23/02/2020 Canada, Terranova e Labrador, Conception Bay, Bell Island
“If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”.
Bell Island is one of the few North American locations that German forces attacked during WW2. They targeted it because of its iron-ore mine, which was supplying materials for the Allied war effort. A torpedo lies at 46m off the Rose Castle. Much of the unexploded munitions around the wrecks was cleared this summer.
Foto-Fonte: divernet.com
Nonostante lunghe operazioni di bonifica bellica in mare effettuata dai tecnici che hanno distrutto gran parte delle munizioni inabissate, un gruppo di sommozzatori a una profondità di 46 metri trova un siluro inesploso.
Mounties are reminding anyone who comes across explosives or live ammunition to call police for assistance and to not handle them yourself.