25/06/2019 Kazakistan
“If you ever come across anything suspicious like this item, please do not pick it up, contact your local law enforcement agency for assistance”.
“Unexploded ordnance still remains on the streets of the city following the explosion of an ammunition warehouse,” the minister said. He further stated that there is a real danger to the lives of the citizens but currently the city is completely cordoned off and no one is allowed to get in.
Fonte: en.trend.az
L’esplosione di un deposito munizioni provoca il ferimento di oltre 70 persone e tra le vittime 48 sarebbero residenti di una città completamente evacuata a causa di numerosi ordigni inesplosi sparsi per le strade.
Специалисты напомнили, что крайне не рекомендовано прикасаться к обнаруженным неразорвавшимся боеприпасам, так как они представляют большую угрозу.
Foto: clumsy.news