11/07/2019 Canada, Terranova e Labrador
“If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”.
Burgess estimated there are about 50 shells aboard each ship, most stored within cabins or steel lockers. The military has not specified a number, and said it will only know once its divers have begun removal.
Fonte: cbc.ca
I palombari dell’Esercito dal fondale di mare che separa le coste di Conception Bay e Bell Island rimuovono ordigni inesplosi situati su tre relitti affondati nel 1942 a causa delle missioni di guerra degli U-boats tedeschi.
Mounties are reminding anyone who comes across explosives or live ammunition to call police for assistance and to not handle them yourself.
Foto: bellislandmines.com