Ognuno recita il proprio ruolo, immerso in quella divina sensazione di devozione allo scopo comune: la realizzazione di un'opera d'arte, che anche la bonifica bellica sa idealizzare.


Landmine explosions kill seven in Borno

At least seven loggers were reportedly killed and several others injured after their vehicle hit landmines in Konduga Local Government Area, Borno State, on Saturday. Source: tribuneonlineng.com Nigeria–Borno–Konduga L’esplosione di una mina uccide 7 boscaioli. Imprecisato il numero dei feriti. Biography of a Bomb

Politistation evakueret tre gange efter indlevering af granater

21/11/2024 Danimarca, (Danmark), Hovedstaden (Region Hovedstaden) “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” Politistationen i Hillerød er blevet evakueret tre gange torsdag, efter at borgere har indleveret granater. Det skriver Nordsjællands Politi på Facebook. Selv om disse…

Landmine claims farmer’s life in Oddar Meanchey

Yet another life was lost to a landmine when it exploded beneath a farmer’s tractor in Trapaing Prasat district on Saturday. Source: khmertimeskh.com Cambogia (Cambodia)–Oddar Meancheay–Trapaing Prasat L’esplosione di una mina travolge un trattore. La detonazione uccide il contadino a bordo del mezzo agricolo. Biography of a Bomb

Kontrollerad sprängning av granater under fredagen

20/11/2024 Svezia (Sverige), Götaland, Jönköping “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” Under veckan har totalt 187 gamla handgranater hittats efter grundliga undersökningar i ett naturområde vid A6 i Jönköping. Granaterna är gamla och har legat på…

Mann findet auf Baustelle Objekt, ruft die Polizei

20/11/2024 Austria (Österreich), Vienna (Wien), Landstraße Von Michael Rauhofer-Redl Am Donnerstag machte ein Bauarbeiter in der Wiener Landstraße eine nicht alltägliche Entdeckung. Wie die Pressestelle der Landespolizeidirektion Wien in einer Aussendung mitteilt, ereignete sicher der Vorfall gegen 14.20 Uhr im Bereich der Rechten Bahngasse. Er entdeckte “ein Objekt, welches einer Granate ähnelte”, wie es in…

Sussex beach closed as bomb squad attends report of ordnance

20/11/2024 Regno Unito, (UK), Inghilterra, (England), West Sussex, Arun, Bognor Regis “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” By Savannah Nicholson Littlehampton Coastguard, Sussex Police and the Royal Navy attended the section of beach in Felpham yesterday…

2 killed in Aweil West County grenade explosion

Two people, including a South Sudan People’s Defense Force (SSPDF) soldier, were killed and six others were injured following a grenade explosion in Northern Bahr el-Ghazal State’s Aweil West County Source: radiotamazuj.org Sudan del Sud (South Sudan)–Bahr el-Ghazal L’esplosione di una granata uccide due persone tra queste anche un militare. Sei i feriti.   Biography…

Pronađena bomba na jezeru Tikvara: Policija i specijalna brigada na terenu u Bačkoj Palanci

19/11/2024 Serbia (Србија), Voivodína, (Војводина-Vojvodina), Bačka Meridionale (Južnobački okrug-Јужнобачки округ), Bačka Palanka “If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law and/or enforcement agency for assistance” Kako se veruje, bomba se pojavila na obali usled nedavnog visokog vodostaja koji je poslednjih nedelja bio prisutan…