A security source quoted Iraq’s Al-Ma’loumeh News Agency that one of the bombs in a roadside near Adan Square, one of the main entrances to Kadhimiya, north of Baghdad killed two civilians and wounded four others. The second bomb was exploded in the vicinity of the commercial site in Al-Trath neighborhood, injuring three civilians, the source said. Another bomb blast occurred in north of the capital, leaving one dead and two injured.
Fonte: irna.ir
In Adan Square, distretto Kadhimiya l’esplosione di una mina (Ied), uccide due civili e ferisce altri quattro. In zona Al-Trath una seconda esplosione provoca tre feriti (Ied). Una terza detonazione avvenuta a nord della capitale provoca un morto e due feriti.
Biography of a Bomb