan

Three children of a family were killed and five others were injured in a blast caused by an unexploded device in central Uruzgan Source: Afghanistan–Oruzgan (Uruzgān) L’esplosione di una mina o residuato bellico uccide tre bambini appartenenti alla stessa famiglia e ferisce altri cinque coetanei. Biography of a Bomb

Landmine children

A source in Hama Police Command told SANA reporter that a landmine left behind by terrorists exploded this evening in the vicinity of the town of Souran in the northern countryside, killing a 5-year-old child. Source:– Siria–Hama–Suran (Souran) L’esplosione di una mina uccide un bambino di 5 anni. Biography of a Bomb

Seven people, including a child, were killed in a landmine explosion that rocked the Homs province of central Syria on Saturday.

It detonated as a vehicle with the seven on board passed through a desert road outside the historic city of Palmyra, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. Source: Siria–Homs–Tadmor (Palmyra-Palmira) L’esplosione di una mina celata in strada travolge un veicolo civile. La detonazione uccide sette persone e tra queste anche un bambino….

One dead and three injured as a result of a landmine explosion in Afrin

The local sources said: A civilian was killed and three others, including two children, were injured, as a result of a landmine explosion in the village. Source: Siria–Aleppo–Afrin, Rajo (Rajou) In località Goliya Tahtani, l’esplosione di una mina uccide un residente. Tre i feriti gravi e tra questi due bambini. Biography of a Bomb

2 killed, 2 injured in camp explosion in Lebanon’s Bekaa valley

Two Syrian refugees were killed and two others were injured on Wednesday in an explosion at a refugees camp in the village of Majdaloun in Lebanon’s Bekaa valley, the National News Agency reported. Source:– Libano–Beqa’ (Bekaa-Beqāʿ-Beqaa) In un campo profughi del villaggio di Majdaloun, l’esplosione di una granata uccide due siriani e ferisce altri due…

South Sudan: Three Children Killed, Seven Injured in Grenade Blast

“The way it happened, there are no details. But that home is located near the school so it could be remnants of war,” he said. The officer called for the evacuation of the wounded for medical attention, as he warned that the casualties could rise. Source: Sudan del Sud–Stato Jonglei Contea Ayod, luogo Wau…

6 children killed in detonation of explosive remnants of war in Kunduz, Afghanistan

4 November 2021 – “Nine members of one family, including four girls and two boys, were reportedly killed yesterday morning when an explosive remnant of war detonated inside a home in Kunduz. Three other children were injured. Source: Afghanistan–Konduz (Kunduz-Kundûz-Qonduz,-Qondûz-Kondûz-Kondoz –Qhunduz) L’esplosione di un residuato bellico uccide nove membri della stessa famiglia. Tra le…

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